Windows /AD nesting login scripts

Oct 2, 2001
I'm coming form a Novell world where I can apply multiple logon scripts to an object easliy.

Is it possible and/or smart to nest batch scripts?

We only use the scripts to map drives-

net use H: \\domain\share\Legal\Home\%username% /persistent:yes /yes

But I have groups that are site global and would rather manage those mappings from another script for the site. Peoplesoft groups in particular.

Is it OK to do the following:
net use H: \\domain\share\Legal\Home\%username% /persistent:yes /yes


Here's what my AD login script looks like for our domain.

REM *******************************
REM ** IPR Standard Login Script **
REM *******************************
REM This Batch file will remove existing mapped network drives
REM and then map the current correct network shares
net use * /delete /y
net use i: \\ipr-chidc01\Clientapps
net use j: \\ipr-chidc01\Forms
net use k: \\ipr-chidc01\Data
net use f: \\ipr-chidc01\ProjAcct

I named this file iprstandard.bat

The folders Clientapps, Forms, Data, and ProjAcct are shard folders on D: drive with Domain User members set on read and write, but not modify.

iprstandard.bat is run via active directory log-in. Open each user's property in Active Directory Users and Computers, and go to the Profile tab and in Login Script, type ipstandard.bat

Make sure the BAT file is in the following folder:

c:\windows\sysvol\(your domain).local\scripts

In addition to network drive mapping via this script, I have each user folders assigned via Active Directory in the same tab, Profile, selecting

Connect: G: To: \\ipr-chidc01\users\(user name)

Where \\ipr-chidc01\users is a shared folder with Domain User permission set to read and write (but not modify) on d:\users

The beauty of this log-on script is that it also works when logging into Terminal Server, and Citrix.
Take a look at using vbscript then you'll only need 1 script and can map drives and resources based off group membership and username. But yes you can assign more than 1 logon script through group policy.