Windows BSOD 0000007B .... Stuck...


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2004
I've got a brand new optiplex 760 in my hands giving me a BSoD of Stop 0000007B, heres the low-down.

It came in and booted up all the way, I turned it off and booted off an Acronis CD and reimaged the HD by cloning the disk of the computer it was replacing. thats when the fun began.

I tried inserting a new windows CD to reinstall, after it loads the drivers and says "setup is entering windows" it gives me the same BSoD.

I try a Live OS, BartPE in this case. again, right when its starting I get the same BSoD.

I try safe mode, right after agp440, when windows begins to load: BSoD

I tried taking out the HD entirely, I'm still getting BSoD's from Live OS's and OS install disks (Ive tried several xp disks and a vista disk... it cannot be media failure)

Ive disabled everything in bios that I can find and re-tried all of the above: no avail. I reset bios back to original settings and took out all the PCI cards, no luck.

I'm stuck, there has to be some hardware component im missing. can anyone clue me in?
Well I finally figured it out, in BIOS under Hard drive settings I set it to ATA instead of the ATHCP(or something crazy like that).... problem solved itself