Windows Gaming - Foundation of MS Windows Visa


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2005
It seems that the discussion of the demise of the Gaming PC is entirely premature.

This link points out that gaming is the #2 Windows function, and that the PC can and does stand up to every console invented - and will so in the future.

Very cool read. I'm again optimistic about the future of the Gaming PC!
Sounds good but I'll save final judgement for when it's on my PC of course. I never lost any hope for PC gaming after I stopped buying consoles a couple of years ago. I'll still play them, sure, but the PC has been my weapon of choice.
I think it's funny that Microsoft has to constantly play devil's advocate. They have to say X360 will be the most powerful gaming machine ever designed to advance that aspect of their company, but they simultaneously have to say that PC gaming will always be superior to advance Windows.
You know now that I think of it doesnt that mean microsoft own the majority of the games market? They have their xbox and then their xbox 360 and they also have the windows operating system.

Cant wait for Vista Beta 2 to see some more of what they were talking about. I am a bit confused as to what exactly winsat does.
I'm honestly rather happy with the state pf PC gaming already, so I can't see why it should be going anywhere, even without fancy new OS technology. ;)
I'm just releaved to see the result of the statistics. The #2 use of a Win box, after surfing porn ... I mean browsing the internet, is gaming. Very interesting.
Bumping this thread for coolness - do read the article, it's awesome!
There have been many reports in the news lately about the "decline of PC games." Microsoft thinks that is due almost entirely to lazy reporting and bad numbers. Worldwide, retail sales of Windows games have been flat, at about $2.3 billion a year. The press looks at these numbers and compares it with console sales of over $6 billion (and rising each year) and says that Windows games are being marginalized. To begin with, why lump all the consoles together against a single platform, the PC? Shouldn't we compare the PC individually to the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo Gamecube? More importantly is that worldwide online sales have increased to $2 billion a year, and those numbers are never included in the typical NPD industry tracking reports.,1697,1841219,00.asp

That was a pretty interesting part of the article. I'm glad to see PC gaming is not dying like some have claimed.
this article says some of the things i have heard in rumors in the past. it is exactly what I have been hoping for as far as pc gaming goes. i will GLADLY hold off on buying a ps3/gamecube2 and save up all of my money to build a top of the line vista gaming machine when this launches, if it is all they are saying. this is the direction that pc gaming needs to go to, and if it does, ooohhhh boy it's going to be a great next gen.