Windows guy buying a mac for 2nd desktop


Limp Gawd
Nov 25, 2005
hello [H] members

I'm thinking of buying a mac, I mainly use windows and I tried some of the most popular linux distros, I think I'm gonna get a mac mini I never used a mac in my entire life except when poking around on apple stores. Is the mac mini enough for day to day tasks like email, browsing burning DVDs and watching movies? And also is it powerful enough for making web pages? I'm using dreamweaver, flash and some minor photshop stuff on windows. Thanks a lot and I appreciate your replies.
For daily task it is a great little piece of hardware, but I do not know about the webmaster stuff.
It will be fine. It has plenty power to to run applications like the Dreamweaver suite. It is a regular computer. It will be able to run Photoshop just fine, or any other application for that matter. Just don't try to pull off some insane modeling in Maya.
thanks for the replies, I'm not sure if gonna wait for leopard but im sure its not that expensive to upgrade.
I would wait, just because the release is close. I'd rather wait a little while than pay $130 when it does come out.
Your experience will be 10x better with the ram at 2gb. just my 2 cents.

Def, if your using dreamweaver and photoshop and at the same time.

OSX is as much a memory hog as Vista is but it is using the memory for the OS.
yeah I guess I will wait. id rather pay $100 for extra memory or the .mac subscription, I'm really really excited though :)
I bought a Mac Mini Core Duo 1.66GHz about 6 months ago, and I have only one regret.

I bought Apple's 1GB RAM upgrade. 1GB isn't enough RAM for OSX unless you are a really low-end user. 2GB is the minimum you should go with.

When I decided i needed 2GB, I started shopping around. Newegg had a Mushkin 2GB for $80 after rebate, and it's probably cheaper now. This is cheaper than the Apple OEM 1GB upgrade.

When Leopard comes out, I will likely try to sell my mini and get a new one, as I would like the faster processor, bigger hard drive, etc.