Windows Home Server Questions?

Hi guys,

Just bought the HP MediaSmart and a few 1,5TB seagate drives. Should I replace the 500gb that is coming with the mediasmart with a 1,5 tb drive before installing? I see some people recommend installing one the largest harddrive..

- xuzo

Hell and yes.
Prior to PP1 all data transferred to the server went to the D partition(landing zone) and then got transferred off to it's final destination. That was one of the reasons for having your system drive be your largest.

After PP1 this is no longer the case. All data being sent to the server doesn't hit the D partition anymore. It goes straight to the final destination.

So the only reason to use your larger drive as the system drive is because the D partition free space is what other operating systems see as being free on your server. If you have 20gb free on the D partition, even if you have tons of free space on other drives, and you send over 30gb from Vista it won't do it as it doesn't find enough free space for that data.

XP and OSX will still see 20gb but they will go ahead and transfer that 30gb without issue.

However after PP1 the server will transfer data to the D partition only once all the other drives are full or if it's required for data duplication before those drives fill up. So this may not be much of an issue either.
Prior to PP1 all data transferred to the server went to the D partition(landing zone) and then got transferred off to it's final destination. That was one of the reasons for having your system drive be your largest.

After PP1 this is no longer the case. All data being sent to the server doesn't hit the D partition anymore. It goes straight to the final destination.

So the only reason to use your larger drive as the system drive is because the D partition free space is what other operating systems see as being free on your server. If you have 20gb free on the D partition, even if you have tons of free space on other drives, and you send over 30gb from Vista it won't do it as it doesn't find enough free space for that data.

XP and OSX will still see 20gb but they will go ahead and transfer that 30gb without issue.

However after PP1 the server will transfer data to the D partition only once all the other drives are full or if it's required for data duplication before those drives fill up. So this may not be much of an issue either.

Yes and no though...there is still a bug where it bases the maximum file transfer size based upon the free space on the D: drive. Therefore if you are running a system with only a few drives (3 or less), it is quite possible to run out of space and still have a ton of space left.
Yes and no though...there is still a bug where it bases the maximum file transfer size based upon the free space on the D: drive. Therefore if you are running a system with only a few drives (3 or less), it is quite possible to run out of space and still have a ton of space left.

Only Vista will refuse to transfer data if it doesn't see enough space on D. No matter how much free space is on the other drives. This isn't a bug though but rather the way the OS was designed. No point in starting a transfer if there isn't enough room to complete the transfer, at least that must be the thought behind this decision.

XP and OSX and I imagine Linux will all start transferring no matter how much or how little free space is visible on D. The data just goes to the final destination so the free space on D is irrelevant for these Operating systems.

You could run out of space if your data is set to duplicate and you have 3 drives and 2 of them are full as it couldn't then duplicate your data.

WHS also works to fill up all the other drives first before filling the D partition. Unless of course that space is needed for duplication.
How does one go about reinstalling the OS on HP's server? EDIT: Given that it is headless and doesn't have a VGA connection.

EDIT: (for the sarcastic types)
It comes with a HP Server OS reinstaller that you put in your pc and it finds your HP Server and then it installs the OS on the server from over the network.
Another quick question..
So, now I got three (buying the 4 later) of the 1,5 TB drives in my MMS, but when I map up a shared folder on my vista pc it only shows 1,34TB of space. Shouldnt it say ~4 TB since every drive is added together in the storagepool ?

- xuzo
I belive thats vista only seeing the space on the first drive. Read up a few posts about how if the system drive is near full, despite the pool as a whole having lots of space, it won't do transfers.
Another quick question..
So, now I got three (buying the 4 later) of the 1,5 TB drives in my MMS, but when I map up a shared folder on my vista pc it only shows 1,34TB of space. Shouldnt it say ~4 TB since every drive is added together in the storagepool ?

- xuzo

No. Only the free space on the D partition is visable to any other OS looking at the server on your network.
Don't worry about it, your space is there.
The drive pooling is only something WHS sees.
How does one go about reinstalling the OS on HP's server? EDIT: Given that it is headless and doesn't have a VGA connection.

EDIT: (for the sarcastic types)

there isn't a monitor connection.

To the two posts above.

Yes and No. There is no 15pin connector on the outside of the case, but there is a VGA header on the board. Doing a quick search will yeild that these ribbon vga cables are easy to come buy, some guy on the media smart forum makes and sells these. This allows you to basically use the media smart as a regular computer.

It comes with a HP Server OS reinstaller that you put in your pc and it finds your HP Server and then it installs the OS on the server from over the network.

Yep, you can do this, it's super easy and painless.
I belive thats vista only seeing the space on the first drive. Read up a few posts about how if the system drive is near full, despite the pool as a whole having lots of space, it won't do transfers. is a vista issue. Current status is = no plan to fix
Another quick question..
So, now I got three (buying the 4 later) of the 1,5 TB drives in my MMS, but when I map up a shared folder on my vista pc it only shows 1,34TB of space. Shouldnt it say ~4 TB since every drive is added together in the storagepool ?

- xuzo

I belive thats vista only seeing the space on the first drive. Read up a few posts about how if the system drive is near full, despite the pool as a whole having lots of space, it won't do transfers. is a vista issue. Current status is = no plan to fix

I dont think that this is a Vista XP box shows the same.

The reason that you only see the 1.34 tb of space is because that is what your D: Partition is.
And when veiwing the network share you windows only sees the mapped partition.
This is same as if you were to RDP into the console and open up "My Computer" if you click on the D: Partition it would only show 1.34 tb of space when in reality there is much more.
This is just due to the way that DE is implemented.
ok correct me if i am wrong but when you copy files to whs do they go to the os pool drive then get re loacated to drives that have the correct space left on them for that data
eg i have a 90% full drive but the data i have transferd takes up 15% will whs wait till you add the storage to put the 15% on or if you have a empty drive in the pool will it copy it to there i know they is not ment to be a pool working like that any more but you see so many reports of this been the case
i dont belive this is an os problem i belive this is the landing zone befor files are found there stored location and makes sence to how the os would work
ok correct me if i am wrong but when you copy files to whs do they go to the os pool drive then get re loacated to drives that have the correct space left on them for that data
eg i have a 90% full drive but the data i have transferd takes up 15% will whs wait till you add the storage to put the 15% on or if you have a empty drive in the pool will it copy it to there i know they is not ment to be a pool working like that any more but you see so many reports of this been the case

i dont belive this is an os problem i belive this is the landing zone befor files are found there stored location and makes sence to how the os would work

There is no landing zone any longer.
It goes directly to pool drives
well with the amount of problems ppl have with this do you really think thats true it makes sence to me that they still is in some cases maybe the update dident take proper and change the code for this to be different it just seem the most logical answer also i know that whs has the 0 drive as os /pool and then drive 1 2 3 etc dose whs fill the next drive in order in the pool or dose it fill the last drive in the line and work backwards
just been testing and watching my whs in vm and noticed any file i copy go to the pool on system drive (landing zone).
they are then moved to over drives i have installed pp1 pp2 and pp3 and the landing zone is still in use.
so i would recomend using largest drive you have as os and landing zone unles you and going to be moveing alot of files at one they dont move to other drive till the landing zone has stoped reciving data from what i have seen with disk managment anyway
just been testing and watching my whs in vm and noticed any file i copy go to the pool on system drive (landing zone).
they are then moved to over drives i have installed pp1 pp2 and pp3 and the landing zone is still in use.
so i would recomend using largest drive you have as os and landing zone unles you and going to be moveing alot of files at one they dont move to other drive till the landing zone has stoped reciving data from what i have seen with disk managment anyway

That's very strange, I've been running pp3 and recently moved about 4tb data onto my new WHS and the system drive stayed completely empty. IIRC the landing zone functionality was removed in PP1?

Btw, no offense meant but is English your first language?
yes it is my first language but i have dyslexia so i find it very hard to wright.
so i tend to be more on the practical side and think alot just a real pain getting my ideas to paper and implementing them
but when you copy the files what drive shows the most activity mine was showing to be disk 0 the landing zone then when idle the disk 1 become active along with disk 0
If it was going to disk 0 first it was because the disk1 did not have enough space for that file that was being transferred.

I know for 100% that there is no Landing Zone. Data gets moved through DE by using the following rules.
This is the algorithm Drive Extender uses to decide which volume to place your files

i.Use the volume with the least amount of free space but greater than 10GB

ii.Use the volume with the most amount of free space so long as it has more space than the Primary Volume (D volume)

iii.Use the Primary Volume (D volume)
ah that would explain it then i had a 80gb vertuial drive with os and pool then a 130gb vertuial drive also added to the pool
oh and i have whs running on a 600mhz intel p3 with 256mb of sdram little slow but only testing at moment.
i used my main pc to install to the point were it rebouts to show the blue instal screens we all know from older windows.
i then put the hdd and disk into the pc thats is the whs and carryed the install on all hardware detected and is up and running
I mostly use the console though sometimes I remote desktop in to run a copy tool. Really no need to remote in for normal use though.
I mostly use the console though sometimes I remote desktop in to run a copy tool. Really no need to remote in for normal use though.

yeah i found that out now i did not notice the update now option in the settings area. starting to like this more and more only running an amd 600mhz 256mb of ram and about 300 or so storage but this is a testing machine really thinking of going big getting a norco case and etc.
I always use RDP, its just easier for me.

well this is my second install now on the server.
the first i messed up did all updates by RDP and then found the console would not connect.
this time doing updates Through console and it informed me i had to update my console software so far so good.
RDP doesnt break anything, sometimes you just have to update the connector software on the client, after you perform massive server updates.
that was the problem after doing the updates by RDP it wouldn't let me update or Ethan tell me i needed to
LOL lets not get crazy now! Reading asking for directions..never! lol

lol were men we dont need such things lol just when we go to the bog when the missis isent looking cos were fed up of trying to work summin out