Windows Install problem

The Hunter

Limp Gawd
May 29, 2002
Okay, I've put together a (mostly) new computer for my brother, and I'm trying to install windows 2k.

It boots off the CD, and does its stuff. It gets past loading some drivers, and goes to something like "Starting Windows 2000." Then it pops up an error saying Disk I/O error: Status=000080B9. I've searched all over for this error, but I haven't found it. I've seen ones that are close, but not exact one anywhere.

Here's the setup:

Athlon XP 1700+
512 MB DDR333
Asus A7V8X-X
GF3 Ti200
Maxtor 40GB D740X

I've run a memory test, it came out fine, I tried swapping the IDE cables, tried switching the slot the memory is in - nothing worked. The cpu, hard drive and memory were used in my system for 2 years until last week, with no problems.

I'm thinking that I must have a crappy motherboard, but I'd like to try and run down this error before I go in and exchange it.
Couple of things that you may want to try:

You have already swapped the cable, but make sure you are using 80-pin cables. If possible, swap the CDROM drive for another drive. If that isn't possible, change the CDROM to another controller (i.e. if it's on the primary channel, move it to the secondary or vice-versa; check your jumpers!).

Make sure that you have BIOS defaults loaded and aren't overclocking anything.

You may want to downlad (assuming you can get to a working machine) the hard drive diagnostics program from Maxtor and let it run a full scan to see if it finds anything.

Also, even though this really shouldn't have anything to do with it, you might try to remove all extraneous hardware (i.e. extra drives that you don't need, anything on the USB port that isn't keyboard and mouse, etc) to see if that helps at all.

Keep us posted.

Check your HSF and make sure it's seated properly, I know this sounds dumb, especially with the overheating protection, but then again it could be an issue.

Past that, I suggest running a Memory Checker type program once and if that works out fine you can try a few other things, or then run it for a burn-in overnight. If that works, I would say you can rule out the memory and probably the motherboard.
make sure all wires are plugged in properly, no half hanging power cables
I had something similar. It necessiatated going into the bios and setting the HD to boot first, especially if the cd is still loaded.