Windows lag when not using aero


Nov 19, 2007
Vista Business x64.

If I'm using a visual style that is not aero-enabled, I have extreme lag/refresh issues when moving windows, or maximizing/minimizing. With Aero, everything is great.

I had the same issues in my old AMD system, and with this new build, fresh install same thing. The common component between the systems is the monitor and video card.

The 'effect' it gives is best described as "mouse trails."

Any ideas on what gives?
Aero is gpu accelerated, so not using it means the gui is going to be slower. If it's more than that, than I dunno, maybe graphic drivers, and try different video card/monitor.
I just sounds like the cpu is lagging drawing the windows, likely due to a load on the system. Aero was designed to prevent that which is doesn't beautifully.
Hmm, so the gpu's don't handle any kind of 2d acceleration, and it's all falling on the cpu?
If your video card is supported by Vista and its Aero puts the desktop graphics work on the GPU (the video card) the CPU is actually substantially offloaded.

Without Aero..the desktop graphics work is put on the CPU...which does have some system impact.