windows update hosed my xvid files


May 5, 2003
OK so like a good little xp user I ran update and installed the latest critical update. Now when I click on a movie file that has been encoded with xvid it crashes explorer. I googled the problem and found out this has happend to a few peopple, but no one has an answer. Have any of you had this problem? I have tried to un-install and re-install xvid but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions...?
What media player are you using? What XviD pack?
M11 said:
What media player are you using? What XviD pack?

I am using ZoomPlayer and XviD-1.0.1-05062004 _Final Release_

I am also noticing this on my HTPC. When I am in SnapStream and I try to play an xvid file it playes for about 30 sec then freezes. Any help is great. Thanks for the quick response M11
Is ZoomPlayer an absolute necessity? VLC , Winamp , and even Windows Media Player handle XviD with much less trouble, and fewer lockups. If you cannot/will not switch players, we can try to fix the player.
I was just reading a boat load of event logs related to a string of crashes that I experienced in the last coupla days, and all were attributed to Zoomplayer. I love this player, and am currently looking around for answers. Guess I better head over to Doom9 and see if any of the programmers or fellow users are having similar probs since last rash of M$ "critical updates". I wasn't even playing a video, and it was crashing my rig anyways, off to investigate.
Well, I am not trying to whore out a specific player, but I must point out that certaim players are used to test the codecs, and what we have is a case of mainstram vs. obscure in relation to inter-program compatibility. If Zoomplayer is having many problems across the board, from a variety of sources, why blame Windows or Xvid or whatever the daily scapegoat is (I'm not saying that you were).
Ok, checked around, and no word of widespread crashing. I have been trying to upgrade drivers to most recent "stable" in anticipation of planned ghost of raid configuration. Opening folding log file crashed my system 4 times, related to Intel chipset driver install is my best guess. Trying to overide IRQ priority, from what I make of event log. It's more than a little unsettling, knowing no HD in your system has a complete image of the OS, or what is installed on it. System Restored to 2 days ago, and all is well so far. ZoomPlayer was auto uninstalled. Never heard of that before. BSPlayer functioning properly, as is WMP6.4.infinity. Try a few other players, and see if the problem persists. I still want my Zoomplayer back, got copies of just about every release they have ever made, guess I'll try some of the older ones.

See what crashes and what doesn't. They did release a major bugfix on the 4th, may not hurt to try that either. I seriously doubt Xvid is the sole culprit of you're delemma, unless of course you are using RC Developers build. In which case you are bugchecking for them. Let Koepi know.