Windows Vista Memory Upgrade?


Apr 10, 2006
I currently have 2x 1GB XMS 3500LLPRO and I was wondering if I would need to bump that up to 4GB of RAM in order to run Vista Ultimate (or what ever it is called)? Or will my 2GB do just fine? The reason I want to know is my RAM is now almost impossible to find and if I am going to need it, I want to buy it now before it goes away forever.
Here's what you do... Find a deal on one of those 2 gig USB thumb drives, and voila. You've got two more gigs of RAM. Vista can use it as additional memory.
I can't find this RAM any longer on any on-line retailer, so I guess that Corsair has stopped producing it. So now if I want 4GB, do I need to buy all new memory or can I mix and match?
Just my observation, as to how much RAM I've needed:

Win 98 SE: Usable at 64 MB, decent at 128 MB, good at 192 MB, great at 256 MB

Win 2K: Usable at 128 MB, decent at 256 MB, good at 384 MB, great at 512 MB

Win XP: Usable at 256 MB, decent at 512 MB, good at 768 MB, great at 1.5 GB

I suspect Windows Vista will be as follows for most folks:

Usable at 512 MB, decent at 1 GB, good at 1.5 GB, great at 2.0 GB.
Good observation Unabomber.

As for your question Boyo, 2GB is just fine for Vista, great actually. But if you want to add more memory, yes, you can mix ram from different manufacturers. And like Scroatdog said, you could buy USB memory stick, and use that as dditional ram (I'm not sure how it releates to regular ram performance-wise though).

I think you should just wait for Vista, and decide when you spend some time working in it. But if you don't do some memory-hungry tasks like image editing with Photoshop, or video editing, 2GB ram is great at the moment.

People talk so much about Vista, and how you need super-computers to run it, how it's CPU and ram hungry beast etc., but I think expected min. requirements for Vista are highly overrated - I've seen tests where people installed Vista on 4 year old systems, with 512MB ram, and it ran ok.