Windows Vista: Pink Edition?

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Japan’s getting a special Pink version of Vista. Ok, it’s just Windows Live OneCare and Vista Home Premium bundled together but still, it’s a bright pink box with flowers on it. At least it’s legit.

It would stand out on the shelf though, or maybe be misplaced into the kiddie games section.
it might be cool.. but nuts to me... it looks like a box of tampons...

shit, if I was in japan, and I cant read japanese, and I'd see this in a grocery store, the first thing I'd think is "why do the tampons cost $200?"
You can bet that box was designed by a team of overpaid marketing people with loads of surveys and historical data about a particular demographic that is attracted to that design.
After watching anime for few years I can bet it will be huge success in Japan :D