Windows XP Pro screwed up start up

Asian Fury

Nov 4, 2002
When I booted up my desktop, after the WinXP loading screen everything on the screen turned up 8 bit color and in a 640x480 resolution. Then after putting in my login and password I got the following error:

"Windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system.

Detail: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. "

I don't know what the hell happened. One day the computer was fine the next its troublesome.

Booting up in safe mode everything looks fine but restarting normally and the same problem comes back.

Does anyone have any ideas of what's going on with my desktop? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try updating the video drivers. Usually you have a bad driver when the video reverts to 640x480 with a low color depth (or it could be a video hardware problem).

It could be hard drive problems, too, considering your problem with the user profile. You might want to schedule a chkdsk to run on the next boot and restart your computer.

The fact that you had video problems (potential driver problem, which is stored on the hard drive) and a user profile problem (which is also stored on the hard drive) made me think that you may be experiencing a hard drive issue.

Find yourself a hard drive utility that will read SMART codes from the hard drive and see if it's reporting itself as having problems.
you might have picked up a trojan that uses poor/unreliable coding standards. may be something to look at in safe mode
Did you happen to install any new programs prior to getting the error?
I just gave up and reformatted the computer with a fresh copy of WinXP Pro.

Even after the reformat I'm having problems. I installed Zone Alarm and now every time the desktop loads, I get an error that True Vector failed to load and then I get a application memory error. It seems like there's a hardware problem somewhere. Any suggestions? Someone said hard drive but I don't have another drive to test it out.
Wouldn't hurt to check the ram with memtest, but I'm still leaning towards hard drive...
WinXP is still the best operating system ever. Coming off a fresh reinstall there shouldn't be any problems. Its more likely the matching 8 year old hardware but I don't have the parts to test that theory.
Debatable. :p

Do you have a spare hdd to test with?

Heh fine, XP Pro was/is the most revolutionary of its time AND still holds up very well.

I don't have another HD to test with. This HD failing would be the 2nd desktop HD I've had to replace in my house in the last month. I also replaced a laptop hard drive in my father's laptop today.

It's like a hard drive fairy sprinkled 'f*ck you' dust on all of my computers this month.
Yeah. I use a PATA to SATA adapter. I think I got it from eBay for about $3-4. I have a 640GB WD drive in my P3 desktop now as a result.