Windows XP won't install


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I am trying to install WinXP on a brand new computer (C2D, NV570)

The installation will copy the install packets from the CD to the HD and reboot the system, however when windows starts "configuring" itself, it gives an error saying it cannot find a required component, or that the configuration of the PC is not good.

Pardon my being so "abstract" with regards to the error, i did not pay enough attention.

Do you think that my good old copy of XP (Pro, 2 years old, genuine disk), which was bundled with the purchase of P4+mobo set, does not like being installed in a new Core 2 Duo set up?
I assume this is on a clean formatted drive? If not I would wipe it and try again from the begining
whenever I get an error about something like that, usually something like "invalid parameter at 0x00000. Operation terminated, installation cannot continue" or whatever, it has always been a dirty/scratched CD or a bad optical drive.
yes, this is/was on a brand new HD.

Now, the BIOS can see the HD (Seagate, Sata, 360MB, etc), but when the PC restarts (after copying the stuff from the CD to the HD) the boot menu tells me there is an issue with the Disk (HD). If i have a bootable CD, it will go straight and boot from it (i used to have to press a key to boot from CD). If i dont have a CD, it will just hang and ask me to press ctrl+alt+del to rebot.

Even better, after another unsucessful install attempt the computer just keeps rebooting (I pulled the windows CD from the optical). The BIOS keeps detecting both the CD and HD drives...

<Sigh> i am re-formatting the HD (full, again) see if that helps (maybe something borked when i was doing a quick-format)
Check in the BIOS and see if it might possibly be trying to read the drive as a raid array.
Ok, I moved the HD to another computer and guess what? it said it was not formated. So, I am formating to NTFS on this comp, and I will try installing XP again. Odd, I left the HD formatting (full) earlier today and I went shopping, I guess something happened while I was not babysitting the comp.

Another anoying/interesting/funny fact, Win2k sees this HD as just 128GB, not 360GB :confused: I guess I will format a D/F/G partition once I manage to install WinXP
OK, i managed to format the HD (180Gig) and re-installed xp, this is the error message:

One of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be 

A component's file does not match the verification information present in the 
component manifest.

What do you say to that?
thats looks like an issue with the CD or the drive. I would start by cleaning both, and examine the CD for scratches. if the cd looks good, try swapping the cd drive with another one and see what happens
I'm putting my bets on the hard drive being no good. I've never had a scratched CD get through installation, and I've done plenty of installations with scratched disks. . . If you have some hardware diagnostics built into the motherboard or a boot disk ala UBCD, give those a whirl. Otherwise try running chkdsk /r on the drive from the setup prompt (hit 'S' to enter the recovery console after booting from the Windows CD).
Ok, I got this fixed, I installed a different CD drive and everything went without a hitch.. I was getting really pissed thaty my genuine WinXP CD would not work..
Ozone77 said:
Ok, I got this fixed, I installed a different CD drive and everything went without a hitch.. I was getting really pissed thaty my genuine WinXP CD would not work..

Just goes to show that sometimes people place blame on the wrong things without checking all the posibilities.