Wireless mouse?

What type of mouse do you use for gaming?

  • Wired

    Votes: 74 59.2%
  • Wireless

    Votes: 46 36.8%
  • Track Ball

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • other

    Votes: 1 0.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 16, 2005
Do you guys use wireless mice with gaming? Im thinking about getting a new mouse and that new logitech mx looks pretty sweet!

Anywho what do you guys do? I mostly play FPS's but i am not very good at them, so i guess it dosnt really matter... lol i just wanted to know what you guys think?
I like my logitech G7 wireless mouse. It does the job. I don't play much counterstrike now since I have gotten into WoW so having perfect accuracy isn't much of an issue. Although when I did play I used a wireless mouse and had no problems.
The MX line is not for gaming at all, especially FPS.

For FPS I would use a Logitech MX518, or a G5/7 mouse. Those are palm style mice.
The G line is laser, the 5 is corded and has weights, and the 7 is cordless and has no weights. Beyond that they are pretty much the same.

Other line is Razor, they just came out with a new mouse...forgot its name.
They are more finger tip mice, very good for FPS.

Those are all the ones I have used.
Yeah, G7 here too. With a Func pad it's perfect. The battery life is great and having one charging constantly so you can 'hot swap' when it gets low is awesome.
The MX line is not for gaming at all, especially FPS.

For FPS I would use a Logitech MX518, or a G5/7 mouse. Those are palm style mice.
The G line is laser, the 5 is corded and has weights, and the 7 is cordless and has no weights. Beyond that they are pretty much the same.

Other line is Razor, they just came out with a new mouse...forgot its name.
They are more finger tip mice, very good for FPS.

Those are all the ones I have used.

Actually, going from a MX510 to the MX Revolution I noticed no difference.
Wired G5. This one dude in my clan says the G7 is amazing. But really I don't give a shit. Wired is the most reliable, and even the wireless is perfect you don't have to fuck around with batteries.
Logitech MediaPlay :D. Does the job just as well as any other quality mouse. Current wireless technology is at a point where lag is essentially non-existant. The two main factors to consider when buying a mouse for gaming is how comfortable it is for you, and the quality of the tracking.

As for batteries, rechargables last about 2 weeks in mine (1600mAh). YMMV when it comes to other mice, but generally batteries last for a while.
People go from G5 to G7 probably because they get tired of the mouse wire. It's never hindered my play before.
I know it's probably all psychosomatic, but I still can't use a wireless mouse. When I first started playing games, I bought one that didn't have fastRF and when I finally moved back to a wired mouse the difference was amazing. Ever since, every wireless mouse I've used has felt just a tiny bit slower than the comparable wired mouse and that tiny bit of latency - real or otherwise - seems to throw me off. Plus, I never felt the need for a wireless mouse. The cord never got in the way to begin with and if I'm at my computer I'm in my chair so I don't need to roam too far.
Actually, going from a MX510 to the MX Revolution I noticed no difference.

I made the same change, but noticed that though they're quite similar, the MX Revolution was more consistent than the MX510 (I just kept both plugged in and compared them side by side). Making fast small circles with the MX Revo resulted in the mouse moving in a fairly comparable circle on the screen. Doing the same caused the MX510 resulted in a rough elliptical circle with some odd jumping. I compared them several times back and forth. It's not a very scientific comparison, but side by side, while similar, the Revolution had a small but definite lead in consistency.

More than likely, it was due to the fact that even though my MX510 is non-weighted, the wireless mouse was still lighter and cord-free in addition to having smoother feet on the bottom. I didn't actually like this though, I prefer some weight and friction in the feel so I can stop the mouse quickly, getting the mouse to the target quickly is only part of the job, stopping the mouse where it needs to be is important to me as well.
The wire never used to bother me either, but then I got a G7...It's the nicest mouse I've ever used. Not so much because there's no lag (which there isn't that I can see), but because it's sooo comfortable and I love the hot swappable batteries.
anything wireless is challenged over wired but to each iz own. from a waste of batteries to noticeable laggyness and the ability to hijack connections...

I use the return policy at staples every so often and wireless mice still dont impress me in gaming.
I use my wired only because I like it much more than my wireless. Not to mention that where I use my wireless--laptop--is not a very good gaming machine at all. I've grown accustomed to my wired so it's that for now.
MX1000 here.
I am not really that good at CS:Source but I played on a few random servers with average/below average players and I was accused of hacking since I headshotted everyone with my AK and knew where they were coming from. Apparently, most people don't play with sound, or know how to walk so you are silent.:confused:
when I play with decent players. I usually get owned pretty bad, usually getting less than 1:1 KDR.::
Tried the Logitech MX mice and didn't like how they felt. I ended up going back to my M$ Explorer 3 for the size. I still use the logitech for my work computer though. I also use a trackball for flying in games like BF2. I can do things with an Apache people have only dreamed of thanks to that trackball. I've got so use to it that it's second nature to switch back and forth when in combat.
In my experience is wired the best way for gamers. I know many people who have bought a Wireless mouse for themselves and have regretted this decision. If you play Shooter or Strategy games and the battery goes emptily I think this is very annoying. I've a mx510 since 2004 and I love this mouse :)
I have the mouse that comes with the MX3200 desktop. There is a little bit of lag over wired but I am sure some would not notice it just like there are some people who can't see over 30fps. I usually have a wired mouse plugged in for when I play FPS but for any other type of games and desktop stuff, I most certainly use the wireless one.

Although this mouse has some lag, I bought my mom an MS notebook 6000 mouse and that thing has the worst lag ever. I don't recommend it to anyone for any reason in the world. That mouse is hard to use even for just web browsing.
I have battery trust issues. Car batteries, laptop batteries, camera batteries and now mouse batteries. I'm currently using the MX518 and have no intention of switching to wireless. I might use a wireless mouse for work but I just can't trust 'em for me games. :D
holy crap I suck at the internet

I voted for wired when I meant to vote wireless

g7 user here
I've been using an MX518 since it came out, I love it. I used to have a wireless mouse, a crappy one, but I don't like replacing batteries, remembering to put it in a cradle or anything like that. I use a piece of tape or mouse clip for the cord, no issues here.
Microsoft IntelliMouse laser (wired) over here. It works fine and I don't have much money, so I won't change it until it breaks.
MX518, FTW!!

My brother-in-law got a wireless mouse. At LAN parties. he seems to use the excuse that his batteries in his mouse were dieing a lot. He will always blame his stupid cordless mouse rather than admitting that he just sucks.
G7 here and I love it.
Wanted one sense the day Logitech showed it off at the [H]workshop at Quakecon!
It depends really. I had a Razer Copperhead for a long while until it broke down lol. I still consider it the best mouse on the market period. It is a wired mouse. The quality of the parts just feels so damn cheap & it is. Don't even attempt drop it or slam it once. Theres a 99% chance something will come apart =P. When it did brake down, I scrambled to Comp USA & suckered myself into getting the Logitech G7. A wireless mouse & alot of people recommended it. For straight forward shooters like Counter Strike, Battlefield, etc, it works very well. It's not as dead on as the Razer products in my opinion, but the difference is hardly noticeable if you're still pretty good at the game. Now, with that said, when it comes to the games I am good at, such as the Unreal Tournament Series, the G7 is the biggest piece of crap I've used. My ability to perform moving combos, trans position, dodge & snap on a target remained pretty much intact but any precision based weapon, Sniper/Lighting Gun, Enforcer, Chain Gun, etc, the precision of the mouse was absolutely garbage. No where near what I was capable of doing with the Copperhead. I will say however that the servers I play on are speed match servers. Meaning the action is much more fast paced than on a regular 100 speed server so that could be the problem. Also the G7 is the only wireless moused I've ever used.

The construction of the G7 mouse however is far superior to any other mouse I've used in the past. Just picking it up will assure you that this thing can take plenty frustration slams or drops =P. Haven't tested its durability when being thrown as if yet =D. The G7 wireless mouse does have more pros going for it, but when it comes down FPS in general, I would say go with a wired mouse. I have much better experience with them but I am only speaking of the Razer products that I've used prior to the G7. Have no experience with the G5 or the Creative brand of gaming mice.