wireless security question, mac filter and wep


Limp Gawd
Dec 4, 2003
if i set up a mac address filter, should i still use a wep key?
or is the mac filter secure enough
A mac filter isn't secure, especially if you're using unencrypted wireless signals. Even wep is easily crackable in a few minutes.

A person could sniff some packets and then clone the mac on their card to gain network access.

WPA is the way to go for security.
WIth DS, WEP is only option as you know. It all comes down to: Do you care if someone uses your internets?

WEP is sort of like locking your car door. It sort of "keeps people honest". If someone wants in, they can get in, but it involves a definite effort on the attackers part.

MAC filtering is good in that it keeps the "password guessers" (i.e. compromised machines, script kiddies, and the like) out.

Combine the two and I think the security is "good enough for gubmint work".

WPA is the way to go in terms of true security, but since you want DS access - WEP + MAC filtering should be able to keep 95% of the riffraff out.
if you got the time, and a spare machine.. wpa is crackable as well