Witcher enhanced edition


Jan 20, 2008
anyone running this on a HD 4870? The regular witcher ran pretty well on my system, but I'm not sure how much of a hit the enhanced edition would cause on fps.
Man, you really need a more descriptive thread title if you want replies. But for reference, I run The Witcher on my laptop (specs in sig) and it runs near perfect on medium settings (I think I have lighting on high). Antialiasing off of course.

As far as EE goes, I noticed my performance almost double. YMMV
anyone running this on a HD 4870? The regular witcher ran pretty well on my system, but I'm not sure how much of a hit the enhanced edition would cause on fps.

I've run both versions of the Witcher with my 4870. I think EE runs a lot better. Combat seems more responsive, and switching enemies feels more accurate. Could be that I was just in a zone, but it sure felt like I had better precision making quick movements.

Anyway, you'll be fine with EE and the 4870.
Im playing this. I am disapointed at the FPS.

First off there is a glitch where when you run in 16:10 resolutions you get weird graphical glitches durring cutscenes. I had to go from 1920x1200 to 1920x1080 to get rid of them.

secondly, I run everything maxed at 1080p and 2x aa, and dip into sub 30 FPS on my 4870x2. Im not happy w/ that at all. Tried 4x, and it just dips too low sometimes specially durring combat. AA really makes a difference in this game, and I figured w/ my horsepower it wouldnt be a problem, but it is.

Also, you cant force anything over 4x, looks like the game just doesnt support it.
Currently I have X1950Pro. If I upgrade the video card to 4850, will I be able to run 1920x1200 with all bells and whistles turned on?
It seems as though the EE is smoother running all around, including slightly better framerate with slightly better graphcis. Although, this is subjective and I don't have any data to back it up. But, it "seems" that way.
Im playing this. I am disapointed at the FPS.

First off there is a glitch where when you run in 16:10 resolutions you get weird graphical glitches durring cutscenes. I had to go from 1920x1200 to 1920x1080 to get rid of them.

secondly, I run everything maxed at 1080p and 2x aa, and dip into sub 30 FPS on my 4870x2. Im not happy w/ that at all. Tried 4x, and it just dips too low sometimes specially durring combat. AA really makes a difference in this game, and I figured w/ my horsepower it wouldnt be a problem, but it is.

Also, you cant force anything over 4x, looks like the game just doesnt support it.

for whatever reason you will have to make a "profile" for the witcher in the ati ccc, this seems to be a common problem for 4870x2 owners. it should give you a nice boost though (aka practcally double your framerate)
xen...I am running EE on a 4870 x2 with all in game setting maxed and running 30something to well over 100 fps, never below 30 though...avg I would say high 40's...I am using th 8.9 drivers and in the ccc I have aa and af set to use in game settings, other options favor performance, (like mipmap quality, adaptive aa, etc...). I have the aa set to box in ccc...

good luck