With Halo 3 ODST, is there any reason to keep Halo 3?


Feb 6, 2001
I picked up ODST the other day. Since it pretty much comes with all or more of the multiplayer from Halo 3, is there any reason to keep the original Halo 3 disks? I haven't played the singleplayer in months, maybe over a year. I'm thinking I can trade it in for some credit at the local used game store.
no, unless you just wanna keep it. i'm sure game stop will give you ~5$ for it though. thats why i usually keep my games. but if you don't want it for campaign then get rid of it
no, unless you just wanna keep it. i'm sure game stop will give you ~5$ for it though. thats why i usually keep my games. but if you don't want it for campaign then get rid of it


I'm keeping it just for the heck of it because I know I won't get a lot out of it now.
Im keeping mine incase I feel like playing the SP again. (I still have a few achievements left to go for mine). Its worth keepen.
Plus mine is the dual pack, Halo 3, Fable 2
Halo 3 trade-in value is 14.00 currently on Amazon.

After renting and playing through ODST I went back and played some Halo 3 SP...for some reason I can't put my finger on, I enjoy the gameplay in ODST much more than that of Halo3.
I traded Halo 3 in to get ODST and got a lil over 20 bucks. The only reason to keep it is to play Campaign.
With the Halo 3 multiplayer included with ODST, obviously the only reason to keep the original Halo 3 is for the single player campaign. If you don't think you'll ever play it again, then to get a little extra cash for it might not be a bad idea, if you don't mind selling or trading in games. You're not going to get much for it though, based on some of the other responses already.