With Warner going Blu-ray exclusive.


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I hope that BD drives will pick up in manufacturers and prices will go down.
Don't expect it. Once they claim victory yet again, they'll realize that there will be a large influx of people buying the players. This will mean prices will probably remain high for a while. Supply and demand.

The best bet is to get a dual format player and pick up some of the 420+ HD DVD titles that will be in the bargain bin in the coming months/year(s).
Thinking they are going to win now, Blu-ray will not get cheaper quickly, and those movie deals will probably dry up. Sony is usually overpriced, don't expect that to change when things start going their way.
Thinking they are going to win now, Blu-ray will not get cheaper quickly, and those movie deals will probably dry up. Sony is usually overpriced, don't expect that to change when things start going their way.

I'm sick and tired of explaing why, doing all the work and etc, so I'm just gonna say, do some reading. Blu-Ray is NOT SONY... AND Betamax = HD-DVD in terms of marketing and manufacture support, VHS = Blu-Ray in terms of marketing and manufacture support.

Mini-Rant complete
I am already planning to buy a PS3 because of this anouncement. The only two studios supporting HDDVD are Paramount and Universal. I predict it wont be long before they switch to Blu Ray.

Uh Blu-Ray is Sony Chilly, you're denying the truth if you are trying to convince people that Sony didn't develop Blu-ray.

I really hate to call you a fanboy, but I don't think there is any other description for it. I personally don't care who wins, as long as they can get me a cheap drive that I can shove into my HTPC.
The prices for drives will drop but remember it took years in the case of the CD ROM. Took a little less time for DVD drives to drop and with luck we will see BD drives drop a little faster.

As for the disks themselves, why are they still charging so much for 25 year old music? Price fixing at the software level is a political nightmare. The markup at studio level is a very strong 60% which for a wholesale price to the dealers is beyond comprehension. The retailer is the guy making the least in that deal and that’s just plain backwards and if the retailer doesn’t play by the rules, he gets cut off.:rolleyes:
meh, even at 25/30 dollars you can almost always wait for some type of dealt o show up where they average out to $15, whether it be 15 for one or a buy one get one free deal. granted it's no 5 or 10 like you'll see for dvd's, but considering what your getting it's worth the extra 5 bux in my opinion.
Uh Blu-Ray is Sony Chilly, you're denying the truth if you are trying to convince people that Sony didn't develop Blu-ray.

I really hate to call you a fanboy, but I don't think there is any other description for it. I personally don't care who wins, as long as they can get me a cheap drive that I can shove into my HTPC.

I don't think he meant it that way. I am pretty sure he knows Sony developed the technology. However, there are many more companies producing blu-ray players than Sony so competition should technically help drive prices down. As far as the movies go, as noted by the title/topic of the thread, Sony has little to do with the content on the discs.

Pricing is determined by the manufacturers not the developer of the technology; although a baseline is certainly their because Sony will get some sort of royalty for developing the tech within all the players.. royalties are heavily based on players sold not players manufactured thus it is in Sony's interest to get more players to sell.

In regards to his betamax and VHS comments, he is simply stating that VHS had the advertising and backing much like Blu-Ray seems to have where as betamax didn't. However, Betamax was the superior technology like Blu-Ray is, in terms of allowed quality on disc and space.
With HD-DVD there were going to be cheap Chinese players. Do you think that will be allowed any time soon with Blu-ray.

How much is Blu-ray licensing costs? Last I heard licensing costs were the most expensive part of a DVD players.
The format war is akin to a boxing match. A so called or alleged knock-out blow might be dealt but it does not mean the fighter will stay down for the count.
With HD-DVD there were going to be cheap Chinese players. Do you think that will be allowed any time soon with Blu-ray.

How much is Blu-ray licensing costs? Last I heard licensing costs were the most expensive part of a DVD players.

You have to keep in mind that even the $29.95 DVD players places like Wal-Mart sold paid fees. Every DVD sold has an attached fee, same with CD. If you are old enough to remember cassette tapes every one of those sold roylaties were paid to Philips, it is the cost of doing business.

The truth is that Toshiba has been hemorrhaging money since this battle began. A reported one hundred fifty million dollars was paid to Viacom's VIA Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation DWA to NOT produce BD format. Add to that the money per unit lost on both the wholesale end and the retail end and Toshiba had nobody jumping in to manufacture machines.

What the average customer saw was HD was a far less expensive format when in truth it wasn’t. In the end the manufactures of both hardware and software realized Sony still had capitol and Toshiba had run out.

Wall-mart still hasn’t made it clear if they ever did invest in those 2 million players and there was serious confusion on the manufactures website about were these BD machines or Blue Laser HD machines. The experts involved stated the contract clearly read Blu-ray. Did Wall-Mart conspire along with a few others to dump the old stock already knowing full well Sony had the hardware end sewed up?

This whole thing is such a mess I would be surprised if they didn’t call for a government investigation before it’s all over.

What will Toshiba do to help their HD customer base at this point? How many people will avail themselves of the very lenient return policies of some of the selling stores and simply demand their money back? Will the consumers sue if they suddenly realize they just might have been duped?

Should be interesting to watch that’s for sure.;)
Also buried within Warner's announcement of going Blu-ray exclusive was that New Line Cinema would be doing the same also.
But I love my 360 add-on HD-DVD drive... This doesn't look too good for the Red team.
Ordered the LG dual format player end of last week. I will be buying HDDVD discs because they are much cheaper. I won't be buying Blow-ray unless there is an absolute must-have $30 movie. Since I only buy DVDs when they are $10 or less, I don't see myself buying Blow-ray any time soon. For movies I already own on DVD, I will be acquiring the HD format version by some other means. I will not be buying the same movie on a different format!
The reason that prices to the consumer will fall is because there is massive competion. For example, from normal TV, cinema, downloads and .... DVD's! Discs will also fall in price because manufacturing costs will decrease with economies of scale as HD becomes more popular and because they need to only focus on only one media.
Ordered the LG dual format player end of last week. I will be buying HDDVD discs because they are much cheaper. I won't be buying Blow-ray unless there is an absolute must-have $30 movie. Since I only buy DVDs when they are $10 or less, I don't see myself buying Blow-ray any time soon. For movies I already own on DVD, I will be acquiring the HD format version by some other means. I will not be buying the same movie on a different format!

Many buy one get one deals for blu-ray put the discs around $10 per. If you pay $30 for a disc its buyers own choice; if you just wait awhile just like on DVDs a deal will come around. There have been countless buy one get ones as well as many coupons to get 10% or 5-10 dollars off. If you want to buy the HD-DVDs that are seemingly going to be the obsolete technology then you go ahead and do that, its your choice.
lol, obsolete. A HD DVD player or dual format player won't cease to function. :p
Many buy one get one deals for blu-ray put the discs around $10 per. If you pay $30 for a disc its buyers own choice; if you just wait awhile just like on DVDs a deal will come around. There have been countless buy one get ones as well as many coupons to get 10% or 5-10 dollars off. If you want to buy the HD-DVDs that are seemingly going to be the obsolete technology then you go ahead and do that, its your choice.

Obsolete? I agree, physical formats are obsolete. Although as far as physical discs, HD-DVD is just as good as Blow-ray. It all depends on how good they pipe the movie over to the new format. Those "BOGO" deals apply to HD-DVD discs as well, which often makes them even cheaper. I picked up "300" on blow-ray because it was the cheaper version. I guess you didn't read I have a dual format player, which will ALWAYS be able to read my cheaper hd-dvd discs. :p And ripping them to the hard drive is even better.

Thank you for supporting my choice. Wish more people would quit telling others what to do, especially on this "format war". I don't see why having both formats is a bad idea. If dual-format standalone players were more prevalent and cheaper, nobody would be throwing pointless fits like they are.

And yes, Sony = blow-ray. They get royalty fees off every player and disc sold in "their precious" format. :p Sony releasing a rootkit in their blow-ray format to begin in 3..2..1...
Obsolete? I agree, physical formats are obsolete. Although as far as physical discs, HD-DVD is just as good as Blow-ray. It all depends on how good they pipe the movie over to the new format. Those "BOGO" deals apply to HD-DVD discs as well, which often makes them even cheaper. I picked up "300" on blow-ray because it was the cheaper version. I guess you didn't read I have a dual format player, which will ALWAYS be able to read my cheaper hd-dvd discs. :p And ripping them to the hard drive is even better.

Thank you for supporting my choice. Wish more people would quit telling others what to do, especially on this "format war". I don't see why having both formats is a bad idea. If dual-format standalone players were more prevalent and cheaper, nobody would be throwing pointless fits like they are.

And yes, Sony = blow-ray. They get royalty fees off every player and disc sold in "their precious" format. :p Sony releasing a rootkit in their blow-ray format to begin in 3..2..1...

Well at least we wont have to worry about HD-DUD disks blue screening out players and systems now with MS being involved.

Got a box of kleenexes for you HD-DUD fans right here.
Just holla at me when it runs out and ill be happy to give you another.
Well at least we wont have to worry about HD-DUD disks blue screening out players and systems now with MS being involved.

Got a box of kleenexes for you HD-DUD fans right here.
Just holla at me when it runs out and ill be happy to give you another.

blue screening? must be just your system. mine works fine with both formats :D I am a fan of both formats, because either one is better than DVD.

Surprised a Sony fanboy had enough money left over to afford tissues. Oh wait these must be used tissue from prior Sony purchases ;)

I do need the tissues for Sony's proprietary UMD format and crappy locked-down PSP player. And let's not forget all those millions of bad Sony batteries. The lack of good games on my PoS III and horrible on-line support. The list goes on but I have better things to do. At least they make descent TVs and receivers (elite line only).
The prices for drives will drop but remember it took years in the case of the CD ROM. Took a little less time for DVD drives to drop and with luck we will see BD drives drop a little faster.
I remember paying almost $400 when I got my first DVD drive from Creative Labs around 1996-97. It had a controller card that came with it.
blue screening? must be just your system. mine works fine with both formats :D I am a fan of both formats, because either one is better than DVD.

Surprised a Sony fanboy had enough money left over to afford tissues. Oh wait these must be used tissue from prior Sony purchases ;)

I do need the tissues for Sony's proprietary UMD format and crappy locked-down PSP player. And let's not forget all those millions of bad Sony batteries. The lack of good games on my PoS III and horrible on-line support. The list goes on but I have better things to do. At least they make descent TVs and receivers (elite line only).

Sony doesn’t make an “Elite” line, that would be pioneer and it too is top notch. I think you meant “ES” for Sony’s upper end receivers and “XBR” for Sony’s better TVs. Again, both very good products.

The prices for drives will drop but remember it took years in the case of the CD ROM. Took a little less time for DVD drives to drop and with luck we will see BD drives drop a little faster.

I remember paying almost $400 when I got my first DVD drive from Creative Labs around 1996-97. It had a controller card that came with it.

Oh good, glad to see I’m not the only one to get stuck with that Creative POS. Talk about a company with no support, they take the cake.;)
Now that Universal's commitment to backing HD DVD exclusively has ended, Paramount preparing to use a, get out clause, Microsoft's X-Box could consider Blu-Ray and on Thursday, HBO added yet another nail in HD-DVD's coffin when they announced that they have sided exclusively with Blu-ray, who will be next? The sooner this ends, the better. I do not want to hear anyone say that prices on Blu-ray players and Blu-ray DVDs will not drop in price, they are and continue to. As the manufactures begin to add to thier line up with new Blu-ray players, the old ones drop drastically. I have seen Blu-ray disc starting at 13.99 and someone allways has buy one get one free that brings each title to about 10.00.

Anyone with a dual format player will more then likley benefit from the price drop on the HD-DVD's once this format war ends. If you can be patient and only have a Blu-ray player, most of the HD DVD titles will eventually be on Blu-ray disc.

I am looking to pick up the LG dual format player for my Media Center PC. Best Buy had it on sale last week for 224.00, but it was out of stock. :p
Now that Universal's commitment to backing HD DVD exclusively has ended, Paramount preparing to use a, get out clause

I haven't heard either of these to be true. Universal has not said they are dropping exclusivity, nor has Paramount stated anything regarding their status. Any links to substantiate your claims? That Variety article doesn't count as that is just a rumor.
I haven't heard either of these to be true. Universal has not said they are dropping exclusivity, nor has Paramount stated anything regarding their status. Any links to substantiate your claims? That Variety article doesn't count as that is just a rumor.

Correct, as of today, the 13th Universal stated they would continue to support the HD format in spite of rumors to the contrary.

The issue may well be what they didn’t say. They didn’t say they would not support BD as well.

I think Warner caught everyone off guard with their announcement and until the powers that be have time to talk, bribe and cover each other’s asses it’s unlikely we will get a final statement in the very near future. Before the final nail is driven into any coffin a lot of money will change hands and much talking will occur.

I do wish people would stop throwing the PS-? And X Box into the mix, neither come even close to the performance of a dedicated player.

As to the audio formats, the fact is virtually nobody has the power to support the dynamic range of a good CD let alone Dolby 5.1 or DTS or worse SACD or DVDA.

I’m in process of rebuilding my website and in a few days I’ll have the math posted to support my claim on the audio part.:)
I guess we'll have to wait until next BF to see any spectacular deals on Blu-ray players.
Sony doesn’t make an “Elite” line, that would be pioneer and it too is top notch. I think you meant “ES” for Sony’s upper end receivers and “XBR” for Sony’s better TVs. Again, both very good products.

Correct. Friends and family call the ES series "elite" so I often misname it. (ES=Elevated Standard) ;)