Woe: iBook dead.


One Hour Martinizing While You Wait
Jan 23, 2003
My trusty iBook has died, based on my research it would appear that the logic board is fuxxord (I had brief hope it was a PMU thing, but that proved fruitless, if you'll pardon the pun), and it would seem that for the price of an out of warranty logic board replacement you may as well just buy a new one.

Me = :(

I have no urgent need of a replacement, but I'm now facing a hard three way decision:

PC laptop.
New iBook.
Wait for i(ntel)Book.

What would you do?
Why wait get a powerful G4 now. I wouldn't bother with getting an PC laptop their usually heavier and just more juice than one needs. With bloat installed on it. You know you won't be disappointed with an iBook.
Cowcaster88 said:
Why wait get a powerful G4 now. I wouldn't bother with getting an PC laptop their usually heavier and just more juice than one needs. With bloat installed on it. You know you won't be disappointed with an iBook.

hehehehe your facts are wrong that is all i need to say.
I'd prolly wait summer 2006 if you can hold out. Logic board problems are common with the iBooks i saw at work...which is why I went with the Powerbook. Pretty happy with it and its been running for two years without a format. Sine I surf and mail exclusively on my macs, my PC's last longer too :cool:
You could always part out your ibook on ebay and spend some cash and get a used one or something....
Cowcaster88 said:
...You know you won't be disappointed with an iBook.

...unless of course it spontaneously drops dead.

That's pretty disappointing.
Nasty_Savage said:
I'd prolly wait summer 2006 if you can hold out. Logic board problems are common with the iBooks i saw at work...which is why I went with the Powerbook. Pretty happy with it and its been running for two years without a format. Sine I surf and mail exclusively on my macs, my PC's last longer too :cool:

A laptop of any sort is definately a luxury, I have no real need of one, so I will probably end up just waiting.

Hey dog, you take PayPal? LOLOL oh man, whoever gave you that title is my hero, it's just so hilarious. LOLOLOL

It's a shame about your mac, but man ROFFLES=ETERNAL
Didn't Kyle give it to him because he pissed him off? I can't remember.
swatbat said:
Didn't Kyle give it to him because he pissed him off? I can't remember.

Funny, never noticed that before.