Wolfenstein: The New Order

We're fucked. Some of the stuff is awesome, but lots of scripted events and pointless talking sounds kind of like what they did with Riddick. Everything is solid, they just don't let you shoot things at will.

I hope that's the reason the game was pushed to 2014 but I am not holding my breath. If anything, ZeniMax decided they need more noob stuff in it.

The castle looks amazing. Exactly like RTCW. Warms my heart.
I have to agree with TB. He really has hit the head of the nail as they say here. Hopefully they heard him, and others, and are going back to do what needs to be done. We'll have to wait and see what happens. So much potential...
I'm hoping for a good game but I'm not pre ordering. They have to prove to me first its worth buying and that means seeing reviews first of the released product. This is just my opinion and feelings though. :)
I think it actually looks pretty solid. Looks rife with annoying modern FPS conventions, but the gunplay looks fast and solid, level design is allegedly fairly open-ended and it's gory as hell.

I so far haven't seen any gameplay segment and been able to say "yeah, I hate this part".
Taking it in an entirely new direction, but it looks... entertaining. I've recently learned to simply enjoy games, despite any flaws or aspects I don't like. If I still find it enjoyable, I don't feel bad for paying for it.
I will probably buy it -but not for $60.
I like Wolfenstein stuff but I can wait a little more.
This might end fabulously well, but after the last iteration I feel burned. I'm going to wait for reviews before considering whether to pick it up.

I did enjoy the music selection in that video though, some good stuff.
I'll definitely buy, but not for several months after prices drop. A good $60 game makes a great $30 - $35 game.
I can ore-order for 30 euro so it's kind of worth it.
Well said, my plan too unless it turns out to be the greatest game ever made.
Same. This game has flown under my radar for awhile until the latest trailers started popping up. My interest has definitely grown but I don't see myself buying it at release.
Where's all the gold, jems, and secret passages?
Well, in one of the newest trailers, they show a secret passage. Though, I doubt the gold/gem collection will be anything meaningful if at all included in this.

Getting the urge to play Wolf3D again.
Well I pre-ordered this. I believe it unlocks tonight on steam or 5/19/14.

Apparently there is
already a 7.3 gb patch out for the game haha. I hope this game is decent.

As far as shooters go everyone jumped the on the realism train. Real guns, environments, effects. Bioshock was different and still is. Others follow the system to the T like COD and Battlefield. My favorite shooter is still Quake 3.

I prefer the fantasy shooters, just more fun all around. Nexuiz is probably my next favorite and is a much more modern Quake 3 style game. All the old fav's were about slaying some seriously ugly monsters. Doom, Quake, UT. Bring me this back!
Remember when game companies released games that were finished?

....Yeah, seems like a million years ago.:(

He does. It is increasingly bull crap how large some of these games are becoming. I mean I am limited in bandwidth each month to cool low sum of 250 gbs. I'm not really fond of how everything is going to download only, and net usage is being capped.

As it stands right now I have over 1 TB of programs/games. There is no way for me to download it all again with out forking out some serious cash to the ISP. Or make sure I have everything backed up, so if I have to re-install things I can do so from my back up. Let me tell you something USB backup drives are terribly slow. I miss the days of tossing in a dvd or cd hitting install, probably have to type in a CD Key of some sorts. Faster install, no big download, always have a backup copy, can play offline with out internet connection, actually getting a game manual/ manual expanding the basics.

Guess its the new normal. Just like how your basically forced to have a internet connection just to play modern games. Perhaps your forced to have a internet connection so the developers can release a beta game and patch it while its released and then charge even more for (DLC) which should just be included in the game in the first place. Not to mention your always forced to use the latest version of the game instead of being able to choose what version you wish to run/play.

Not sure I really believe the "they think pirates won't pirate a large game" thing, but if that is really the case, it has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen game companies do. If a customer is going to pay for a large download, then why wouldn't a pirate be willing to pirate that same large download? It's like saying a car thief won't steal a SUV because they're bigger than a compact car.
HAs it stands right now I have over 1 TB of programs/games. There is no way for me to download it all again with out forking out some serious cash to the ISP. Or make sure I have everything backed up, so if I have to re-install things I can do so from my back up. Let me tell you something USB backup drives are terribly slow

Get yourself a USB 3 HDD and be much happier.
Remember when game companies released games that were finished?

....Yeah, seems like a million years ago.:(

Valve seems to be the last company doing this. Although I have some Indie games like Assault Android Cactus seem to strive for this. It's more polished than any game I've played in the last few years, and it's still evolving in Early Access.
So what is the total, 57GB on day one of DLing off steam? If so I'm glad I have a 1TB drive.
Remember when game companies released games that were finished?

....Yeah, seems like a million years ago.:(

I just want to throw this out there, although there is no excuse for it but.. the excuse of all those game companies are that games are getting so big so technically complicated and hard to make that a 100% bug free game is technically impossible.