Woman Suing Google For Complying With Court Order

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If I understand this correctly, an anonymous blogger called another woman a “skank ho” on the intertubes. This lead to the anonymous blogger being outted via court order. The outted blogger is now suing Google for $15 million for revealing her identity….under court order.

The pretty 29-year-old Fashion Institute of Technology student added that she's furious at Google for revealing her identity, so much so that she plans to file a $15 million federal lawsuit against the Web giant.
LOL owned. I'm sure she's going to be in great demand when she hits the job market.
I just looked back on archive.org and the terms she agreed to have included this gem for a while:

3. Privacy. As a condition of using the Service, you agree to the terms of the Google Privacy Policy (http://www.google.com/privacy.html), which may be updated from time to time, as expressed in the most recent version that exists at the time of your use. You agree that Google may access or disclose your personal information, including the content of your communications, if Google is required to do so in order to comply with any valid legal process or governmental request (such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order), or as otherwise provided in these Terms of Service and the general Google Privacy Policy. Personal information collected by Google may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Google Inc. or its agents maintain facilities. By using the Service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.
[x] I agree that I don't have a chance at winning my lawsuit.

If she was smart, she would have gotten a contingency-fee lawyer so it would cost her nothing to sue, however she has already proven herself an idiot.
If her lawyer has a contingency-fee arrangement with her, he must be pretty stupid to go against Google in this case because he won't get a cent.
Let me see if I have this right...

Model poses in some skanky positions. Anonymous blogger calls her skanky hoe. Model sues blogger for defamation of character and wins. Blogger tries to sue company who gave up her name.

Whole thing sounds stupid to me. Since when is it a crime to call a hoe a hoe?
Let me see if I have this right...

Model poses in some skanky positions. Anonymous blogger calls her skanky hoe. Model sues blogger for defamation of character and wins. Blogger tries to sue company who gave up her name.

Whole thing sounds stupid to me. Since when is it a crime to call a hoe a hoe?

Actually, the model got her outed, and then dropped the suit, which could be considered an abuse of the courts powers. IMO, if you're going to go to the trouble of suing the courts to get someones identity released so you can sue them, have the balls to actually sue them. It really should be a requirement of the whole process.
Let me see if I have this right...

Model poses in some skanky positions. Anonymous blogger calls her skanky hoe. Model sues blogger for defamation of character and wins. Blogger tries to sue company who gave up her name.

Whole thing sounds stupid to me. Since when is it a crime to call a hoe a hoe?

Not quite.

Model Poses in some skanky position. (check)
Anonymous blogger calls her a skanky ho. (check)
Model sues anonymous blogger for defamation of character. (check)
Model cannot serve papers for case because of anonymity.
Model sues Google to have Google release bloggers name, wins court order requiring Google to give up name.
Blogger (now not Anonymous) sues Google for giving up name. (check)

The model has NOT won a defamation lawsuit yet, she's just demonstrated enough evidence to have the court unmask the blogger.
Let me see if I have this right...

Model poses in some skanky positions. Anonymous blogger calls her skanky hoe. Model sues blogger for defamation of character and wins. Blogger tries to sue company who gave up her name.

Whole thing sounds stupid to me. Since when is it a crime to call a hoe a hoe?

Since when was it ok to be an Anonymous blogger just to call other people, 'a psychotic, lying whore'. Sounds like cyber bullying to me.
Since when was it ok to be an Anonymous blogger just to call other people, 'a psychotic, lying whore'. Sounds like cyber bullying to me.

Ok then, you post a picture of yourself dry humping a some guy and sue all of us when we call you a whore ;) You'll make phat money!
Actually, the model got her outed, and then dropped the suit, which could be considered an abuse of the courts powers. IMO, if you're going to go to the trouble of suing the courts to get someones identity released so you can sue them, have the balls to actually sue them. It really should be a requirement of the whole process.

What if the identity that gets released is family?

Can you imagine the lady finding out "ZOMG, it's daddy!"
OK, looks like Salvatore Strazzullo is a big time NYC ambulance chaser, he saw the name "Google" and started seeing $$$ signs. Here is a better article on what happened.


Orignally, she was being protected by Google lawyers until the court ordered them to give her up. That's why she is pissed. She should have gotten her own lawyer in the first place. I think it is laughable how Strazullo was equating Port's rants with the Federalist papers written by the Founding fathers.
Ok then, you post a picture of yourself dry humping a some guy and sue all of us when we call you a whore ;) You'll make phat money!

Apparently you didn't read the article, she didn't get any money, she just wanted to know who was 'defaming' her. What is the big deal? I don't give a crap who the blogger is, do you, does anyone? Nobody cares that her secret identity was revealed. She just needs to get over it.
Let me see if I have this right...

Model poses in some skanky positions. Anonymous blogger calls her skanky hoe. Model sues blogger for defamation of character and wins. Blogger tries to sue company who gave up her name.

Whole thing sounds stupid to me. Since when is it a crime to call a hoe a hoe?

When there is no real evidence that the person being called a 'hoe' IS a hoe, and the only reason for calling her one is revenge and an effort to hurt her financially.

Too many people that talk about their "RIGHTS", seem to be unaware that with rights, comes responsibility as well. Sure, she was 'free' to call the model a 'hoe' but she also has to be responsible for any conquences of doing so.

As for Ms. Port's lawsuit...if it IS filed, it will most likely be tossed out as frivilous. You can't sue someone for following the law. As for her attorney, he needs to be disbarred for even considering filing a suit that rediculous.
Ahh, yet another frivolous lawsuit. Sure, she's hot, but the lawsuit is still baseless.
Model 1, blogger 0. I call that a WIN (for once). Even cooler that the model is not going for damages, now the blogger just looks even dumber.
I was hoping the blogger girl would look a little worse than she does now so she'd have no chance of ever reproducing. Our world needs less people with hate/jealousy mental problems.
Sad thing is the two of them know each other apparently. The blogger apologized and the lawsuit from the model has been dropped. Yet, the blogger still wants to go after Google when she has no way to win.

And to think all the blogger had to say was "In my opinion she's a skank" and there could be no lawsuit. Three little words change it from libel to an opinion protected by the First Amendment.
Sad thing is the two of them know each other apparently. The blogger apologized and the lawsuit from the model has been dropped. Yet, the blogger still wants to go after Google when she has no way to win.

one reason: cash grab

Are we taking any bets on a settlement?
I think she's a skank hoe. Looks like I'm being sued if she reads this. ;) Seriously, though, how is someone going to sue someone over calling them a name? How many times did you call some kid names in school, and how many people have called you names? Boy if I had a dollar for every time someone called me a mean name...or, better yet, if I had $15 million :rolleyes:
Meh, the whole world is filled with fucking skank hoes!
Before you little Emos bitch and cry to whomever for my name please read below.

I am Dennis Edward Steffens of 10128 Majestic Palm Circle, Apartment 201, Riverview Florida 33578.
I also go by the online names of:
JackFDandy (as in "Isn't that jack fuck'n dandy)

In person people call me:
that asshole
I was hoping the blogger girl would look a little worse than she does now so she'd have no chance of ever reproducing. Our world needs less people with hate/jealousy mental problems.

In case you have not looked around, those are the people doing all the breeding. And being ugly might stop a guy from getting any, but, well, we all know just how low men's standards can be. Especially with a couple too many drinks in us. A 10 at 2 and a 2 at 10 sort of thing.
But cha, I like being called an asshole, I mean what other body part can show stupid shits the way out?

Ohhhh if only the rest of the world were like this...then we wouldn't have dumb models suing dumb bloggers over REALLY dumb shit! Although, I do suppose that without people like this, we wouldn't have any stupid shits to show the way out to in first place. So I suppose we strike a balance. :D
Ohhhh if only the rest of the world were like this...then we wouldn't have dumb models suing dumb bloggers over REALLY dumb shit! Although, I do suppose that without people like this, we wouldn't have any stupid shits to show the way out to in first place. So I suppose we strike a balance. :D

No, sorry, but you are wrong. Ever since George Carlin died we are seriously constipation so we had to fall back to the Leo Anthony "Gallagher Plan".
No, sorry, but you are wrong. Ever since George Carlin died we are seriously constipation so we had to fall back to the Leo Anthony "Gallagher Plan".

Do not tell me that you think the world is worse now that Carlin is gone.. Carlin was a miserable old fuck that hated humanity as a whole. He'd have been awfully funny if his whole act didn't revolve around calling people stupid and the scum of the Earth.
He'd have been awfully funny if his whole act didn't revolve around calling people stupid and the scum of the Earth.

Wait....so we're NOT stupid? But look at what this thread's news story is about. That should make it apparent enough that Carlin was right aaaaallll along. :D
Wait....so we're NOT stupid? But look at what this thread's news story is about. That should make it apparent enough that Carlin was right aaaaallll along. :D

Are there stupid people? Yes.
Are there a lot of them? Highly likely.
Should we view all of humanity condescendingly? Leave that to the religious nuts.

The irony of Carlin's acts is he spent a lot of time insulting religious people for their beliefs, and yet his whole act is to share the same narcissistic view as most religious zealots: That humanity as a whole is vile and despicable, but they themselves were above that.

His whole act to me could be summed up in the trite expression: "My shit don't stink"..
Again some $15 million lawsuit? Just unnecessary and stupid.