Woman Twitters During Bank Robbery

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
And the award for biggest Twidiot™ of the day goes to this woman for Twittering all the way through a bank robbery. Her followers must be so proud.

my bank was just held up- with me in it. HSBC 34 and 8. also my whole trackball is GONE!!! im locked in the bank still. they wont let us leave the bank. cant figure out how to call work without a trackball… police just arrived. maybe theyll let me go now.
I only read the website in the link, but it didnt appear at all that she twittered through the bank robbery. Only that she twittered after the event happened.

What is so wrong about that?
It most likely wasn't like the movies where a whole bunch of ski-masked men with AK-47s burst into the bank; more like a plain-cloths John Doe slipping demands to the teller while allegedly carrying a gun. Perhaps she was bored while waiting for police to let her go after the lockdown?
Sounds to me like she did...granted, she was too retarded to know the bank was even being robbed at the time but:

She is there twittering while they are still in lockdown

damn...my trackball is missing

cops haven't arrived yet...

stupid trackball....

no one has been questioned yet..

don't try to e-mail me..damn trackball still missing

suspect is still on the loose

someone one on Gothamist just told me to fall in a manhole....


LOL!! Could you imagine being a cop trying to get useful information from a person like this? Thank god for the security cameras (#fail) because this brain dead bozo was no help to anyone but the twitterati. Just sayin'.
Cop: Excuse me miss, can you tell us what happened?

Twitter-Chick: Hang on officer.

@Twitter lol wut, cop now asking me questions

Twitter-Chick: well, it all happened so fast.

@Twitter cop is kinda cute

Cop: Did you see what direction the suspect went? What he was wearing.

Twitter-Chick: Hang on officer.

@Twitter I still can't find my trackball

Twitter-Chick: no but if you find a trackball on him, that is probably mine and I want to press charges

Cop: :rolleyes:
This person sure loves their trackball, learn to use keyboard navigation.
Good grief Steve, stop watching movies. Banks are usually robbed by a guy handing a piece of paper to a teller demanding cash. The teller gets a bag of cash set aside for robberies from the vault and gives it to the guy, then he leaves. They then lock the bank down and yell out they've just been robbed. No one comes or goes till the Police arrive.

99% of the time the only person that knows they've been robbed is the teller. Not even the other employees will know.
Yep, that's right up there with the young lady standing on the steps of the Student Union at the U of A shushing people because she's on the phone. Gotta love the clueless. :)
LOL!! Could you imagine being a cop trying to get useful information from a person like this? Thank god for the security cameras (#fail) because this brain dead bozo was no help to anyone but the twitterati. Just sayin'.

1. why is it her job to make sure she pays attention to a robbery?
2. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable (so who cares if she didn't notice the robbery).
3. Of all the potential eye witnesses, the teller was almost certainly the best one, and it's safe to say she wasn't twittering.

Sorry, but I see nothing that happened here that makes her stupid, but the attacks come as no surprise. Seems like there's a lot of aspersions cast at the people in posted articles.
1. why is it her job to make sure she pays attention to a robbery?
2. Eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable (so who cares if she didn't notice the robbery).
3. Of all the potential eye witnesses, the teller was almost certainly the best one, and it's safe to say she wasn't twittering.

Sorry, but I see nothing that happened here that makes her stupid, but the attacks come as no surprise. Seems like there's a lot of aspersions cast at the people in posted articles.

1) Social contract. Look it up if you don't know what it is.

2) Depends on the case.

3) ... see above.
Who cares about this idiot that cant stop tweeting and notice the world around them, they deserve to get hit by cars because they aren't paying attension
Has anyone tweeted when they've gotten shot? i wonder how that would go;)

now I feel like signing up for twitter, buy a netbook or a phone, then go and get shot. I think it would read something like "lol wuts, I jst gotz 1337zor pwned". Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I don't speak random gibberish very well.
Good grief Steve, stop watching movies. Banks are usually robbed by a guy handing a piece of paper to a teller demanding cash. The teller gets a bag of cash set aside for robberies from the vault and gives it to the guy, then he leaves. They then lock the bank down and yell out they've just been robbed. No one comes or goes till the Police arrive.

99% of the time the only person that knows they've been robbed is the teller. Not even the other employees will know.

Great Walkthrough! Will have to try tomorrow. What achievements will this unlock? haha . . . Twitter Chic "How do I dial 911 ?"
Is there some reason people are surprised? It seems only the most ignorant of people twitter.. so this is not all that surprising.
It seems pretty obvious those "tweets" (shoot me, please) are after the robber has left the bank.

She's referring to the bank officials telling her to stay in the bank before the cops got there, and then the cops questioned her. She was hoping the cops would let her go so she could get to work (hence the cannot call work statement); at no point was she taken hostage. While the police were still questioning her, they found the robber through cameras at Penn station.

Now, her grammar, spelling and metal capacity are severely lacking, but I am pretty sure she didn't twitter during the robbery, as it seems as though she didn't know the bank was robbed until she was told to stay in the bank.
Who cares about this idiot that cant stop tweeting and notice the world around them, they deserve to get hit by cars because they aren't paying attension

Much like people who use a DAP, play a game on portable gaming system or a use a cellphone at any time other than when they're sitting down at home or at work, while alone and the room that they're in is sealed in a way that nobody could get in and do something that they might need to report to the police when asked.

Now that I think of it, people who are rooms like that should be hit by cars too, because they should have been out on the street looking for people who might commit a crime.

I also think that applies to all the assholes who sleep at night. Criminals commit crimes at night, and only a self-absorbed, shit-for-brains dickhead would sleep when they could potentially help.

Oh what the hell, let's just nuke the world until everything is dead, aside from roaches.

Problem solved.

Back in the real world, people do other things while waiting in line.
This twitter thing is getting way ridiculous. It won´t be long before people start twittering about things as personal as having sex (there´s probably a handful of fakes out there already). Now I wonder how would you twitter about that, haha.
I was just reading this on the main page about 15 minutes ago and I got a text from a female friend of mine asking me if I heard about it...she just told me that a coworker of hers is friends with her through twitter or something and they've been trying to do lunch but haven't met up. Just got another text from her now and she said "yeah apparently there are people bashing her now" LOL :LOL: :rolleyes:
This is just like when they show those lame high speed chases live. Seriously, who wants to see stupid shit like that? This whole live coverage stuff is getting ridiculous. I, for one, enjoy my news fed to me after it has been properly reviewed and approved for my consumption.
now I feel like signing up for twitter, buy a netbook or a phone, then go and get shot. I think it would read something like "lol wuts, I jst gotz 1337zor pwned". Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I don't speak random gibberish very well.

Yeah, and then you could tweet: "OMG, I think I am dying! Can someone call 911 plz? I lost my TRACKBALL" :p
am i the only one thinking how in the hell do you lose your trackball?