Women Play Harder Than Men in Online Games

I wonder if the increase in women gamers in that age range is do to them working.

Maybe they seek gaming as an escape from the daily grind and the increased stress

It would be nice to see more of a study done on this to find out why they are interested in social gaming and why they would choose EQII for their escape outlet.
From my experience, women who play games aren't that good at all. In fact, most women take advantage of their gender to manipulate men.

In World of Warcraft, no women I've seen plays anywhere near as good as a man. Though, every guild is more then happy about bringing one along to raids. Mostly because they're horny young men.

The server I play on even goes as far as to name themselves No Chicks Allowed, and they stick to this rule. Very successful guild too.

Most of the time, a women plays games because their boyfriend does. They only continue to play it, when they realize how much attention they get from the multitudes of men that play it.
My guild leader in WoW is a woman in her 40's. She's the most hardcore WoW player i know. She's logged over 400 days on her main character and probably plays 8 hours a day minimum. She's got 6 80's too! She treats it as a job, not a game. She probably spends upwards of 20 hours a week doing guild management type stuff.
Why are you so skeptical about this? Is it that hard to believe that a lot of women play MMOs, and are quite good at it? Just because they don't fit into your hardcore PC gamer subculture doesn't mean they don't exist. But no, that can't be it! Surely the survey must be horribly biased! They're all actually men pretending to be women!

Meanwhile the nerds who hang out on forums like this wonder why they don't get girlfriends themselves. Hmm, I wonder why. Surely it couldn't have anything to do with that "back in the kitchen, bitch" attitude!

The nerdy women who are over 30 years of age playing EQ longer than men will probably be single for life. The older a woman gets, the harder it is for her to get a mate.
So the study used EQ2. I dont think that was a good choice. How can you measure who plays "harder" in a game like EQ2.
Anyone who questions this study is automatically a sexist, who think that females belong in the kitchen and laundry room! (joking)

I still can't get over the title, somewhat distracting. It reminds me of high school track. The track girls, as a team, got themselves a t-shirt stating: "Distance girls do it longer. Sprinter girls do it harder."

I remember a long time ago they had those dumb commercials with Mia Hamm and Michael Jordan with the song in the back "anything you can do, I can do better."

Some women just cant get over the fact that the average man is stronger and faster than the average woman. The same holds true at the elite levels where the top women stand no chance against the top males.
The nerdy women who are over 30 years of age playing EQ longer than men will probably be single for life. The older a woman gets, the harder it is for her to get a mate.

well thats completely false, at least put that way. i think most women think that, therefore their own pessimism and skewed view of life is what keeps them single...
Why are you so skeptical about this? Is it that hard to believe that a lot of women play MMOs, and are quite good at it? Just because they don't fit into your hardcore PC gamer subculture doesn't mean they don't exist. But no, that can't be it! Surely the survey must be horribly biased! They're all actually men pretending to be women!

Meanwhile the nerds who hang out on forums like this wonder why they don't get girlfriends themselves. Hmm, I wonder why. Surely it couldn't have anything to do with that "back in the kitchen, bitch" attitude!

I have played A Lot of games over the years, most of them competitive top tier across most genre. As a result I know quite a few women gamers as well, my wife included. I know a large number of them talk big talk, as is more or less necessary to get noticed in what is largely a male dominated area. However i know of very very few who actually are able to back that talk up, so yes I am more then a little skeptical of the findings of this "study". I seriously doubt this study went any deeper then asking female gamers about their habits and very little if any validation of their ability was done.

I take this study like most today, with a very big grain of salt.
When I first introduced my sister to WoW, I was quite sexist about it. "Oh, she'll collect mini pets and go 'tee hee'". Turns out, she PvPed like a maniac 8 hours a day, bought half her guild epic flying mounts, and the list goes on. Hard to compete with her :D
Maybe that shows that women tend to break their backs doing stuff to make sure
they can provide wonderful things for others. ?

Again, I would like to see a more in depth psycho study as to why women play these games.

Thanks and see you out there,
Loki Sunrider
mr. politcal correctness comes to the rescue of gendar unequality and bias. I bet women all over love you for it. /sarcasm
Before you get your manly panties in a bunch I have a problem with the way the study was conducted. Hell anyone can make up a study to come up with anything these days as long as the funding money keeps flowing. It's like some tech review sites that do reviews and come up with half baked conclusions , meanwhile everyone takes the conclusions seriously because it came from a published site yet very few pay attention to the methodology used which can be highly suspect. Same thing happens with some social studies or psych studies done by so-called experts.

as for 'nerds' who hang out in here....umm look at your join date and post count vs mine and tell me who hangs out here more?

On one hang you bash studies and on the other hand you heavily stereotype people.

So which is it? Do you support studies or are you a sheep and aren't able to come up with conclusions of your own and let the mob do the thinking for you?
from my experiences, I think I can say that most veteran players that are women tend to be good at playing because they got good at playing rather quickly and stuck to playing for the fun. that's not to say that some didn't start off slow and eventually got better, but I've seen more women that got off to bad starts quit playing at earlier stages rather than men. I'm guessing this is because most men don't mind the open abuse directed at them by other players because they're use to it and shrug it off or it's part of the 'fun' factor, while the same aggressiveness towards most women tends to be taken more seriously and they'll often times move towards another 'less stressful' activity to have fun. now all of that is just speaking about stereotypical 'norms' of our society and doesn't include a lot of people, lol.

I've run into a lot of people from both genders over my years of playing (and a lot of people of questionable gender... lol) and most of them are more or less the same regardless of gender. though there is a large trend of using female avatars, be they actually male or female, to use 'sex' to aquire any number of things (these players normally tend to quit early on if they can't find a 'sugar daddy', and normally have very little skill, lol). basically a n00b tends to act like a n00b, a veteran like a veteran, and an elitest like a jackass regardless of what they are, lol.
bah, I coulda worded the first part better, that last sentence in the first part there refers to the one before it, lol.
from my experiences, I think I can say that most veteran players that are women tend to be good at playing because they got good at playing rather quickly and stuck to playing for the fun. that's not to say that some didn't start off slow and eventually got better, but I've seen more women that got off to bad starts quit playing at earlier stages rather than men. I'm guessing this is because most men don't mind the open abuse directed at them by other players because they're use to it and shrug it off or it's part of the 'fun' factor, while the same aggressiveness towards most women tends to be taken more seriously and they'll often times move towards another 'less stressful' activity to have fun. now all of that is just speaking about stereotypical 'norms' of our society and doesn't include a lot of people, lol.

I've run into a lot of people from both genders over my years of playing (and a lot of people of questionable gender... lol) and most of them are more or less the same regardless of gender. though there is a large trend of using female avatars, be they actually male or female, to use 'sex' to aquire any number of things (these players normally tend to quit early on if they can't find a 'sugar daddy', and normally have very little skill, lol). basically a n00b tends to act like a n00b, a veteran like a veteran, and an elitest like a jackass regardless of what they are, lol.

This would be far more accurate then the study this thread is about.