Women Set the Pace as Online Gamers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Brace yourselves for the onslaught of “your mom” jokes because you know they are coming.

Although women are still slightly in the minority among global Web users, they are closing ground with men and, once connected, spend about two more hours online a month on average.
The reason women spend more time online then men is probably due to spending more time on Facebook and similar sites.
Everytime I read one of these articles it makes me think of every time ive played games online in the last like 10 years..

OH NOEZ!! IS that a Womenz on the internets!!
no.. it couldnt be... There are no women on the internet..
... Pics of bewbz, now!

Its a like a shy 12 yr old that's learning anonymity of the internet
I always assume that everyone on the internet is a middle aged man living in a creepy apartment or his mother's basement until proven otherwise.
they have computers in kitches now?

/bad joke

it says "online" not "gaming" which is 2 different activities
Women also outpace men in photo sharing and shopping, and in what may come as a surprise, gaming, favoring casual puzzle, card and board games.
How does playing casual puzzle, card, and board games make women gamers? Old men do that too, does that mean that old men are outpacing youths as gamers?
My wife is a pretty hardcore gamer... if you call Halo (console) and WoW "hardcore".

She plays every night and I guess you can say she sets the pace of gaming in our house. Kids on the consoles, me on my PC and the wife on hers. :)
My significant other's idea of gaming is those stupid mahjong solitaire games. (it's not even REAL mahjong!) But she has the eye-hand coordination of a four-year old, so I don't think "hardcore" gaming is ever in her future.

She's curious about it though. Keeps wondering why I spend evenings yapping online about Ubers and Sentries and Sandviches. She actually poked her head in my cave and asked me if I was hungry.
I always assume that everyone on the internet is a middle aged man living in a creepy apartment or his mother's basement until proven otherwise.


LOL, that or 7 yr olds that don't have a firm grasp of the English language yet, outside of TVnglish.
How does playing casual puzzle, card, and board games make women gamers? Old men do that too, does that mean that old men are outpacing youths as gamers?

It would be interesting for to look into the miniscule percentage of [H]ard Gamers. Anyone want to put some %'s out there for what they think that might be?
My significant other's idea of gaming is those stupid mahjong solitaire games. (it's not even REAL mahjong!) But she has the eye-hand coordination of a four-year old, so I don't think "hardcore" gaming is ever in her future.

She's curious about it though. Keeps wondering why I spend evenings yapping online about Ubers and Sentries and Sandviches. She actually poked her head in my cave and asked me if I was hungry.

Hahahahaha.....that was the best post I have read in a long time. I think you are me in a parallel universe because my woman has and does do the exact same things....
Say what you want but Flash games and Farmville are not what online gaming really is. I laugh whenever I read someone refer to games like that as being online gaming.
I know my sister is addicted to WoW, and has been for the passed 5 years or so.

And no, I don't know what server she plays on, and I'm not sending any of you creeps her picture. :p
The reason women spend more time online then men is probably due to spending more time on Facebook and similar sites.


I'm getting tired of cleaning my girlfriends fishtank and feeding her damn pet-thing. Seriously, Facebook is evil.
My wife and I play together a lot. Though the extent of her online gaming has been limited to Aion. She even attended our last LAN, though she didn't play the same game because RTS games in general and SC2 aren't really her thing. Come Diablo III, I'm fairly sure she'll log more hours than I will. Doubt she'll get farther, but she'll put in more time.
I'm glad to see women embracing technology more. Now, they have access to more recipes and online cookbooks than ever before. I can't lie and say I haven't seen an increase in quality of my sammiches.
The reason women spend more time online then men is probably due to spending more time on Facebook and similar sites.

Damn, you beat me to it. Exactly what I thought a split second after reading the summary. Females and Facebook is ridiculous. Lots of time is wasted and a lot of them are into it hardcore (to the point of stalking, seriously).
Doing what? Posting Incomplete profiles in Online Dating Sites, or playing Tarot on Facebook. Social Media should do that.
I'm getting tired of cleaning my girlfriends fishtank and feeding her damn pet-thing. Seriously, Facebook is evil.

Then tell her to do it herself, and while she's distracted, retrieve your balls from her purse.
But they by and large are not getting their arena teams to 1800, they are playing farmville. When the wow playerbase is 60/40 men/women, then you have news.
Women are always complaining that their man spends too much time on the PC and not enough with them. How many men complain about their women doing the same? Women PREVENT their men from gaming longer.

Those of is middle-aged and living in mom's basement have no such encumbrances! :)

And is is really news that women like to socialize and shop?:rolleyes:
They write the article as if it is an accomplishment for women in general. I don't see it that way, it is just a statistic.
Women also outpace men in photo sharing and shopping
I know, men don't care about photo sharing and shopping, but doesn't this sound like a "good" spin?
Say what you want but Flash games and Farmville are not what online gaming really is. I laugh whenever I read someone refer to games like that as being online gaming.

how does this sort of gaming differ from WoW? both require ZERO skill and hours and hours of numbing mindless clicking...
I know my sister is addicted to WoW, and has been for the passed 5 years or so.

And no, I don't know what server she plays on, and I'm not sending any of you creeps her picture. :p

I had a buddy of mine at work a couple years ago mention that his daughter, whos a few years younger than i am, plays WoW... at the time i was playing wow and i said.. ya know.. we've known each other awhile.. you've never shown me a picture of your daughter... his response...

I know my sister is addicted to WoW, and has been for the passed 5 years or so.

And no, I don't know what server she plays on, and I'm not sending any of you creeps her picture. :p

Dude, your identity on these forums are compromised. You gave out your personal info in some post a month or so ago on some privacy thread. Now some stalker can send you pics of her. :p
Dude, your identity on these forums is compromised. You gave out your personal info in some post a month or so ago on some privacy thread. Now some stalker can send you pics of her. :p


"is" not "are"

I'm sounding like "All your bases are belong to us" now.
Women are always complaining that their man spends too much time on the PC and not enough with them. How many men complain about their women doing the same?

I've have to ask my woman to get off her PC all the time! She's addicted to WoW a little too much... :D

Not complaining though, it's fucking cool as shit (my ex-wife *hated* everything about computers)!