Won some RAM


Jun 23, 2003
I was one of the few winners of the [H] christmas giveaway last year; I lucked myself a set of TwinX 1024-3200LLPro Corsair sticks. I had never really looked at Corsair before because they were out of my price range, but after I won the pair I figured I'd read any literature corsair has on the sticks (always like to read all the info on stuff I just purchased/recieved that I can even if it's just fluff writing</dork>).

So I take a look at the specs for the 3200LLPro on the Corsair site and the timings listed are 2-3-2-6. The sticks I recieved are clearly labeled 2-2-2-5 (albeit on a special [H] insert, see pic at bottom) and definitely set to that setting by SPD at 200MHz. Has corsair changed the spec or did I get some hand picked sticks or something? I can't find the contest page anywhere but a prize list might shed some light.

Has anyone bought these things lately (ie: holidays last year 'til now) and can confirm the lower SPD timings? Or perhaps someone else can find that contest page. I'm just curious as to what I actually won and what kind of speeds I might be able to get with the sticks, I haven't really played around with them too much yet. I've always loved [H] for their plethora of contests, keep 'em coming and eventually everyone will get lucky.

Quick stick porn currently sitting in:
ABit NF7-S v2.0
FSB: 200.5 @ 2.7v, timings: 2-2-2-5
change the timings to 2-2-2-11... the 5 could possibly cause data corruption.

Originally posted by Silent.Sin
I was one of the few winners of the [H] christmas giveaway last year; I lucked myself a set of TwinX 1024-3200LLPro Corsair sticks. I had never really looked at Corsair before because they were out of my price range, but after I won the pair I figured I'd read any literature corsair has on the sticks (always like to read all the info on stuff I just purchased/recieved that I can even if it's just fluff writing</dork>).

So I take a look at the specs for the 3200LLPro on the Corsair site and the timings listed are 2-3-2-6. The sticks I recieved are clearly labeled 2-2-2-5 (albeit on a special [H] insert, see pic at bottom) and definitely set to that setting by SPD at 200MHz. Has corsair changed the spec or did I get some hand picked sticks or something? I can't find the contest page anywhere but a prize list might shed some light.

Has anyone bought these things lately (ie: holidays last year 'til now) and can confirm the lower SPD timings? Or perhaps someone else can find that contest page. I'm just curious as to what I actually won and what kind of speeds I might be able to get with the sticks, I haven't really played around with them too much yet. I've always loved [H] for their plethora of contests, keep 'em coming and eventually everyone will get lucky.

Quick stick porn currently sitting in:
ABit NF7-S v2.0
FSB: 200.5 @ 2.7v, timings: 2-2-2-5
I wasn't asking if my timings were correct...I've been running them like that for a couple of months now without problems. Maybe I'll try that when I take these down OC lane. I really just wanted to know what the hell these things are.

I'm starting to think they were hand picked and the SPD was set individually. The hologram sticker on the sticks actually says HARDOCP in the lower left corner, whereas every other picture I've seen on a review doesn't (just says XMS3200); case in point one that was linked today: Tweaknews 3200LLPro review. That review also has the 2-3-2-6 timings, hrmmmmm.
seems liek you're wasting your and our time with this question.

If your sticks do 2-2-2-6 then perfect!
thsoe sticks arne't sold with that description tho.
you jsut have good sticks.
2-2-2-5? That's awesome. Looks like you have Corsair creme of the crop. I think their LL stuff is 2-3-2-6 and their LL Pro stuff is 2-2-2-6, and extremely expensive.

Congrats! Snazzy [H] packaging too... daaaamn nice. I'd just wanna frame them :D
I wish I was so lucky, lol.

If you really want to know if your ram is different then the retail version you could always e-mail someone at [H], I'm sure they could explain it, seeing as how they put the contest together.
Looks like you got a handpicked pair. If it runs 2-2-2-5 and completes a 24hr run of memtest86, you're good. The normal 1024LL runs at 2-3-2-6, and the LL Pro are the same sticks, just with activity lights. Setting the last number to 5 will not cause data corruption.
Seems to me like you just got an earlier revision of the 3200LLpro that use the windbond bh-5 chips instead of the winbond ch-5. The BH-5 chips are the ones everyone on the net is looking for/buying up because they can do 6-2-2-2, instead of 6-2-3-2.
Hehe, OH YES. Those are very much special sticks of ram and not just the regular retail stuff. :)


Kyle Bennett
Editor-in-Chief @ HardOCP.com
Owner of Ratpadz.com
So they are special after all :). Can't wait until I have a couple of open days now to let these babies loose and do some benchmarks and whatnot that I can put up here.