Wooden Computer Case and HAL9000 Mod


Limp Gawd
Mar 22, 2005
their project logs are beginning on my site, linked below, but right now are only picture galleries, feel free to look around, please don't knock on the pics, I can't hold a camera steady to save my life.


Please post comments and critiques about the mods and the site.

POST YOUR COMMENTS!!!!!! *sorry* 800+ views and a thread that has very few posts beside my own will do that.
not much to see better photos are in order
<edit>i looked earlier and the website wasnt working properly, i thought only one of teh tabs on the top had working images>
gulp35 said:
their project logs are beginning on my site, linked below, but right now are only picture galleries, feel free to look around, please don't knock on the pics, I can't hold a camera steady to save my life.


Please post comments and critiques about the mods and the site.
Nice job on the wood case. I like it. The Hal 9000 mod HAS to be overdone, you know... It better be good if your'e going to call it Hal 9000!!!
I was planning on just leaving that Cardboard thing on there for the HAL9000 Mod...

lol jk.

I have tried to contact the guy that runs this site. However He doesn't seem to exist... But I have already found and bought an old Fisheye lens (only place I can find that is selling it is for 90 Euro's and I got it off ebay for 26$ shipped :) ). I was planning on making a mounting cabinet that looks like the rest of HAL's "Brain Room" but I have not figured out exactly how I want to make it.

I was going to make a custom wall case like you did Zeus but the summer is passing by too quickly.

Neat Fact... that entire rackmount case only weighs 12lbs. shipped.
gulp35 said:
I have tried to contact the guy that runs this site.

I was going to make a custom wall case like you did Zeus but the summer is passing by too quickly.
Cool site there. It's been around fifteen years since I last saw 2k1..... !
Brought back some memories.
If you were to do like my CTF Blue Flag mod, it would be easy to add a HAL 9000 module as a cover. Won't take you long, either :)
would that help with muffling the sound as well? and what about heat, i know that wood is not a strong conductor of electricity or heat, but in the case of heat wouldnt that be a bad thing?

looks cool though, i think i should do this for my dads computer, hes a real wood working buff.
I don't think we will have any heat issues. We have two of these tyan systems running in test mode right now sitting on wood tables. One has just the heat sink fans, the other has 4 80mm fans blowing over the board. We actually turned the motherboard layout 180 degrees because when we set up the first system, we saw the processors were cool (35 C) under full load (F@H), while the Northbridge and the and the Southbridge were the hottest thing on the board, so we changed the orientation so the other fans to blow over the N/S bridges first.

Also, the "eggcrate" you can see in some of the pictures will have eight 80mm fans (we went crazy when Newegg had one of their fan sales!). It probably does not need this, but it looks cool ( no pun entended!).

We have decided to close in the lower level and are working on that today. We are still trying to decide if we will close in the top level or not.

By the way Zeus, can you give me a link to your "Blue Flag"?
Updated the middle pics link in the folding farm section and added some pics of the new walls and some pics of the hardware in the Dualie section.
Interesting website- thanks for the link!

I don't know if this'd help you but someone does make a 'repro' Hal 9000 'eye' here (someday I'd like to get one, myself....)
I've looked at that... All it is, is a plastic dome over a plastic peice with the image of HAL on it... No actual Lens.
Just wait till you see the brass feet I bought...small claws! I hope to start urethaning the case tonight, and finish up tomorrow, and assemble on Thursday.
Website Updated... Don't forget to email me if you want the movie *it has ghetto-rific lighting effects* 6.9Mb RAR file 7.8Uncompressed
Just finished up the Wooden Case Computer's Twin, The 4U Twin CPU Heavyweight. What I am really proud about though is the wiring job. My 8RDA+ in the PC-60 has all of its connectors down near the Hard-drives so that there is always a "rat's nest" down there. Gaze upon these...

In-Progress: Have updated Dual Opteron page with "semi-worklog"/"project plan", however I am still in process of uploading pics.
Dual Opteron System has been edited and has a few more links to pictures....

In the picture gallery, 2 new pictures have been added that show the Fan Mounting...

I will upload the finished pics either tonight or tomorrow. I'll maybe make a worklog to post in the worklog section.
One of these times, I want to see a HAL mod that's for a server room and not just the fisheye...maybe do the fisheye too and rig it up to a status monitor + voice recognition input...that'd own.
This isn't for a server room and It won't just be the Fisheye (though the computer will just have the fisheye).

That Rackmount will be the main part of a big cabinet or something that will look like the Brain Room. I haven't finalized the plans for it yet.

HAL for most of the movie is "just the fisheye" so doing a mod that has just the fisheye is a good representation.... Plus How many other HAL mods are there? I've only seen one, and it was a cube case done by ClearCaseMan
OK I just finished Uploading and putting the Finished Pictures in the Wood Case Picture gallery. I should be linking to those pictures in the main worklog soon and then Will post that in the Worklog section.

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