woot 7900gs 145 shipped

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PsyKo[H] said:
Let me get this straight. MSI got a truckload of cards stolen and it only comes to light after many people start to complain that their cards don't work?

Where's the police report? Something smells fish here.

yep, sounds like scare tactics to get people to buy retail cards (or a way to get out of supporting a product with a high dud rate)

goog40 said:

looks like a genuine msi press release, complete with misspelled page title and bad engrish lol
"Look No Other - MSI is the King of nForce"

I bought two of these cards from woot and I've been running them in SLI with zero issues. No wonder it was such a great deal. LOL

I've always loved woot, and recommend it to friends and family. Now I've got to second-guess my opinion of them if they're shady enough to risk their reputation by selling goods which might have been stolen.
I think it's a load of bullshit from MSI not wanting to deal with the defective memory issues that these cards are plagued by.

I know that the boys at woot are legit and would never knowingly purchase 'a truckload of stolen goods'. This whole story from MSI just reeks of bullshit.
Just sent this email to every address I could find in the "contact" section of msi's website. I also copied woot.com on the email:

Hello there!

I had stumbled across an announcement on the MSI website (linked on hardocp.com): http://www.msicomputer.com/msiforms2/stolen.asp

I have in my possession (installed in a friend's computer at the moment) one of the "stolen" 7900GS OEM video cards that looks identical to the card in the picture shown. This card was purchased secondhand from a forum member, who originally purchased the card from woot.com.

I am curious about the wording in your announcement saying that "...some unknown company and person selling those stolen VGA cards on website such as www.woot.com auction." Woot.com is not an unknown by any stretch of the imagination and is not an auction site either. I realize that MSI may not be happy that these cards were sold before the 7900gs was supposed to be available to the public and that these particular models were intended for the integrator channel instead of retail, but I think you may be jumping the gun by calling these cards "stolen" and implicating woot.com without documentation and proof may prove to be very costly for your company. Slander and libel lawsuits can be very expensive...

In all of my dealings with woot.com (including visiting the actual office location in the city that I live in that they ship from) they have been kind and respectful people. I do not in any way get the impression that they are selling stolen merchandise. If these cards *were* in fact stolen, I have a high degree of certainty that woot.com was not aware of this fact. They are a hardware reseller, and a good one at that.

Hopefully this issue gets worked out quickly. By the way, that 7900GS that was "stolen" is a SMOKIN fast card. Good job on the build.


Incidentally, I'm much more inclined to believe that MSI doesn't want to support the cards (which they shouldn't have to) than believe that woot.com hijacked truckloads of 7900gs'es. Woot.com are good people... they've never done me wrong. They let me drive an RMA in to thier office and took care of me STAT. They have a real brick an mortar business to protect, and I couldn't imagine them *knowingly* selling stolen products. They have far too much to lose (thier whole business) if they're selling hot merchandise.

If these cards were in fact stolen, I'm sure that woot will be more than happy to send MSI after the people who sold them to woot. If this is, rather, about supporting these cards, MSI shouldn't have much difficulty in putting off these support requests. It's NOT a retail product, and is warranted through the person who sold the card to you, not through MSI. Should be pretty cut and dry. I have no expectation that any item I buy off woot.com is warranted by anyone other then woot unless it's stated otherwise. There *IS* a reason that woot's prices are so low. It's just part of the risk you take...

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Woot Replys: http://www.woot.com/Forums/ViewPost.aspx?PostID=678174&PageIndex=38&ReplyCount=1512#post716519

Sep 21, 2006 10:38 AM
Good morning.

For now, this comment is being made only here in the specific product thread. As more information is gathered, an email will be sent to all Wooters who participated in this deal. There's a good amount of anger and calls to action from our staff with regards to this bizarre attack, but for now I'm going to just jot down and organize the basics for quick understanding to any members checking in:

1. fact: MSI has publicly claimed Woot has sold stolen goods.
2. fact: Woot has not been contacted by MSI or by any legal authority (as of time of this post)
3. fact: MSI is denying warranty on these cards and implying for whatever reason that they are not "real" (Woot offered these as MSI-OEM cards without any MSI warranty implied and a 90 day Woot warranty only.)

Our intial reaction:

Woot of course denies any wrong-doing in this proposed infringement against MSI. We do not believe that any cards transacted were 'stolen merchandise' -- we transact only with reputable manufacturers and vendors. We will of course cooperate fully with any investigation that is called for. Obviously, we feel harm has been done to our reputation with this claim and we reserve all rights to defend ourselves with further action.

To our members, We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to extend a 2 year Woot direct warranty on all purchased OEM-MSI video cards, un-real/imaginary as they may be. Unfortunately, as we do not have the support of MSI for replacement cards, this will continue to be a full refund only warranty from Woot. This has been automatically implemented on your purchase.

We will update here, or via email as necesssary if there is any news.

Thank you for your past and continued support.

Snapster (and rest of Woot Staff)
silverphoenix said:
uh 120F is only 48.88 celcius.
Eh, sorry. That should have been Celcius, not Fahrenheit... I misread their post.

Back on topic, I am glad to see Woot still being cool about this whole thing. I can't believe MSI would be such pricks about their own video cards...
All I have to say is wow...Woot.com is showing a lot of courage up in front of all this bullshit. In my opinion MSI owes them an apology and owes everyone else the truth behind where these cards actually came from and if they really were stolen or not (which I don't believe they were, they were probably OEM meant for a company like DELL but were refused or sent to the wrong shipper or whatnot).

w00t rocks and Im not even a customer
Another reason why i've never liked MSI.

woot are some real class act dudes. Giving a full refund for 2yrs, thats what I'm talking about. I will continue buying from woot.com, just to spite MSI.
Unless MSI does a really quick 180 on this issue, my "do not buy anything from these manufacturers under any circumstances" list looks like this:

1. Sony
2. MSI

I believe very strongly in the power of voting with your wallet. What these companies seem to not realize is that if you piss off the technorati, you lose more sales than it would appear from the surface. I know that I'm not alone in being the sole source of computing / consumer electronics information for my family and friends.

I've already convinced my father (a dyed in the wool "it's sony, so it must be good" consumer) to never touch another sony product, no matter how compelling it may seem. I even went with another relative to return a new LCD TV and we informed the sales clerk that we refused to support a company that takes action like Sony did.

I personally have at least 4 boxes to build for family / friends before the end of the year, as well as upgrades to 2 of my machines. There will be absolutely zero MSI parts in them unless MSI either shows some proof about the "stolen" claim, or withdraws these claims.

Thanks for stepping up to the plate with the 2 year refund / warranty, woot. You guys rock!

Smart for Woot to quickly communicate what is going on. Public communication is a sign of good business health.
Awesome move by woot, it's strange how MSI didn't contact woot to get details of the supplier, right?
Woot update:

UPDATE 11:45am: We have proactively sought out and heard possibility that a real investigation may in fact be ongoing here... The language of this post was written during our initial disbelief of this possibility. As you can imagine, we're actively seeking information, due to lack of any direct communication. If any facts emerge, we will update.
7900gs are probably defective gt that couldnt make teh cut.. maybe?

so they jus sold off these batches at a cheap price..

sorta glad i didnt jump on this and got my 7900gt on ebay for 180 =D
hmmm maybe MSI is trying to put one past there insurance company
theory 1 : there first batch of 7900gs's have a real high defect rate so they can A: eat the cost like most reputable company's B: just shove them out the door and dont answer the phone like soyo or asus or C: Make them disapear and claim they where stolen and collect from
there insurance company.
disclamer: this is just my opinion which may have nothing to do with reality and maybe a result of excesive expresso intake :D
I bought two of these cards from woot and they have been sitting for way too long. I need to find a mobo worth putting them into. HELP!
OrionNT said:
I bought two of these cards from woot and they have been sitting for way too long. I need to find a mobo worth putting them into. HELP!

Do you want my address? :D
Mine too? :p

Consider one of the Abit sli boards. Good stuff.
_G_ said:
hmmm maybe MSI is trying to put one past there insurance company
theory 1 : there first batch of 7900gs's have a real high defect rate so they can A: eat the cost like most reputable company's B: just shove them out the door and dont answer the phone like soyo or asus or C: Make them disapear and claim they where stolen and collect from
there insurance company.
disclamer: this is just my opinion which may have nothng to do with reality and maybe a result of excesive expresso intake :D

Hmmm i vote C.

it is the most likely answer in any test, so it all makes sense now.
Cody8417 said:
yeah, it's bs like this that has kept me away from msi for a long time
What else have they done Cody? Just inquiring...
PsyKo[H] said:
Let me get this straight. MSI got a truckload of cards stolen and it only comes to light after many people start to complain that their cards don't work?

Where's the police report? Something smells fish here.

MSI has no responsibility to inform anyone outside the company of any thefts that may have happened regarding their merchandise. Would you advertise to the world, and every single message board you frequent, if you happen to get robbed?


just because they arent showing a police report, doesnt mean that they dont have one.

to be fair, woot on the other hand are handling things with grace. if anything, i'd point the finger at woot's supplier. MSI hasnt actually accused woot of stealing the stuff, merely selling the stolen merch.
8balls said:
MSI has no responsibility to inform anyone outside the company of any thefts that may have happened regarding their merchandise.

i disagree.... if it affects the warrantee of the product they do have that responsibility to get the word out before i go to buy one of those cards from a reputable retailer
PsyKo said:
Let me get this straight. MSI got a truckload of cards stolen and it only comes to light after many people start to complain that their cards don't work?

Where's the police report? Something smells fish here.

try an entire container ship
I feel this one piece of tidbit is important to note: THESE CARDS WERE NEVER UNDER ANY KIND OF WARRANTY BY MSI. Even if these cards were not stolen but crapped the bed 2 weeks after habing been purchased from Woot, MSI was under no obligation to deal with the cards. MSI has nothing to gain by claiming the cards were stolen, and making a public claim that is not true would be an extremely costly mistake (Woot would easily win any litigation they brought against MSI).

Some other things to point out:
1.) Woot has never said they purchased the cards direct from MSI. They would have likely gone through some third party, who was either responsible for, or closely linked to the theft.

2.) Woot has not said anything since their initial post--something tells me it has to do with the fact that there *is* an ongoing investigation and they've been asked not to speak about it publically until a later date.

I love Woot as much as the next guy here, but I'm not going to close my eyes, cover my ears and start stomping my feet saying "No no no! Woot.com is innocent! MSI IS EVIL!" It's childish and reeks of silly conspiracy theories.
Oooska said:
I love Woot as much as the next guy here, but I'm not going to close my eyes, cover my ears and start stomping my feet saying "No no no! Woot.com is innocent! MSI IS EVIL!" It's childish and reeks of silly conspiracy theories.

But.. we.. like conspiracy theories.. :(
cyberdeity said:

I bought two of these cards from woot and I've been running them in SLI with zero issues. No wonder it was such a great deal. LOL

I've always loved woot, and recommend it to friends and family. Now I've got to second-guess my opinion of them if they're shady enough to risk their reputation by selling goods which might have been stolen.

LOL Me too, I have one that I bought from that woot.com sale and its still working perfectly fine at 550 core clock. Stolen or not, I dont care, I got a great deal so whatever! lol
8balls said:
MSI has no responsibility to inform anyone outside the company of any thefts that may have happened regarding their merchandise. Would you advertise to the world, and every single message board you frequent, if you happen to get robbed?


just because they arent showing a police report, doesnt mean that they dont have one.

to be fair, woot on the other hand are handling things with grace. if anything, i'd point the finger at woot's supplier. MSI hasnt actually accused woot of stealing the stuff, merely selling the stolen merch.

I don't happen to be selling products to the public, so your example doesn't hold water. The only thing MSI did was a piss-poor job at letting everone know some of their cards may have been stolen.

Had they said "We had cards stolen that have reached retail and we are working with all parties involved and the police. If you bought a green-PCB card, it may have been stolen. Contact your retailer", all of this would have been a non-issue.

Selling stolen merch. can be as damaging to a company as outright stealing. Again, someone at MSI screwed the pooch really bad and now MSI is legally liable if they made a mistake regarding those claims.
Theft like this happens all the time. Normally we (the public) never hear anything about it. MSI got lucky in a sense and found out where some of there product was sold. I read all the info available for this and I doubt WOOT stole the cards or knew anything about the theft. MSI just found out they were selling the products and made an annoucment to advise the public. For all we know WOOT has been served with papers and are under a gag order at this time. Who knows this is one of those things that we are going to have to wait and see.
pstang said:
i disagree.... if it affects the warrantee of the product they do have that responsibility to get the word out before i go to buy one of those cards from a reputable retailer

No offense to Woot or MSI, but the Woot warranty was stated as 90 days. As such, MSI's statement did very little to alter things; no MSI warranty was expressed or implied on Woot's product page. So, if you bought one of these cards, you had (until Woot changed their policy in this case) that amount of time to make sure it isn't DOA, and to stress-test it hard to make sure it functions the way it should. Seems simple enough to me.
PsyKo[H] said:
I don't happen to be selling products to the public, so your example doesn't hold water. The only thing MSI did was a piss-poor job at letting everone know some of their cards may have been stolen.

Had they said "We had cards stolen that have reached retail and we are working with all parties involved and the police. If you bought a green-PCB card, it may have been stolen. Contact your retailer", all of this would have been a non-issue.

Selling stolen merch. can be as damaging to a company as outright stealing. Again, someone at MSI screwed the pooch really bad and now MSI is legally liable if they made a mistake regarding those claims.

point taken, the way they worded their statement made it sound like woot.com was involved, which was something they shouldnt have done.

maybe what MSI was trying to do was make a to the public, as there could be some morons peddling the cards bought off woot.com, claiming warranty from MSI. not everyone is as knowledgeable about computers as you, or i, or anyone else on these forums... there are bound to be idiots out there who think MSI owes them a warranty just because the card looks new, feels new and smells new.
icthus13 said:
It doesn't make them guilty, either.
That makes no sense. I understand what you want to say, but the reality is:

1) Woot sold stolen cards.
2) MSI indicates the cards were stolen.

If by "guilt" you mean that Woot stole them, I didn't say they did. But they shouldn't have a problem turning over the person they bought the cards from.

If you're saying that the cards Woot sold weren't stolen, I'm delighted to look at your links.
Apallohadas said:
If you're saying that the cards Woot sold weren't stolen, I'm delighted to look at your links.

Sorry, I only meant to refer to Woot's knowledge that the cards were stolen at the time they sold them. They may or may not have known in advance...there's just no way for us to tell until any investigation determines it.
The reason I posted the link was to prove my point that MSI jumped the gun on the announcement of the stolen cards and, as a result, they've alienated a customer base that rarely forgives mistakes like that and put themselves in a bad liability position to boot.

Again, all of this would have been a non-issue had MSI not thrown names around....
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