Woot Off!!!!

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i may have to stay up all night and make a good first woot purchase.

ps. how long does it take for the next item to be up after its sold out?
Their server sucks. :rolleyes: By the time I'm done loading for the next woot, it'll be sold out.
well thats it, to late, to tired, maybe i'll get one in BOC when it gets here tommorow.
so far the speakers were the only thing I wanted. Hell only thing I didn't say out loud "what the fuck?" at.
Yea... That camera is gonna take awhile to sell out... I think im gonna hit the hay. I got a test for a 9am class tommarow morning.
would some of you guys quick start buying this camer so we can get on to the next thing!!!!
man i was so close to getting those speakers...wonder if woot is gonna fix their servers....or add more, it is crazy
AcidSun said:
man i was so close to getting those speakers...wonder if woot is gonna fix their servers....or add more, it is crazy

I think they enjoy the torture bandwidth jam creates for us. :D
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