Word Document Modularizing/Hotlinking


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2004
We have a whole bunch of Word documents here that have a lot of redundacy between them. My boss wants to make the redundant parts a seperate Word document and then have each individual doc link back to it. Thats a pretty simple process do in Word, but the problem comes from the fact that they want it to be a Web App that accomplishes it so that the individual teams can see it.

The app basically needs to be able to link one or more documents together and spit out a seamless Word doc in the end. Any insight?

Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm not even sure what terms to use to Google.
Almost sounds like a combination of features from Sharepoint 2003 (or the newer MOSS 2007) and a file diff'ing utility.

Maybe those few phrases could help? I can't think of anything I've already seen that would be appropriate for what you need...