Work Phone - limited choice - Help me decide.


Limp Gawd
Sep 9, 2005
My contract is up on my current phone (samsung i760 - WM 6.1).
My phone is paid for via work (full plan and hardware paid for).

However I am limited in terms of what they will allow and support. I can get stuff on any carrier, but I prefer Verizon as that is what my family is on plus I am used to their coverage (I travel, etc). I have a choice between these phones:

Samsung Omnia 2 (WM 6.5)
HTC Imagio (WM 6.5)
HTC Touch Pro (WM 6.1)
Palm pre plus (webOS) - I'm leaning against this phone after reading about battery issues.

Work won't allow android phones (not secure). I'm assuming they support WP7 phones when they come out, but I dont' know if I want to wait until November / December when they come out (although that's probably what I should do if I was patient enough) also its not guaranteed workwould allow us to have those phones until they have testd WP7 which could take a few more months.

While the phone I currently have is functional... I guess I just desire something a little more up to date.

I'm sort of thinking I should pick one of the first 3 above and then pay for my own hardware upgrade in the future if somethign really grabs me. I can also get one of the 3 above and buy a seperate andriod "toy" - feeling like I really want the Notion Ink Adam or one of the other upcoming tablets.

So the basic question is - of top 3 above, I'd really like to get some opinions in terms of best choice.
Your work won't let you get a Touch Pro 2? If I HAD to go with verizon, and I HAD to stick to WinMo, that'd be my choice. Slap a custom ROM on there like MightyRom and enjoy.

I prefer the Pre over all you listed, but I personally wouldn't be too concerned with the battery. I'd just buy a charger for the car and one for the office. *shrug*
The Pre will last all day for the vast majority of people and it far outlcasses the rest of your list. No smart phone gets great battery life. WebOS is iPhone good.

I echo the above comment about the TP2.
Oh crap sorry, yes the Touch pro 2 (not the touch pro) is one of my choices. However I think it would be with 6.1 not 6.5.

And I dont' think I can load any custom rom's or anything (basically they need to be able to support the phones and I don't think they would appreciate me screwing with it like that).

Thanks for the responses so far. Perhaps the Pre Plus is worth a more solid look. I am not counting it out, I just read (albiet limited) comments regarding the battery.
Look, it wil last you a normal business day, simple as that. Who cares if you have to pop it on the charger on the way home?

As for custom ROMs, everything will WORK the way it should, but if they have a policy against it, the TP2 stock ROM isn't that bad, at least on Sprint. I'm sure Verizon isnt too far off.

I disagree with the Pre being iPhone good. The iPhone wishes it had the Pre's OS. =p
They do allow limited support for blackberry, but they are trying to eliminate blackberry as well. I can get blackberry storm 2 9550. I have to pay $50 to use that one. Its not a big deal, I'm willing to pay that if that phone is superior to the others listed here.
i got a pre last week and i love it and the battery life on the standard battery is not that good if your constantly browsing the web or listing to internet radio etc. it tends to drain the battery but you can buy the bigger batteries which help this. But it is similar to an iphone and the webOS is really good for multitasking. I'm looking forward to the 1.4 update which will bring more features to the phone and improve performance.
I always thought the HTC phones were nice because of the good user support. Imagio for software keyboard, TP2 for hardware keyboard. I'm pretty sure the TP2 has a WM6.5 update now. At least that's what Microsoft says at their website.
Just in case you didn't know, the Touch Pro on Verizon has less RAM then other Touch Pro phones.

I have a Touch Pro and love the phone, but I wouldn't get it if I were you. There seems to be a common problem with a cable that joins the two halves of the phone becoming unplugged and rendering the keyboard useless. I am on my second one and it's doing it now and I have to take the battery out and pinch that part of the phone real hard to fix it.

Great phone otherwise, its small, has an awesome keyboard and lots of performance and CPU power. Great screen too.
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Just in case you didn't know, the Touch Pro on Verizon has less RAM then other Touch Pro phones.

I have a Touch Pro and love the phone, but I wouldn't get it if I were you. There seems to be a common problem with a cable that joins the two halves of the phone becoming unplugged and rendering the keyboard useless. I am on my second one and it's doing it now and I have to take the battery out and pinch that part of the phone real hard to fix it.

Great phone otherwise, its small, has an awesome keyboard and lots of performance and CPU power. Great screen too.

Touch Pro or Touch Pro 2?
Did work give any explanation in regards to their assessment of Android? That is astounding to me.
I think they can't wipe the android phones remotely. That's basically the issue as far as I'm aware. Our emails contain potentially sensative data. If Iose my phone, they got to be able to wipe the exchange data or whatever (I'm not exactly sure how its done or what's done - I'm sure most people on this forum know better than I do). Bottom line - our company says andriod phones do not meet required security needs.
From those four, I would pick the Palm Pre Plus.

If given the choice, I'd pick the Blackberry Bold 9700, Nexus One or Motorola Droid/Milestone.