Worklog: Penguin Farm..Day 2


Racer [H]
Sep 4, 2004
Over the next week, I'll be organizing, adding the server racks and more computers to this...this is just a worklog of what I'm starting with and how it will end up. Currently I have parts scattered across my house, which is annoying my fiance and me. These are Day 2 pics. Day 1 consisted of putting in the shelving you see and reorganizing the storage room to make it into something to play in.







At least no one can say "This thread is worthless without pics!" :D

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
ahh penguin. I passed you a couple of months back. I guess I have to brace for impact. :p
Wow, that's impressive. But being a complete over compulsive type-A person, that is more or less my nightmare.

Fold on.

Sir I envy the appearance of your home! What I wouldn't give to have that much PC related stuff laying around ready for installation. :D

mm DC Pr0n.

How much money you sink into all that? and whats going into the clear case? :)
Crashsector said:
Wow, that's impressive. But being a complete over compulsive type-A person, that is more or less my nightmare.

Fold on.

LOL, I think you better not come over to my place, you would have a melt down.

Looking good!
KodiakStar said:
mm DC Pr0n.

How much money you sink into all that? and whats going into the clear case? :)

Green Neon :D

As for all the computer parts...most of it is being resold. I build computers and sell them. I just figure that I'll build them and use them in the farm until they sell...but that is only going to be about 3 of the computers I have in the farm.

The server racks..I bought 7 of them for 150 bucks. The dual proc computers..I'll have about 1000.00 into them. The monitors..I bought 10 17" Dell/Sony Trinitron monitors for 250 bucks.
Please keep us updated.

Do you weld? Or do something involving compressed gasses? What's with the big blue tank-y thing?
mwarps said:
Please keep us updated.

Do you weld? Or do something involving compressed gasses? What's with the big blue tank-y thing?

Part of the software system. :)
Water softener possibly? I was thinking Oxy-acetalyne torches at first too, until I saw the pipes going into the wall. :D

Penguincomp said:
LMAO..Guess what my mind is on.'s part of the water softner system.

I would guess your mind is on some part of your fiance :p

heh.. i bet we could get alotta members from the MP systems and networking forums if we keep this up ;)

nice lookin setup, makes me wish i could do the same with all the boxen lying around my house. i'd love to have my own rack

I have this evil plan to turn my dresser into a blade rack...

Someone Else: "That's a nice dresser you have there..."

Me: "Dresser? don't you mean *opens front* blade rack?"

oh to have the time and money to do it.............

Looks nice Penquin! keep us posted!! more pictures!!

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
I have this evil plan to turn my dresser into a blade rack...

Someone Else: "That's a nice dresser you have there..."

Me: "Dresser? don't you mean *opens front* blade rack?"

oh to have the time and money to do it.............

That sounds like a great idea, although I have this fear of combustible furniture.

I envy you and your computer parts.

All I have is this farm of old duallies and getting to go to Columbus for more stuff in once in a great while.
Very nice. :cool:
It looks like the shopping bag in the last pic says "HARD" something on it.

Fiance would kick my ass for a pad like that. She hates the toilet paper on the top of the tank and the 1 pc, 1 laptop and 2 DEC's that are there now.......but I would like it :D

Edit: She likes the hobby just not the mess.
Are the counters in the last pic stone(granite or some such)....or a composite with tile backsplash?
nice UPSs. i wish i'd jumped on the deal office depot had a week or two ago for a $10 UPS... i need a few of them.:(
Penguincomp said:
I bought 10 17" Dell/Sony Trinitron monitors for 250 bucks.
damn! i wish i could find a deal like that. i could use some more 17" monitors... except for the little issue with not enough power... i think that adding another 17" monitor in my room would trip the circuit. at this point, a vacuum cleaner will do it.

at least i have an excuse for not cleaning my room:p

what're the specs on the systems?
3ghz p4, 1gig pc3200
xp 3000, 1 gig ram
p3 800mhz lappy
dual p3 800mhz 1 gig ram
Power PC G3
Oh yea..Moving the racks in tomorrow. Have extension cords ready for their individual circuit's from the garage....which is on the other side of the double doors. I'll blow the circuits for the house if I attempted this on the normal power. Going to be going and picking up my "new" Dual p3 1ghz box tomorrow as well. I got outbid on all the other ones...bastards. 160 bucks tho for the new box.

Anyone have an OSX that I can load on the Power PC?
DR_K13 said:
more pics!

ooh. now our fearless Mod' wants more DC Pr0n too...

but yea. seriously.

more pics.

i will have more of my [H]umble farm after mage gets it working this weekend
Noon time update: Just picked up the Dual P3 1ghz..Installing Linux on it now :) It should be folding by dinner. About to go get the server racks in a bit..then everything comes down and I get to reorganize it all again. I'll take some pics of the racks when I get them here.

Btw..anyone have any 19" rack shelves? I need some for these racks..I only have 1. Most of my stuff isn't rackmountable.
i kinda doubt that anyone here has spare rack shelves. your best bet is probably going to be measuring the one you have, then making more from wood/metal/whatever you can find at lowes.

it shouldn't be too much trouble.
Day 3 pics...I'm not counting yesterday since I didn't do a damned thing.
Where the racks are going to go.

The mess that is my storage room.

Racks on my trailer.

Gratuitous pic of my SUV with blue HID's that I drive too fast in. (Posted just for JSClark..eheh)

Empty racks in place and the mess that is still there.
I'm thinking about painting the racks black and white...penguin colors! Whatcha think?