Workstation Graphics related questions...


Apr 18, 2005
Alright, right now I have an AGP system and a 6800GT that I run as a quadroFX 4000... Any real quadro on the PCIe bus that would be an upgrade from the FX4000 is way out of my budget.

I game though too... FEAR, CS:S, Quake4, and some MMOs... this is where I feel the age of my 6800/FX4000.

My questions are these:

Would a current gen game card (7800/x1800 and above) on the PCIe bus stack up to the agp quadroFX4000 in workstation apps (namely MAX)?

I know how they do in games, but I am having trouble finding workstation benchmarks run on the game cards. if a 7X00 or x1900 performed as good as my quadroFX4000 I could handle that. of course a g70 in quadro mode would blow it out of the water, but want to see how well they do in gamer mode.

If you know of benches post them please or if you have a GTX or XTX run some specview benchmarks or just let me know your experience using MAX especially.

hehe, I would just love to play FEAR multiplayer using my monitor's native rez, but I don't want to lag in MAX... or at least anyu more then I already do. (nv40 as quadro is still pretty good)
Based on what I know about 'em is that a true worksattion graphics card will likely to lag alot in games.(period)
I haven't used RivaTuner for a while, but are you able to softmod any of the 7800 series into their Quadro equivalent? When I first got my 6800 GT, like you I softmodded it to a Quadro and noticed a huge boost in performance in Max even without the Maxtreme driver. It's too bad windows doesn't let you run two different display drivers under different user profiles so that you could have the best of both worlds.

what you stated is an old wives tale, as they say...

you might lose 2-3 fps and that is about it.

a quadro works fine in games...