World in Conflict. Worth trying out?


Limp Gawd
Jul 12, 2003
I was watching some gameplay videos of this game and I must say it looks like it would be alot of fun. Is it worth picking up or no? Also hows the multiplayer for it?
Awesome game , i hardly like rts but this game is dope.
i played open beta ,closed beta then demo , i didnt bought game at release.
When i finally got it i had a great time , not buying it at launch was dumb
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I was very into this game during the beta and when it was first released and I can say without a doubt that you will love it. The multiplayer is amazing and very well organized! Plenty of options and tons of maps. Has a decent ranking and stats system too if you are interested in that sort of thing.
Awesome game , i hardly like rts but this game is dope.

hah, your their exact target market.

yeah I thought it was pretty good except that you need some pretty usual RTS epic-micro, which is always annoying. But yeah, I had a blast with the single player and the online is pretty fun.
Definitely buy the game. I'm not much of an RTS player anymore and still haven't finished C&C3 even though I've owned the game for well over a year but I love WiC and have played through it at least a couple of times. While the game itself is damn good, I love the storyline, the way it was presented and how everything tied together.

I have no clue what the multiplayer is like since I'm not all that good at RTSes and normally don't have the time to play a big battle or something against a real person so I avoid online play. That said, I wouldn't mind trying the multiplayer if I was at a LAN or something as I think it would be fun.

Lots of fun with the graphics and sound cranked up. I highly enjoyed this game. Easy for new people to get into so it makes a nice LAN party game.
Great game, it's tailored to the PC with its excellent feature complete menus and controls.

The game itself is brilliant for RTS newbs, it has no economy to speak of, you just spend credits from a credit pool which builds over time, so you spend your time moving units about and worrying about combat.

Multiplayer is very accessible, you select a server and join mid-battle it seamlessly drops you in and away you go.

Updates, map releases and other things happen in game from the menu so you dont need to worry about patching and alike.

All games should be like this.

Oh and you also get nukes, can't really beat that.
I was watching some gameplay videos of this game and I must say it looks like it would be alot of fun. Is it worth picking up or no? Also hows the multiplayer for it?

Very worth picking up. The single player is very good and the multiplayer is fantastic. It really brought me back into RTS style games. if there is still a demo out there I would recommend trying it out.
Its a blast. Great gameplay.

The story is less believable than Red Dawn and a few of the characters are kinda flat and lame, but SP is still fun.
Yes with Germans.

If you guys pick a server though I would play with anyone who wants to.
This is with settings at med-high, they can actually look much better:


Fun, but not worth purchasing. I played it for about a week.

For the single player alone I would agree(although at only $20 it's close). But throw in multi-player and it is well worth the cost. So much fun to play with people you know and talk shit. It's so easy to learn and pick up I could get people hooked right away. At the core there really is a lot of strategy involved if you're playing skilled opponents. Don't bother with the expansion though unless you get both cheap, it doesn't add much.
Fun game, definitely worth the 20 or 30 dollars. With a team working together, the online experience is great, especially when nukes come into play. Like said above, the multiplayer aspect seals the deal.
the campaign was really fun but gameplay got old quick because there sint an economy you just plot units and pretty much send them into battle and support them with commander tools. M1 Abrams wins though its like the apocalypse tank in Red Alert.

The game "feels" like battlefield 2's commander view lol.
I thought this was a great multiplayer game. I had a lot of fun with it and the single player missions aren't bad either.