World of Warcraft noob...


Aug 7, 2006
Yeah, I started playing WOW yesterday...I can't friggin stop, so I thought I'd see if anyone fron the [H]ard|Forum was playing too. I'm on Gnomeregan and my account name is the same as my forum name. Look me up if you want to join forces.

need your char name.. or is that what you meant by account name?
I play on dragonblight mostly... have sub/storage chars on a few other servers to avoid down time.
60 lock on Gilneas. Spend most of my time feeding rank 8 immolates and SB's to pallies in BG.

Good luck on your questing and if you get stuck there is always
Got a 60 Mage on Agamaggan (euro)

45 days played, it's a scary thing WoW.
60 Rogue...approaching 150 days played :eek: and 60 Priest on Burning Blade (Horde)

Random Chars from 20-50 on Stormscale (Horde)

40 something warrior on Anetheron (Alliance)

I still think it would be cool if we could get like 20+ hardforum members+friends to reroll on a fresh server.
welcome to the addiction that is wow.

I currently have a 60 Druid, 60 Hunter, 60 Warrior, 35 Mage, 29 Rogue, 21 Priest, all on Gilneas (Alliance/Pve) and a 22 Druid on Bloodscalp (Horde/Pvp)
60 Orc Warrior
60 Orc Warlock (wearing a pink dress /ashamed)

Both on Stormscale
Say goodbye to

A. Social activities
B. Any other games (WoW will now absorb all your gaming time)

Its not bad for the first year, but after 12 months you start to wonder what you've done with your life, lol.

I successfully quit on 11/20/05. Addiction free baby!