World of Warcraft - production STOPPED - Find me a copy = reward for you!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2003
Well guys, I've been searching all over the net and in retail stores for copies of the regular and collector's edition World of Warcraft, but to no avail. Come to find out, the guy at a local gamestop tells me they've frozen production until april as not to overload the servers! I would like to give WoW a try, but can't find a decent copy anywhere! Ebay prices are jacked up, and dubious so....

So here is what I propose to any of my [H] compatriots - I am looking for anyone to...

1. Find me a standard copy of WoW IN STOCK at an online merchant, for a price between $30-60 .

2. Find me a Collector's edition copy of WoW IN STOCK for $80-90 USD.

3. Have one of the above and be willing to sell it to me, with an UNUSED CD Key.

For 1, your reward will be $10 paypal'ed immediately after I confirm WoW is in stock and place my order.

For 2. your reward is $20 under the same conditions

For 3, we can discuss pricing and whatnot via PM.

So there you have it, get a couple of bucks simply for your time helping another guy out. Thanks in advance =)

EDIT: Merchants in the USA or possibly canada (that take USA paypal) only please! I have no intention to buy it from asia or europe.
I guess I grabbed my copy just before they stopped selling it. My local Walmart in Summerfield, FL had copies when I bought one of them on Tuesday, but that was the 6th store I visited before I found it.
Last time I went to EBgames, they had three CE's sitting on the shelf. This was less than a week ago.
I noticed they don't have them anywhere around here. I wondered why best buy had 0 copies lately and thats where i got mine. WoW owns me :D
Senturion - I guess I didn't make it clear that I didn't want to do Ebay - however if I end ot buying from them you get the credit :)

Tiny - that circuit city thing is a mistake I told them to fix. Called yesturday and they are in fact, out of stock...

Jeff - I'll call blizz directly, if they have it and I buy you get the credit...

My local gamestop is out, but I'll give the Ebgames a call.
Xaeos said:
EDIT: Merchants in the USA or possibly canada (that take USA paypal) only please! I have no intention to buy it from asia or europe.

It's not out here til feb anyway :/
Amazon is currently out of stock - all the "used and new from xxx" are very expensive...

Wizards And Wars out of stock too when I called just now...


Order has been placed from Blizzard store - they have a VERY limited number in stock for cheap!

JeffB - please PM with your paypal.

Thanks for all your help and ideas guys - If anyone else is searching for this title I suggest you call blizzard immediately!
It is coming back eventually, however the projection for most retailers is around march or april. There are varying reports, some say they simply "ran out and are trying to make more" but others say this was a purposeful attempt to stop newcomers from overloading their servers, until they can get more of them up - which, while irritating for those of us without the game shows a commitment to the enjoyment of those that already do...

Like I said, if you want it go to the official store and buy it - I suggest by phone and do so immediately.
Yup they stopped making it because it just didn't sell very well. Shame to, I heard it was pretty good. :(


They are holding off on restocking stores with more copies because they don't want to hose their servers.
I have WoW collecting dust on my desk!
not collectors edition though.

unused cd-key
You would think that if demand is as high as it is they would simply get more servers and hire more people rather then stopping production. That doesn't sound like a very good buisness model to me.
Heh, I managed to grab the last copy from my local Electronics Botique store at the mall about a week after it came out.

Lucky me, eh? :D

It's just a shame the servers are having really severe lag issues right now, hopefully they'll get it worked out soon. :)
valkyre said:
Heh, I managed to grab the last copy from my local Electronics Botique store at the mall about a week after it came out.

Lucky me, eh? :D

It's just a shame the servers are having really severe lag issues right now, hopefully they'll get it worked out soon. :)
i haven't had any lag issues yet.

i tried every retail store that would carry WoW in three surrounding city's. Finally the fourth panned out - and only because it's a huge city (San Jose). Good luck finding it.
all this WoW talk is making me hot and bothered to do some more gaming questing... :p
As stupid as it sounds...
I have to go make a PayPal account...

I got WoW for Christmas. Santa said he had a really hard time finding one, didn't see how until I read this thread. Wow, :p I can't believe will all the money theve made of this game they wouldn't set up like 20 more servers and keep selling.
production isnt stopped in north america a few hours ago they had it on instock so what are u talking about its not in production until april, your full of shit
I looked all over the place and I couldn't find any information on any site anywhere that could confirm this story. Production hasn't been stopped, it's just been selling out everywhere.