World of Warcraft "Scroll of Resurrection"

I have 5 available, guarantee'd to work without any kinks, just need your email and I'll send one ASAP.
I have 5 as well, PM me an email if you want one fresh from the oven!
wait how do I see my keynumbers? All i see is a button saying "cast scroll of ressurection", and asks for email or ingame name.
I have 5 open codes for people that have never played before, and I also have 5 for people that have played but quit. Just PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite code. No I won't spam you, No I won't sell your email address, YES I wills send it to the first 5 people that PM me.
How do you guys find the url to post? I've got some scrolls to give if anyone's interested and can tell me how to post them.
I've got 5 of these up for grabs if anyone wants. Shoot me a PM with your e-mail and I'll send one right over. For even faster service, shoot me an IM on AIM. I'm on fairly often.

Go get 'em!
I have 5 available PM me an e-mail address and I'll send one to you
Don't waste time clicking through the links trying to find a new one; PM/IM me with your email and get a GUARANTEED unused one!