World’s Greatest Work In Progress

People will build anything to play with their joystick in private. :p
With space limitations, there probably wont be room for a window unit. My plans do include room for 2 box-fan units on top with one on the door facing backwards, and nice carpet for my feet. This MFer is gonna be a fire hazard from hell.
1. Chair needs to recline so you can be in there for 12+ hours.
2. a fridge
3. fans for circulation

I thought about building on of these a while ago. If I ever find a wardrobe big enough I might just do it :D
OH on perhaps mount some super small displays in there. perhaps extend it alittle to accommodate 3 small monitors :D

DAMNIT this makes me want to make one of these.
Nah this is weak. It's more dignified to be caught whackin' off in your room, then a purposefully made box like this.

Private gaming room? Bullshit, just lock your doors, lower the blinds, put on headphones and play at night. Probably more comfortable and you can have eyefinity too.

Anything less than a Henry Nicholas (Broadcom Co-Founder/CEO) underground lair complete with separate rooms and such just will not do for this sort of thing. Why go for the Yugo? Strive for the Ferrari and you'll end up with a Mercedes at the very least.
You guys are missing the obvious. Hide this sucker in plain sight at the office, next to the filing cabinets. Nobody would pay any attention to it and you could sneak in and game during the day.
You guys are missing the obvious. Hide this sucker in plain sight at the office, next to the filing cabinets. Nobody would pay any attention to it and you could sneak in and game during the day.

Until someone decides they want to hang their coat and catches you whackin' off at the office during the day. Lols.

I see how this could work for 40 year old virgin types I guess...
If I had this with certain roomates back in the day, i could never close the door in fear of being locked in from the outside as a prank. And, of course, if I had a roomate that made this, the first thing I'd do is lock him in...
You know there are days when your BORED becasue your at the NOC monitoring the network and out of nowhere you just spit coke all over your screen because someone says Porn Palace. I fucking love this site sometimes.

Thank you for making work a little better sometimes.
Only possible reason to have this is because you live in a crime intensive area and want to disguise hide your gaming equipment in a wardrobe.

Otherwise, I think it's nuts
For those of you that see it as a porn viewer vs a game box/pc hideaway.

That's really just a reflection of what defines you. :p
I'm pretty sure I've seen something like it a long time ago, and I thought the same thing then as I do now. "meh"
Yeah I don't see what's so amazing about it. I've got the same thoughts, meh. You made a box that fits a chair and your comp (maybe, monitor at least) in it. It may have been interesting if it had more to it.
I did see someone do something where there was a secret door or something. A headline so grand should belong to Heineken walk in status. :D
...that why I recommended the fresh air fans ducted into the case (we are some gassy bastards!). Hell, I would actually duct it like a PC case ;)

Now there's an idea! We've kept seeing case mods where PC's can fit pretty much into anything. How about a guy that can fit inside a PC for once?
im thinking massive audio system and bass shakers... nothing like actually being shaken to death when an explosion happens
The only thing is; that when he builds his it will have approx 70 dr pepper cans stacked in it.
Learn to use the trash can noob!
Man this is old news. This sort of thing has been covered by hardocp before, and pulled off much better than this.. This is some amateur hour shit.

At least that had a vent on top for air

You know there are days when your BORED becasue your at the NOC monitoring the network and out of nowhere you just spit coke all over your screen because someone says Porn Palace. I fucking love this site sometimes.

Thank you for making work a little better sometimes.

I hope you didn't spit that all over your servers, Server + coke (or any other type of drink) don't mix.
Did he have to build the box because his computer fans were too loud to sit next to the computer?

Why not mount a small window Air conditioner unit or at least some ventilation fans?

The fiberboard walls are not doing it for me, maybe if they were black like the outside of the box.

Question- is the user the same guy trolling Stickam or other cam sites recording unsuspecting people?
Only problem with it being a willy wonkin' booth is that there are no locks on the doors that I see.

Massive oversight man.... massive.
I think somebody spent a lot of time in their mother's kitchen cabinets as a young child.
