World wide folding contest.


Nov 3, 2009
For the last several years over at EVGA we have been doing a Time Zone Challenge contest where we sign up with our current times zones we live in and have a little contest to see who's the best.

We had an idea to open this contest to the whole world.
You would still fold for your current team but you would be teamed up with guy/gals for all different teams that live in your time zone.
This would be the first contest that teams would be mixed up competing aging each other.
If you wanted to do prizes you could do them within your own team but this would just be a promotion to get more folders.

Overview: The contest will start with anyone interesting in participating will sign up online with their folding name and the time zone in which they live. I think we have open sign ups for a week maybe two.
Once all teams are set the contest will begin at a Pre determined date and time. No need to change passkeys team names or numbers all you have to do if fold like normal. I live in Colorado so I'll be folding for Mountain Time Zone, I may be folding with Kendrak or Grandpa so for the first time we get to be teammates BUT were still gaining points for our respective teams. I think this will bring some teams closer. Now I know Mountain Time zone doesn't have the population base that the East or West coast has so I'll be trying to recruit friends and othe people in my area to start folding. The contest will last as long as we decide as a community. If a team decides to have prizes associated with the contest, this can also bring in new members. Our members usually donate gear they aren't using or steam codes etc... We also creat badges with our time zone for a sense of pride.
Rules: that's the great thing this is a fun contest to promote unity and get new folders so the only real rule is that you fold for the Time Zone you live in.
You guys are the first team I've talked to, because of your long standing dedication to folding I wanted to see if there was interest and get ideas.

We started a thread here if you like to comment

Thanks for your time.
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Interesting, I would suggest adding to your first post an overview / rules..

I think that this may be a competition that could work out...
I would participate if it was pretty lightweight to signup. It would be interesting to see which time zone is highest. My guess is Eastern has more folders, but who knows.

Virtual teams would be cool of any type. For instance, I'd be willing to be on a virtual [H]ard team if I could still use my 2 - 4Ps to help ExtremeOverclocking. Looking through some of the bigger producers...there are quite a few of us on very small teams that would probably like some friendly competition.
Eastern might have more folders but doesn't mean more POWER or [H] (so to called) folders :D
China has 1 and Russia has 9, but I'm thinking folding isn't that popular.
I'm very sure they both have MULTIPLE time zones. Even more than the US, so they would be divided as such.

All of China is UTC+8.

A quick googling would've told you this. (They used to have time zones... but they dumped it)
All of China is UTC+8.

A quick googling would've told you this. (They used to have time zones... but they dumped it)

Quickly, for the sake of argument, from Wiki:
China spans five different geographic time zones yet since 1949 China has only had a single standard time

So they have one "standard" time, but span 5 time "zones". Just semantics I agree, but that would be the fair way to divide it up. End of discussion for me.
I am not sure how it workes to bring in new folders, however it would be an inter team competition, where us East Cost FTW ... would just win ;) I think they may use it to pull people in from their time zone to help boost their score, and hope the people stick.

I don't see how this contest = more folders
You are all wrong!!!

Since the prime meridian runs right through the middle of the UK, GMT rules!:p
I can see how this contest is dividing us.

We don't need any more drama around here. We need to unite, not divide.

Let's end this right now.

Right after all of you agree that the West is the Best.
Lets keep it on topic in that case guys -

Pocatello, i wasnt around for the CC fiasco, is there no way this would work?

To my understanding the EVGA Time Zone Challenge just computes points from combined members, not from people using the same name as everyone else (as in the CC). Which that was where the issue i thought was? [Note: Lets not make this into a CC drama thread, I am using it as a comparison point].
Lets keep it on topic in that case guys -

Pocatello, i wasnt around for the CC fiasco, is there no way this would work?

To my understanding the EVGA Time Zone Challenge just computes points from combined members, not from people using the same name as everyone else (as in the CC). Which that was where the issue i thought was? [Note: Lets not make this into a CC drama thread, I am using it as a comparison point].

Exactly! You wouldn't change you team name, passkey or anything. If you are folding for [H] your team will continue to get your points. You will just be on the same team as whom ever lives in your time zone. We would also like to run the contest during winter months (yes I understand it will be summer somewhere) so everyone can fire up all their equipment.

I have been folding for a few years and to be honest I don't like the bad blood between some team members. I think this is another way to bring our communities together.

My grandmother has Alzheimer's and I could give a rats ass what team finds a cure for her as long as we find a cure.
Wow, I could rally all.... all three Folders in my time zone! :( Alaska Standard/Yukon Standard Zone. Alaska Standard/Yukon Standard Zone. Years ago Alaska had several time zones.
I was being sarcastic. I was trying to be funny.

Sure... I think this might work.
My guess would be per capita Colorado has the highest # of 4P's in the Nation
Really? I had no Idea Colorado was a powerhouse :)
I'm the little guy then with a 980x and 875k, I do have a handful of GPU' though.
I'd love to build a 4p but I just had a baby a little while back. You know they need to eat too?
I'm from Pueblo...lived here all my life.
I used to work up in springs till last year...and my wife still works there...up off woodman.

Who else do we have from Colorado? I seem to recall someone saying in this thread that they were from Colorado...but I dont see it any more....was that feather?

I'm not a 4p guy.......I just fold with the computers that I already have...I'm an AMD fan...which is getting harder and harder.

I think regulars that I have folding.
My Thuban hex core
My stepson's Opty 170 running dual uniprocs
I've got a core 2 duo for my HTPC running 2x uniprocessors as well
My wife's machine is a core 2 quad
And I also have a stock i7 2600 at work that is my daily driver there that gets folding loving.

Nothing terribly fancy...and despite being quiet...i've been folding since 03....been as high as team rank 81ish back in the QMD / uniprocessor days

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Horvat from EVGA is from Colorado he's putting out over a million a day. I think he has seven rigs.
Aah, all up in the denver area...thats cool.

I'll be the ghetto southerner in the Colo bunch then.


Aah, all up in the denver area...thats cool.

I'll be the ghetto southerner in the Colo bunch then.


I'm replying from the north shore marina right now. Great day on the water be here all weekend. Pueblo is my home away from home during the summer.