World's First Electronic Underwear

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Underwear that will send you a text message when they sense when you’ve had an “accident?” Holy crap! That is gross. Hang on a minute, I think I’m getting a text. :eek:

An Australian company on Friday announced the rollout of what it said were the world's first electronic underpants, saying its product was able to send text messages if the wearer became incontinent. oblivious do you have to be to need a text message saying you crapped or pissed in your own pants?
[UPS] Sorce;1035506995 said: oblivious do you have to be to need a text message saying you crapped or pissed in your own pants?

When you are old.
That reminds me of the story of the elderly couple that went to the doctors office. The man was getting his annual checkup. The doctor says, "I'll need a stool, urine and semen sample". The wife pipes in saying, "That's easy, just give him your underwear!"
This is too damn funny to pass up.... :D

2 Blokes (Japanese and American) are playing golf. The Japanese guy is getting ready to tee off and suddenly starts talking to his thumb.

American bloke says: "What you doin?"

"Oh, don't worry, with Microtechnology I have a Microphone in my thumb. I was just recording a message."

The 2 men carry on golfing, but all of a sudden the American man makes a funny sound, that amazingly sounds like a fart. The Japanese man looks over at him. 'Oh,' says the American. "Don't worry, I'm just receiving a fax."
this sounds pretty great actually, for the older folks, especially the ones who get passed over easily because they are bed ridden
That's the first thing that came to my mind...

yeah, this isn't meant for the average person. this is meant for nursing homes and places like that which need to know if a patient had an accident and need to be changed.
Ipad screen splash:
Dump Alert, Room 213, Bed 2
Wizz Alert, Main Floor Corridor
Clean Up, Stat

Have to make the Ipad useful somehow. :D
[UPS] Sorce;1035506995 said: oblivious do you have to be to need a text message saying you crapped or pissed in your own pants?

Get back to us in 50 years. ;)
I can understand the incontinence problem. However, If you are so out of it that you didn't notice that have just shit yourself, I'm not sure a text is going to get the message across either.
sounds like something that would work well for young children too, no more asking them if they shit themselves.
@ballerx ......i would think the underwear be for those too out of it to notice and the text be sent to SOMEONE ELSE who are taking care of the wearer.... ie. caregiver, nurse, etc
I can understand the incontinence problem. However, If you are so out of it that you didn't notice that have just shit yourself, I'm not sure a text is going to get the message across either.

Again, the notification would not be for the elderly/incontinent individual, it would be for their caretaker.
People tweet when they're on the john all the time... now seniors can do it too!