Worst "Blame Video Games" Headline of the Day

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Yeah, because we all know it was the video games that neglected these kids. Why won't the gaming industry think of the impact on these defenseless children? This poor woman should sue! Thanks to [H] forum member Uriel Dagda for the linkage.

Six children were removed from their Uniontown home after investigators found them living in filth and animal waste. Police said their mother was addicted to online computer games, so she neglected her children and didn’t clean the house for years.
life used to be all rainbows and butterflies for kids before there were computers....
I want to give these people a wet fart mustache. I wonder why personal responsibility is such a taboo subject.
She would have been addicted to something. At least Blizzard got her money.
They were all under the age of 11...... Apparently she hasn't been online ALL the time, unless her husband is very talented. Either way, the current dude was a stepfather.. so that means she had to date someone. The addiction is overblown, she just didn't give a damn about her kids.
On the bright side... she has less distractions going on during raid time now. :rolleyes:

... and her kids will probably be stuck with a slightly lesser douchebag.
To be fair, she was still waiting for one of the Bindings of the Windseeker to drop in Molten Core.
Well to be fair to the article, it didn't blame video games as the culprit it instead blamed her addiction to those games.
What I still don't get is, the stepfather wasn't into the games.. Why didn't he just take the computer and throw it out. Or do something ffs. Apparently he tried to do what he could (yeah right).. He couldn't get them real beds? Get her therapy? I mean, damn, I thought I was the King of Lazy.. I have to yield to the God, apparently.
I always wonder how some people have all these damn kids, including babies, and are on WOW all the time. If my wife isn't watching the 2 year old, I'm not on the game.
I seriously can't fathom the concept that people can get physically addicted to games. I mean, sure, I've gone on huge gaming sprees, but they are short and sweet because I get bored. Playing the same game over and over and over (If it isn't SMW) is boring.
Well to be fair to the article, it didn't blame video games as the culprit it instead blamed her addiction to those games.

"Addiction" is often accompanied by a willful disregard of personal responsibility, however, they are not the same thing. She is just a selfish, trashy bitch. That's it.
I seriously can't fathom the concept that people can get physically addicted to games. I mean, sure, I've gone on huge gaming sprees, but they are short and sweet because I get bored. Playing the same game over and over and over (If it isn't SMW) is boring.

You cannot become physically addicted to a game.
"Addiction" is often accompanied by a willful disregard of personal responsibility, however, they are not the same thing. She is just a selfish, trashy bitch. That's it.

While I didn't get into her personality I was defending the actual article. Steve led us to believe it was another article claiming video games are the devil when it was actually a decent peice.
While I didn't get into her personality I was defending the actual article. Steve led us to believe it was another article claiming video games are the devil when it was actually a decent peice.

Yea, but when an article makes statements like
Police said their mother was addicted to online computer games, so she neglected her children and didn’t clean the house for years.

partial guilt is implied.
Yea, but when an article makes statements like

partial guilt is implied.

Well wouldn't that be what the police reported? It was a rather small article so there could be certain details left out. The mom could of had mental issues as well that wasn't reported. It is hard to write an article on everything reported in a case. For most cases these articles contain the most interesting part of the story and that was her addiction to video games.
If this was my wife, the internet connection would have went down, or the computer would have crashed a long time ago.
The mom could of had mental issues

could have?! kids have no beds, doesnt clean house for years...pretty sure thats solid evidence that shes completely fucking lost it

meanwhile, the whole "not cleaning for years" sounds a little like my ex...:eek:
could have?! kids have no beds, doesnt clean house for years...pretty sure thats solid evidence that shes completely fucking lost it

meanwhile, the whole "not cleaning for years" sounds a little like my ex...:eek:

Im currently experiencing the same problem... she cleans once during the week (maybe) and wants praise?!?! yea...

Absolutely lost it yea, because she fed into her desires and addiction so much she lost touch with reality but she could also have other mental issues.
Have you guys seen "Hoarders"? I mean some of the excuses people make for not having cleaned their houses in the past 10 years. It's hilarious and just much easier to say "I'm addicted to gaming" rather than "I'm a fat lazy slob", and that is the truth.
Have you guys seen "Hoarders"? I mean some of the excuses people make for not having cleaned their houses in the past 10 years. It's hilarious and just much easier to say "I'm addicted to gaming" rather than "I'm a fat lazy slob", and that is the truth.

That show is great. These lazy slobs really do have an attachment to their stuff/garbage.

My grandma had a problem with letting anything go, she would get crazy enough about it that she would blame my grandpa on throwing her "expensive" and "very personal" items away. These items? torn fabric she got for free from some store that went out of business, used bingo sheets, old wrapping (used) paper. Of course she had an exuse for all of this stuff, none were good and she had so much stuff that you couldn't get into her room, she barely had enough room to get to one side of her bed.

She wasn't lazy, but she was very addicted to candy and wouldn't share ...
I can pretty much guarantee that mental health issues are the root cause here. Poor kids will need therapy for life.
This post makes me worry about my wife. Tried to kick me off my pc today so she could play settlers.
That show is great. These lazy slobs really do have an attachment to their stuff/garbage.

My grandma had a problem with letting anything go, she would get crazy enough about it that she would blame my grandpa on throwing her "expensive" and "very personal" items away. These items? torn fabric she got for free from some store that went out of business, used bingo sheets, old wrapping (used) paper. Of course she had an exuse for all of this stuff, none were good and she had so much stuff that you couldn't get into her room, she barely had enough room to get to one side of her bed.

She wasn't lazy, but she was very addicted to candy and wouldn't share ...

Man not to be rude but I wouldnt eat that candy.......lord knows how long she had it.
My girlfriend (wife-to-be) abhors gaming but I will not pass up sex, a date, something to do together, or even looking after our kids just for a couple pixels of virtual goods.
I seriously can't fathom the concept that people can get physically addicted to games. I mean, sure, I've gone on huge gaming sprees, but they are short and sweet because I get bored. Playing the same game over and over and over (If it isn't SMW) is boring.


I think the longest I stayed on a single game was around 3 months (first 3 months playing Everquest) and 2 months (First 2 months of WoW) even with all these massive new "expansions" I rarely get my $$$ worth out of a month of gametime. Hell WoW gave me a full week of free play (amusingly to the point of "start mon. night, end next mon. night, not "start Mon. 11:59, and that 1 minute cost a full day") and I played a couple hours maybe...

I dont even want to think about how many long games I've not finished, hell I have a dozen or so I bought and havnt even played!

I really dont understand how somone can be addicted (in whatever way) to gaming... unless the levels (missions, areas, W/E) are very short and the plot is intense (read: less a game than a semi-interactive movie) It gets repetitive after a while...

Crazy, lazy, and stupid... these people should not be allowed to have kids to begin with... I'm just waiting for "woman neglects kids because she spent 6 years watching hands move around clock" or "woman spends 6 years watching VCR time blink" all equally sensible...