Worst cabling job I've ever seen

What I don't understand about the above 3, is that if/when there was a problem, how would you troubleshoot it? It was take days, no?

Nah, just put in a new cable. D'oh :p
What I don't understand about the above 3, is that if/when there was a problem, how would you troubleshoot it? It was take days, no?

Shoot, If I would know any better I'd say someone just staged those pictures. I can't believe ANYONE would not only do that, but the senior (non-IT/IS) management would let it get away like that.
Those floors that you can put cables under are the best!

raised floor is pretty common...cable tray underneath is as well, especially in older sites. Back in the dino mainframe days...you didn't run your cables overhead. Today's mainframes are easier on the cabling...at least as far as what we run.
Shoot, If I would know any better I'd say someone just staged those pictures. I can't believe ANYONE would not only do that, but the senior (non-IT/IS) management would let it get away like that.

Man, it would take at least the better part of a day at the absolute minimum to set something like that yellow monstrosity up. I can't think of any group willing to do that just for a single moment of unglory. It looks like an IT team just didn't give e a **** or had no idea what they were doing or both, and over time just added cables as needed (and likely left bad ones in place just unhooked).
ive seen many setups like that

its very common when an outside company is called in to provide internet to a apartment complex or hotel.
raised floor is pretty common...cable tray underneath is as well, especially in older sites. Back in the dino mainframe days...you didn't run your cables overhead. Today's mainframes are easier on the cabling...at least as far as what we run.
My question is how do the floors get cleaned? I'd imaging your cleaning crew (The ones authorized for server room access) do it by hand?

At any rate I still prefer running it down the walls or whatnot, seems easier to get to.

Man, it would take at least the better part of a day at the absolute minimum to set something like that yellow monstrosity up.
Heck I think it'd take a day just to UNHOOK all that stuff and untangle it.
My question is how do the floors get cleaned? I'd imaging your cleaning crew (The ones authorized for server room access) do it by hand?
There are two ways. There are companies out there that do nothing more than DC cleaning and stuff like floor sealants for bare concrete. Last time we used one, they shut down a major database server and shutdown a critical piece of my companies work for 4hrs. We kicked them out on the spot.

You can also go out and purchase the vacuums w/ special filters (not just a shop-vac) they use and do it yourself. We schedule a few weekends and vacuum a section by hand. This way, you know what you did and what was missed. If you mess up, you lose your job...so it makes you very careful and you do a good job.
Last time we used one, they shut down a major database server and shutdown a critical piece of my companies work for 4hrs. We kicked them out on the spot.
Yea, I'd never trust anything like that to a third-party unless I'm there. And if I'm there, I may as well be doing it myself.
I was thinking more in-house cleaning person, not sure how EVERYONE out there does it but if you have a particular person you trust to do it?

You can also go out and purchase the vacuums w/ special filters (not just a shop-vac) they use and do it yourself. We schedule a few weekends and vacuum a section by hand.
I'm talking more about the mopping, stuff like that that has chemicals that could seep under the floor.
I don't see an issue with vacuuming.
It still looks pretty shitty, but I think some of these are far worse....




Even better...

[URL="http://www.geekabout.com/2008-02-19-479/40-most-disastrous-cable-messes.html"]40 Most Disastrous Cable Messes[/URL][/QUOTE]

Holyyy.... :eek:

[quote="450, post: 1033317630"]What I don't understand about the above 3, is that if/when there was a problem, how would you troubleshoot it? It was take days, no?[/QUOTE]


...and lots of it.
Yea, I'd never trust anything like that to a third-party unless I'm there. And if I'm there, I may as well be doing it myself.
I was thinking more in-house cleaning person, not sure how EVERYONE out there does it but if you have a particular person you trust to do it?

I'm talking more about the mopping, stuff like that that has chemicals that could seep under the floor.
I don't see an issue with vacuuming.

well...I'm a group of one. So I get to do the cleaning. We do not wet mop in the data center, only dry mop (large 3' wide sweepers they use at basketball games to run the floor with).
I'll never understand why a company will hire an outside firm to do something that its employees are willing to do. Even if you have to pay them overtime its usually still far less expensive.

Two main reasons:

1) Some companies prefer to have outside firms come up with the solutions and have inside staff merely support it. This is quite common and is the school of thought taught to managers.

2) Liability - if something goes wrong, companies want to be able to point the finger at someone else and not their own internal supporting staff, especially when the project being done is something mission critical and/or customer-facing.
this is how I patch.


I don't see any labels... except for a single cable.
I worked here for a while


and this is what their cables looked like.....




It was a bit of a nightmare, the guy before me didn't really have a clue and it showed.

I am gutted I can't find the after picture when I fixed it up :(

This was a good bitof kit...


It provided films on demand and billed the person.... porn as well ;)
The data center I working was really bad when I started here. They had cables routed through every hole in the racks and the floor. the air flow was so bad that they had box fans hanging from the ceiling to keep the servers cool. We currently in the middle of a major remodel. New racks, servers, and network gear. We're also adding a third UPS and chiller.
So, there is a bit of an update to the story behind the crazy cable mess. I heard from our Director of Security that there were some IT people from the corporate headquarters coming in to fix all the cabling issues. My first thought was "What did they do so horribly, horribly wrong to deserve that particular task?" and the second was "I should look and see how they did, so I can take more pictures." So, I wandered in there a few days after they had been in there, and they had done 2 things:

1. Put a stand fan blowing onto the 4 servers that are in there.
2. Move one of the servers OUTSIDE the server room onto a table in the front office.

That's it. Maybe they took one look at the cabling and just said fuck it.
So, there is a bit of an update to the story behind the crazy cable mess. I heard from our Director of Security that there were some IT people from the corporate headquarters coming in to fix all the cabling issues. My first thought was "What did they do so horribly, horribly wrong to deserve that particular task?" and the second was "I should look and see how they did, so I can take more pictures." So, I wandered in there a few days after they had been in there, and they had done 2 things:

1. Put a stand fan blowing onto the 4 servers that are in there.
2. Move one of the servers OUTSIDE the server room onto a table in the front office.

That's it. Maybe they took one look at the cabling and just said fuck it.

sounds about right. They probably though: "I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit"
LOL yea I know if i was the IT guy and came into a mess like that and I knew no one would be looking over my shoulder any time soon I would of done the same. That is just ridiculous!