Worst game of the year?

they could have just updated the graphics but they had to redo it and man did they F up
Cellfactor: Psychokinetic Wars takes the cake for me. Shitty name, shitty rip off of Unreal... I couldn't finish the demo.
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I know Dead Space was from 2008, but I just want to declare that I hate that game with a passion. I just bought it last week, and it has the nastiest control and combat system of any shooter I've seen in recent times. I could not play for more than a few minutes....character movement was like wading through molasses with fcking Hulk Hogan strapped to your back. I was told that I should play it with a X-box controller; well if I want to play with the controller, I'll buy a xbox, won't I? I play on the PC so that I can play with a keyboard and mouse!

Ok, I had to get that off my chest. Thank you for reading, Back to the regular thread now :D
I know Dead Space was from 2008, but I just want to declare that I hate that game with a passion. I just bought it last week, and it has the nastiest control and combat system of any shooter I've seen in recent times. I could not play for more than a few minutes....character movement was like wading through molasses with fcking Hulk Hogan strapped to your back. I was told that I should play it with a X-box controller; well if I want to play with the controller, I'll buy a xbox, won't I? I play on the PC so that I can play with a keyboard and mouse!

Ok, I had to get that off my chest. Thank you for reading, Back to the regular thread now :D

Well, Dead Space on PS3/360 is one of my favorite games of this "generation." Seriously, try it with the controller.
I know Dead Space was from 2008, but I just want to declare that I hate that game with a passion. I just bought it last week, and it has the nastiest control and combat system of any shooter I've seen in recent times. I could not play for more than a few minutes....character movement was like wading through molasses with fcking Hulk Hogan strapped to your back. I was told that I should play it with a X-box controller; well if I want to play with the controller, I'll buy a xbox, won't I? I play on the PC so that I can play with a keyboard and mouse!

Ok, I had to get that off my chest. Thank you for reading, Back to the regular thread now :D
Yeah I feel the same way. EA made a poor port by not putting much effort at all into the keyboard and mouse controls. But the game is great, you shouldn't avoid it just because it requires a controller to enjoy. It does feel like you cannot move around as smoothly and quickly as you would like to but that is the feeling that the game is trying to give you. The controls are supposed to feel clunky because you are in huge armor. I think you should give it another go.
Well, Dead Space on PS3/360 is one of my favorite games of this "generation." Seriously, try it with the controller.

I look at the controller now as a neccessary tool in the box. Just like a joystick or wheel and pedals. Some games are just better with the controller AND better on the PC at the same time.
Interesting, for 2009 releases DoW2 is my choice for GOTY at the moment. We'll see if that holds with some big names coming up for the holidays.

OP definitely didn't give the game a fair shake. What RTS isn't, at it's very core, herding sheep? The single player added some cool RPG elements and focused play on positioning and proper use of abilities rather than an economy and unit spam.

The multiplayer took out all the standard (and imo unecessary) base-building in favor of out-of-the-gate action. I'd suggest giving online play and the campaign a real play-through to truely appreciate the experience. It was a breath of fresh air for the genre for me personally.

Exactly. At first I was a little sad that I didn't get to build, but realized that one of my peeves was realized when I played Halo Wars. I don't like building just to beat a level. I'd rather be given certain units and strategically work with what I have. DoW2 gave that. Although more unit choices would have been nice the RPG element was very fun. I give DoW2 a 9/10. It's a very deep game in playstyle.
dow2 because the games just dumb.. it has nothing to do with DoW or any of the other expansions for that version.. no structure building = no RTS..

^^somewhat true

@ people who arent happy with DOW 2...

Try playing again after the next patch is released. I played the open beta for the next patch and it feels very similar to the old DOW game in terms of unit roles. I have to say its way more balanced and fun than it has ever been before.

This is pure gotdamned nonsense. There was no one on this planet more fucking giddy about DoW2 being released more than me. I was so happy about this game this game that I repainted my home office, steam cleaned the carpet, bought a new fucking office chair and mouse pad, took off 2 days from work, and basically rebuilt my pc ALL IN ANTICIPATION of installing the closed beta of DoW2. Needless to say I was very excited. I like Dawn of War and all its expansions just that much.

I was so disappointed I almost threw up. You see DoW2 is like a bastardized version of the original. Damn near all strategic and traditional elements from the original are missing from DoW2. i tried to like this game so badly, but couldn't stomach it. Most of the people who were true fans of the original hates DoW2. I dont have the sales numbers, but I dont think DoW2 was even close to the original releases in popularity.

Exactly. At first I was a little sad that I didn't get to build, but realized that one of my peeves was realized when I played Halo Wars. I don't like building just to beat a level. I'd rather be given certain units and strategically work with what I have. DoW2 gave that. Although more unit choices would have been nice the RPG element was very fun. I give DoW2 a 9/10. It's a very deep game in playstyle.

RTS = base building and all the strategic and tactical elements therein. But the hate for DoW2 goes a hell of alot deeper than just the lack of base building. All DoW2 turned out to be was Company of Heroes with a made up Dawn of War skin. Pure heresy.
Arma 2 (sexy as hell but overhyped) imho, FEAR 2, Left for Dead (but still a cool game), DIRT, prolly mirrors edge, but havent played it yet.
hmm, its funny, i have not bought a game i didn't like this year, but i did make sure to heavily judge a book by its cover, seems to work well for games.

I can name a zillion free games
I know Dead Space was from 2008, but I just want to declare that I hate that game with a passion. I just bought it last week, and it has the nastiest control and combat system of any shooter I've seen in recent times. I could not play for more than a few minutes....character movement was like wading through molasses with fcking Hulk Hogan strapped to your back. I was told that I should play it with a X-box controller; well if I want to play with the controller, I'll buy a xbox, won't I? I play on the PC so that I can play with a keyboard and mouse!


I know what you mean, "but" the XBOX 360 controller won't save you, it's still garbage with the 360 controller connected to my PC.

Deadspace is my worst game EVER.
I look at the controller now as a neccessary tool in the box. Just like a joystick or wheel and pedals. Some games are just better with the controller AND better on the PC at the same time.

NO.....it still sux with the 360 controller....so don't buy it for Deadshit.
360 controller works brilliantly on GTR2 evo and Volvo the Game though:)
Exactly. At first I was a little sad that I didn't get to build, but realized that one of my peeves was realized when I played Halo Wars. I don't like building just to beat a level. I'd rather be given certain units and strategically work with what I have. DoW2 gave that. Although more unit choices would have been nice the RPG element was very fun. I give DoW2 a 9/10. It's a very deep game in playstyle.

I thought halo wars was pretty decent considering how bad everyone thought it would be.

Though now that I think about it, it *IS* halo, if it was any other IP it probably would have been buried right next to those millions of copies of E.T.
I heard about how terrible it was, would any of you consider it a Next-Gen Superman 64 or is it not THAT bad?
I don't think that Superman 64 has any real competition, but I'd probably say that Terminator Salvation was the worst game I played this year.
Yeah you haven't?

Is that an implication that it's a ~ clone of L4D1? :confused:

Alos my bit on the L4D dislike - wtf is with that? Is it another way of saying that you have not got anyone to play it with or what? Or could it be that some people think that the SP compain is all the game has to offer? :S
NO.....it still sux with the 360 controller....so don't buy it for Deadshit.
360 controller works brilliantly on GTR2 evo and Volvo the Game though:)

Hmmm, I can sort of see how a controller can be used with the likes of GTR2 (in an enjoyable way), however I think even for most people who are 100% pro with controllers, still would not liike playing sims with a controller.
The control for Dead Space on PC weren't great by any means but I did fine with them. Take more than 5 minutes to get used to them and you'll be fine.
^^somewhat true

This is pure gotdamned nonsense. There was no one on this planet more fucking giddy about DoW2 being released more than me. I was so happy about this game this game that I repainted my home office, steam cleaned the carpet, bought a new fucking office chair and mouse pad, took off 2 days from work, and basically rebuilt my pc ALL IN ANTICIPATION of installing the closed beta of DoW2. Needless to say I was very excited. I like Dawn of War and all its expansions just that much.

I was so disappointed I almost threw up. You see DoW2 is like a bastardized version of the original. Damn near all strategic and traditional elements from the original are missing from DoW2. i tried to like this game so badly, but couldn't stomach it. Most of the people who were true fans of the original hates DoW2. I dont have the sales numbers, but I dont think DoW2 was even close to the original releases in popularity.

RTS = base building and all the strategic and tactical elements therein. But the hate for DoW2 goes a hell of alot deeper than just the lack of base building. All DoW2 turned out to be was Company of Heroes with a made up Dawn of War skin. Pure heresy.

You know, if they had made it just like the original, there would have been people complaining that it was just more of the same old crap and why couldn't they come up with something new.

RTS does not imply base building, or squad based combat, or anything of the sort. All an RTS is is a game that takes place in real time (which it sort of does, although you can pause and issue orders) and involves some modicum of strategic thinking.

I am currently playing through CoH, in which many of the scenarios don't involve base building at all, although you can call down reinforcements. Yes, there are many similarities between all Relic games, including DoW2. DoW2 was actually the first game I played, and I liked it do much I went out and bought the entire DoW series, and later CoH. I'm not sure if you would have been happier if maybe they hadn't associated it with the DoW name, maybe calling it "Space Marines Extreme" or something. I think the game had other flaws, like the scope and execution of the SP campaign, but overall I think it was very well done and I was happy to see that it broke the conventional RTS mold. Taking it for what it was (rather than comparing it to other titles) I was pleased with it.
You know, if they had made it just like the original, there would have been people complaining that it was just more of the same old crap and why couldn't they come up with something new.

But they still didn't come up with anything new. Removing interestig parts form the original game does not make it a new concept game at all. In this case less does not = more. DoW2 just does not have enough game to it. For this type of game the CloseCombat series of games are far bettter and a few of those games (there were 5 originally) have been re-issued with tweaks and made to run on Vista over at matrixgames.com. I suggest you give those a look if you want a deeper tactical RTS game.
if were going for what "really" is the worst game of the year, id say stormrise and damnation. put both in hoping to have some fun, but ended up shutting them off 5 minutes later out of frustration because of how crappy they were.

but as for biggest letdown, id say fuel. i waited a long time for it to get released, and right when i started playing i got disappointed fast. it just didnt grab me the way other games like it did and didnt really come close to the image that the hype created :(

o well, at least forza 3 is coming this year!
Pretty sure this was last year, but I bought it this year, so it goes here anyway: GTA4.
Not really a full game, but the Fallout 3 Mothership addon is really bad.
Has to be DOW2, I didnt even jump on the 25$ steam deal. I played the demo and it was ok. I cant get over the fact how popular the originals were and how story driven it was and this new one just flipped everything around and made it boring.

Nothing new in this game, just graphics and polished better. The originals were true RTS type games, this one is not by any means. When your forces fall back you lost, there is no holding ground, there is no rebuilding like in the original.

4 Races? really? i mean really? going from original 9 to 4 is pathetic, terrible. The whiners on the relic forum wanted Tyranids, well they got them in return for a fucked up game.

This game lacked units everywhere. It didnt pack any depth in it. Even though they tried making it an RPG type with battlegear it fails, because if anyone is familiar with the universe of 40k, one squad running around killing everyone does not happen.

How could they take out Chaos and Imperial guard? nothing in 40k happens without them. Tau is my favorite race, but i wont get started on them.

My little rant here, I actually didnt care much about any other game than DOW. I had the original pre ordered months in advance and to find how bad DOW2 was, well disappointing.
Dont really want to read the past 8 pages. But I'ld have to say Duke Nukem. That game pulled the worse move ever. But... at least they finally admitted they can't finish the game.
Pretty sure this was last year, but I bought it this year, so it goes here anyway: GTA4.

I was not a huge fan, but I did get something out of it for sure, somehow that's not exactly fair calling it the worst game of the year...
Ghostbusters is a horrible game. As far as Mothership Zeta, I liked it. Some of the new weapons are pretty good
dow2 also, I'm an idiot for buying it after playing the beta. I was in denial. Even with the current patch that completely changed the gameplay it's still garbage compared to coh/dow1
i just doanloaded the mothership DLC along with all the others. ill play them probably tomorrow.
point lookout was good imo.
Well, Dead Space on PS3/360 is one of my favorite games of this "generation." Seriously, try it with the controller.

Well, I just got an xbox controller for Windows last week (mainly for GRiD, when I am too lazy to set up my logitech wheel), and I tried playing Dead Space. I'll admit that the controls are far smoother than with the keyboard and mouse, but i cannot adjust to the analog stick despite my best efforts.:(
I really, really don't like using controllers for shooters. Sigh...just wasted my money on the game..:eek:

I know what you mean, "but" the XBOX 360 controller won't save you, it's still garbage with the 360 controller connected to my PC.

Deadspace is my worst game EVER.

Too late 'pog, I already got the controller:D
(But it's mainly for use with racing games, so no loss there).
I've given up on Deadspace..not worth the trouble; even with the controller, the game just doesn't feel 'right', and I definitely do not enjoy playing it with the stick.