Worst Gaming Experience of All Time: Gears of War


Mar 30, 2006
Just fired up Gears of War after a hard day dealing with work and computer problems (either my x-Fi spontaneously fried itself after a Gears crash, or this game has also fucked my sound card). I click through as usual to continue my single player campaign... "Sorry, no progress is saved on the current storage device."

WHAT. THE. F***.





Between the hours and hours of hassle downloading and installing the game, the wonky controls (why the F*** are we forced to use the same control for both running and for taking cover?) the fucked up installation system, the stutter (the one thing I managed to partially fix), the lack of surround sound, and now losing my saved games through no fault of my own, I say FUCK THIS GAME. I can't even sell the fucking thing because I bought a digital download.

It'll be a long time before I download another game unless it's Steam. I'll probably avoid buying anything other than an OS from Microsoft for the forseeable future as well.


what service did you dowload it through? (Direct2Drive?)

i'd probably start and look if their version has any issue..

even direct2drive is a little risky for myself (i agree its steam or nothing for online distro services)..
You are right sir, your last sentence makes perfect sense: "FUCK ME". No reason to bitch at them for something that is not entirely their fault. Yes, I would have to agree with you on save game statement, the way it's made is very retarded,

Beyond that, I found GOW very enjoyable with everything max I was getting 60fps constant, not sure where you are getting all of your problems from.
The only thing that really sucked about that game was that it took FOREVER to install and you did make a local live account right? Because you need that to save.
I got the Macrovision download through Windows Live Marketplace. I didn't lose my profies until I ran the game for about the sixth time. I do have a local profile. Anyhow, I found the fix:

open up the console[~ key] and type

open sp_tomb_p

then hit enter key

This will open map "tomb". Of course you will want to use the list of maps below to load the map for the level you want to play. The map will be messed up. Quit to main menu then try resume your campaign. It should load the level with no errors and you can proceed from there. The only problem is the first 3 levels use the same map, so I had to basically start the game again. I also lost my settings along with my checkpoints, so basically Live accounts, even local ones, are a joke, as is Games For Windows. That's why I say fuck MS, because GFW was supposed to be a new level of high standards in gaming. So far every GFW bannered title is buggier than the last.

Here is the list of maps:
Chapter Map
0 sp_prison_p
1 sp_embry_p
2 sp_embry_p
3 sp_embry_p
4 sp_hos_p
5 sp_hos_p
6 sp_hos_p
7 sp_tomb_0
8 sp_ephyrastreets_p
9 sp_ephyrastreets_p
10 sp_oldephyra_p
11 sp_oldephyra_p
12 sp_oldephyra_p
13 sp_oldephyra_p
14 sp_viaducts_p
15 sp_alamo_p
16 sp_Factory_p
17 sp_factoryinterior_p
18 sp_factoryinterior_p
19 sp_caves_p
20 sp_caves_p
21 sp_caves_p
22 sp_eba_p
23 sp_eba_riverwalk_p
24 sp_eba_riverwalk_p
25 sp_eba_riverwalk_p
26 sp_adams_p
27 sp_adams_p
28 sp_timgad_p
29 sp_timgad_p
30 sp_timgad_p
31 sp_timgad_p
32 sp_timgad_p
33 sp_station_p
34 sp_tyro_p
35 sp_tyro_p

As you can see some levels go across the same map many times, so if you lose your profile on say level 32, you're going to have to go back to the start of level 28. Unless I can figure out how to load a specific checkpoint within a map. Maybe I should make better use of the energy I'm putting into this post to go figure that out. haha

After using the fix to play through the first half dozen or so checkpoints again, I have to say the game is becoming quite enjoyable now that I'm getting used to the controls. I can see how it might be better to buy a gamepad, but I don't want to start down that road, lol. It's definitely the brutally violent, gorgeous to look at, wall-to-wall action sci-fi shooter I was hoping to play. It's just such a pain in the ass!

And yeah it does run pretty good with everything maxed, including 2560x1600 resolution.
I found this game to be a bit trying on the PC as well.
It was buggy and I also had some saved games evaporate, but it was my fault, I was messing with game files to fix the stutter problem.:eek:

It was no better than the XBox version save for the added level, that WAS fun, but didn't make up for all the bugs and no way to save as you went along.....another console-itis problem.
I had no problem with the game. Only thing i didn't like was i had to sign up to live to save the game.
I can't even sell the fucking thing because I bought a digital download.

It'll be a long time before I download another game unless it's Steam.

anyone else? :D

lol, I'll save that response for someone else. I'd hate to steal the show. Netrat33, maybe the song from Journey would be appropriate here for the OP, "Don't stop....believin!" :)
Between the hours and hours of hassle downloading and installing the game, the wonky controls (why the F*** are we forced to use the same control for both running and for taking cover?) the fucked up installation system, the stutter (the one thing I managed to partially fix), the lack of surround sound, and now losing my saved games through no fault of my own, I say FUCK THIS GAME. I can't even sell the fucking thing because I bought a digital download.

It'll be a long time before I download another game unless it's Steam. I'll probably avoid buying anything other than an OS from Microsoft for the forseeable future as well.

Maybe you should have just bought the game in store? I would much rather have a hard copy of the game rather than a piece of digital information floating out there on the internet.

live and learn right?. Also theres no need to Write off Creative Labs and Microsoft just because you computer is not getting along with a certain piece of software, its probably a simple fix your just overlooking. Now as far as Cliffy B and Epic , I totally agree with you F*CK them, let them go back to making crappy console games, I say the more they develop for the console the better off the PC will be.
dude OP, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Why don't you contribute something to the thread? How is it user error aside from the aforementioned purchase of a game requiring GFW Live?

I've played through dozens of PC games without this kind of trifling bullshit. Crysis, Bioshock, BF2, TF2, Defcon, Stalker, COD4, Portal, etc. all recently. No real problems except for this fuckin console port bullshit.

GOW is pretty fun though. I am way less pissed now that I've found fixes for the major issues.
I believe you have to be logged in to save your progress, I could be wrong though. Never had an issue with GoW on PC.. looks and runs great.
It is buggy, but in my experience not fatally buggy. It seems to really not like a fragmented or full hard drive.

Also, when you first install, upgrade windows live using the standalone windows live updater on microsofts website. Then apply game patches.

I find it runs well, but there is a stuttering issue that seems to crop up after extended play.

One last thing, if you get a crash to black screen where your monitor seems to loose signal, this is probably a graphics card hardware problem, especially if it occurs in other games. I had this for a while and I was sure it was related to Unreal Engine 3 but after RMAing my 8800GTX the problem was completely resolved.
to be honest i was one of the lucky ones and got to play the game smoothly. Just get the latest patch
Why don't you contribute something to the thread? How is it user error aside from the aforementioned purchase of a game requiring GFW Live?

I've played through dozens of PC games without this kind of trifling bullshit. Crysis, Bioshock, BF2, TF2, Defcon, Stalker, COD4, Portal, etc. all recently. No real problems except for this fuckin console port bullshit.

GOW is pretty fun though. I am way less pissed now that I've found fixes for the major issues.

Dude, you gotta take a chill pill, GOW is port for one thing, so expect it not to be perfect. Second, like a lot of other people, I am having the BSOD issue with STALKER and the new nVidia drivers, but you don't seem me making a huge fuss over it, or bashing all of these companies. I still think it was an awesome game from what I experienced. Something tells me though, if you'd just go down to your local GameStop or whatever, and buy the game, it might not have as many problems.