Worth extra money for better RAM?


Feb 3, 2007
I finally have my system running stable (or so i think). My problem came down to ram timing. Is it worth spending another 80$ to upgrade to Corsair versus the OCZ (based on where i shop). If I can go from 5-5-5-18 to even -12 will I notice the performance difference?80$ worth? Or would being able to raise FSB futher be the biggest motivating factor?

Also, is Mushkin good quality?

If you mean the Corsair 6400C4 (regular or Dominator) the answer is no, they're the same ProMOS chips as your OCZ Rev2 Plat, and will probably OC the same, and you will see little/no difference in real world apps/games going from CAS5 to CAS4 at the same speed.

If you could get DDR2-1000 (PC2-8000) at CAS4, you might see a 3-10fps difference in some games compared to DDR2-800 CAS4, though that RAM would cost 2x as much.

You might be able to push your Rev2 Plat a bit more though, I got 460 FSB (DDR2-920) @ 2.3V.
Thanks for the reply. I'd love to push the mem voltage past 2.1 but this is my mobo max. Even at this setup now, Orthos will run for hours but memtest will fail once in awhile. Too bad tho, I thought Corsair would be a step up but appears not to be. What are you paying for with Corsair versus OCZ then if they use the same chips?
I dont think so. Spent an extra 100 dollars for crucial ballistix... But, I wish I had simply gotten the G.Skill with 5-5-5-15 timings and saved like 100 bucks. No real noticeable difference I think. But, I'm still happy with my system. But I think the 100 bucks would of been better spent on something else.