Worth It?


Mar 22, 2009
I am building a mid range gaming machine next month and am wondering what other people think about video card choices.

The specs for the new machine are a e8400 proc with 4gb memory and Vista x64. I will be playing all types of games on my 24" 1920x1200 monitor.

One option I have been looking at is a $290 4850X2 2GB card.
Another is a 1GB 4870 for $190.

At 1920x1200 is the x2 worth the extra 100 bucks? Is there an NVIDIA card at either of these price points that gives the same or better performance?

Most of the reviews I see for the X2 are at resolutions much higher than I will be running and at some point below that I think the 4870 and X2 should give about the same performance, but I don't know where that point will be.

Any suggestions?
I have a rig with similar specs. I'm not running 64-bit though. My E8400 is running at 3.6 with a GTX 260, and I can game at 1920x1200 just fine, even with a secondary monitor.

Some people claim they have microstuttering with X2 video cards. Just something to keep in mind.

I would save some money and get a GTX 260 or 280, or a 4870.
My son's computer has a single Core 216 GTX 260.
He has a 24" Dell and he has no problems with any of his games at the native resolution.

The 260 is a great card.
If you buy an EVGA model, they have that software volt-Mod thing for aid in OCs.

Personally, I'm a BFG guy. Good service and a Trade-up plan that is excellent.
Wait and see what 4890 and GTX275 will do to price/performance in begining of april. No need to bother with multiGPU for 1920x1200 really unless you want the last out of everything.
I would go for the 4850X2. performance for price its great. nothing wrong with a 4870 1gb or a GTX260 though.