Worth the wait or no?


Mar 16, 2006
I am not in to staying on the bleeding edge of computers and upgrading every week when a new toy comes out. :rolleyes:
However I am looking to replace my old p4 3.2ghz, 1 gb ddr, x850xt aiw agp system with a q6600, 4gb ddr2 and a 8800gtx either bfg or evga. I know the 9x00 series is coming out here in the next couple of months. Should I wait to buy my system or would the price difference even matter that much once the new series is out, since i am going to purchase an 8800gtx and not a 9x00 series.
Any inside is appreciated, thanks! :)
I think waiting just a month or so would be the smartest idea.

First off, get an Abit IP35 Pro motherboard, the best rock solid and stable Intel motherboard on the market, and setup is a no brainer fast. But instead of the Q6600, in March the cooler and less power Intel 45nm cpu's release, get the Q9450, it is almost same price and spped, but has 1333fsb and runs much cooler. And 4gb DDR2 Corsair Dominator memory is really cheap now, and stable/fast.

As far as VideoCard, I love my old 8800GTX, I run every game I play 2560x1600rez 2xAA/16xAF smooth. I still think a stock OC'd 8800Ultra is the best card on the market, even better than the 3870x2 or 9800GX2, because NOT all games work in SLI or Crossfire, I would rather have the fastest single card than a dual GPU......But in March we should finally here about the 9800GTX it may be better alot faster than the 8800GTX or maybe not much at all, I say at least wait for the early reviews.

Again alot of this depends on your gaming rez, if you just game at low rez of like 1600x1200 then you don't need a 9800GTX, but if you using a 2560x1600rez then I say get the fastest single card available and stay away from SLI or Crossfire it is just a marketing scam
Well you can always wait and get something better. It's the nature of computers.

My suggestion is to get a quad core and a newer PCI-e 2.0 mobo. OC the quad and you have a mobo and processor that should last you a fair bit of time with just upgrading the graphics card from time to time.

It's what I'm doing, but since I have a decent cpu for the time being, I'm waiting till the mainstream Yorkfields ship later this year.

As for when you should upgrade? The question is how badly your system is running what your currently trying to run on it. And is waiting for a cooler / lower power chip really worth it to you personally? There will always be better stuff on the horizon, just depends on how badly you feel the need to upgrade. And I doubt the new cards will totally destroy the old, they'll be faster for sure, but they can make more money by releasing ever faster cards every 6 months or whatever.
What display are you planning?

It might be good idea to buy SLI capable mobo and 8800 gt/gts and then drop in another one.
I doubt the 8800GTX prices will drop all that much at retail, but you could probably find it pretty cheap if the new 9800s are fast enough to convince people to upgrade. Just keep your eyes out for good deals on used cards.
Yeah, I know if I just wait till this comes out, then something else will come out and I would die from waiting. Thanks though for letting me know what is on the way out but yeah I think my best option now is just to dump my computer, get a q6600 with a pci-e 2.0 board and an 8800gtx and call it a day.

Thanks all for your inputs though!