Worth upgrading CPU??


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2007
My wife has an older G4, its a 450MHz AGP model. I've added in an extra 80 gig drive and some extra memory (up to 900 something MB now), but its still pretty slow doing much more than web browsing or checking e-mail.

Is it really going to be worth installing a faster CPU in this machine? If so, what options are available? I've seen the $300-500 upgrades available, but I'm not about to sink that much money into a 7 year old computer. I'm thinking maybe $100 max.

I've just thought about buying her a MacBook sometime, but that all depends on when the finances will allow it. The PC guy inside me says just to build her up a new system, but she works in graphic design and has a nice dual proc G5 at work. So getting her to switch full time would probably be an exercise in futility.
you could buy a macmini for cheap, especially if you find one in the apple refurb store.
Go here: I don't know what model powermac g4 you have.


Taking a guess it's the sawtooth 450 agp, here are the procs you can get:


edit: Looks like for 149 you can go to 1ghz - I would say that's worth it. I purchased the 550mhz g4 from them, upgraded a pismo that had a g3 400 in it. Made a huge difference. (course now I have the 17" SR MBP) :)
you could buy a macmini for cheap, especially if you find one in the apple refurb store.

honestly i'd much rather have my sawtooth over a mac mini just for expansion. plus the case is dead sexy, and very unique. the mac mini is a nice little machine, though just the idea of integrated graphics kills it for me. and with apple being so "green" these days, i'm sure they'd rather you upgrade your old machine than junk it and buy something new :p.
honestly i'd much rather have my sawtooth over a mac mini just for expansion. plus the case is dead sexy, and very unique. the mac mini is a nice little machine, though just the idea of integrated graphics kills it for me. and with apple being so "green" these days, i'm sure they'd rather you upgrade your old machine than junk it and buy something new :p.

The integrated graphic on the Mini is probably faster than the AGP card in your G4... And the overall is MUCh faster than what you can dream to acheive with a CPU upgrade.