Worth waiting for MC to restock SB chips?


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2005
So, after reserving a chip last night at MC and having my reservation cancelled, and now after driving all over the place trying in vain to find a store with the chips in stock, I have to now figure out how to proceed. The way I see it, I have two choices.

I can order now from TigerDirect which says they are still in stock. If I buy the chip and mobo from them I end up paying about $19 more than I would if I bought the pair from MC. With this option I can at least ensure I will get the stuff within a set amount of time... though it could take over a week depending how shipping goes. Newegg would let me get it much sooner but being in CA, I'd end up paying tax and that hikes up the price difference to about $55; not worth it for me.

Or, the other option, is wait for MC to get more in stock and hope they maintain their $280 deal and hope I can manage to discover thier stock in time to pick one up. When I talked to the guy in the store he had no clue when more would come in. With this option, I might get it sooner than with TigerDirect, or maybe much later depending on how soon they restock and how lucky I am in snagging one when that happens, and there's no guarantee the price will remain the same.

So... if you were in my position (and I think many people here are actually), would you prefer to pay $19 more for a known but probably extended timeframe on getting the parts, or hold out for the cheaper price without knowing when you will be able to get them?
good lord, order the CPU

or just wait, what's the rush? This is all up to you - not sure you needed a thread for it. Either wait it out or buy one online while you can. It all depends on your debt/income ratio.
since you are posting on this forum, I assume you have a computer or access to one. I would wait.

and the Microcenter ad says prices good till Jan 14th
good lord, order the CPU

or just wait, what's the rush? This is all up to you - not sure you needed a thread for it. Either wait it out or buy one online while you can. It all depends on your debt/income ratio.

The rush is my current computer is busted and I'm dealing with an old dell laptop for my computing needs, and I've been looking forward to this build for a good while.

Missing out on the CPU today means I won't be able to build tomorrow night when the rest of my parts arrive. I've come to terms with that. Basically, holding out has the potential of saving me money and getting the parts sooner... or not. I'm not worried about the extra $19 that much, I'm already spending $1500 on this build. It's more about the uncertainty that comes with waiting out MC.
Check frys.... got one today for 318. I can afford the extra 40 over MC right now. No biggie. I got it sitting on my new case that is currently holding my quad core amd until I get a new board for the sb
Both Fry's near me are sold out (each store only got 5). Anyway, at that price with tax, it's cheaper to go with TigerDirect. I ended up ordering from TD. If MC gets more in stock before my order ships I can always cancel it and buy locally.
I was on the waiting train too long. I wanted to upgrade so I purchased from TD.
Both Fry's near me are sold out (each store only got 5). Anyway, at that price with tax, it's cheaper to go with TigerDirect. I ended up ordering from TD. If MC gets more in stock before my order ships I can always cancel it and buy locally.

Good choice
I'm going to wait another week for MC since they have the best deal for 2500k at $180. On TD it's $225. So after tax at MC it will be $200, a $25 saving.
microcenter gets shipments 2-3 times a week depending on the store. there are more on their way for this week
I know for a fact that all of the micro centers will be getting shipments through out this week of 2600k as well as 2500k chips, the 2600k's will be light, but by Friday all stores should have enough for demand.
And I was catching flak from people for saying MC was going to sell out of chips, rofl.