Would a power bar fry a video card and possibly a psu?


Oct 20, 2006
Hey guys, so my video card has issues (see this thread: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1036167417#post1036167417)

So I dug up an old computer to use while I test the video card more however when I connected it and after loading windows it turned off on its own.

I started it again and it turns off again on its own. Sometimes just a bit before the windows xp screen and sometimes right after logging in.

So I took the computer to another room and connected it and it worked fine. so I took it back to the computer room and connected it directly to the wall and not to the powerbar and it worked fine.

So I wanted to see what happens when connecting it back to the power bar and once I did it turned off.

Now I was certain for sure that the power bar is the issue, so I plugged the computer directly to the wall and it turned off.

I took it to the other room and it turned off as well.

Now I'm at work and I brought the computer with me and its not turning off :confused::confused:

I have no idea what is happening :confused::confused:

Any help or thoughts?

Thanks :(
Not really much to offer other than good power is essential. The AC must be properly wired. The power can't be too "dirty". Other equipment, including power bars, can interfere as well. Your equipment must have a good power supply in it. It maybe marginal or on the verge failing for good. Hard to say for sure.
Yeah a piss poor quality power strip can be a cause of hardware death and instability. Just get another power strip
Funny thing is that both power bars I'm using are APC brand, can't get better than this.
hmmm, I just bought another one a bit more expensive and hope for the best.
So many variables here I can't put my hand on it :(
its about 9 years, and the psu is an antec truepower 300 watt.
It might be all a coincidence and since all happening at the same time I'm just getting paranoid and linking everything to each other.
Funny thing is that both power bars I'm using are APC brand, can't get better than this.

While APC is good, you can actually get better. I would recommend Furman. It might be worth giving APC a call first if you got them from an authorized dealer, though.

But I would actually say it's unlikely for a power strip to permanently damage a PSU/computer unless it shorts out the power which will blow fuses and stuff anyway. They can't make their own surges or do anything crazy like that.
APC's actually not bad about replacing their stuff when its gone bad without reason. Even decent quality APC can go bad over time, it just starts at a higher quality and reliability level than your generic Home Depot power bar.