Would my girlfriend notice if I took her i7-3770 ?


Jun 16, 2004
My girlfriend's computer has an i7-3770.

My computer has an i7 860 and a really bad Mobo.

If I were to take her CPU and plug it into my other 1155 mobo, what is the slowest CPU I could plug into her machine where she would not notice the difference.

I would probably also give her a Vertex 3 MAX IOPS 120 GB SSD at the same time. I have an 1155 i3 ...... would that be too slow?

She uses email, MS word, and the web.

*For the record, I bought her the computer as a present*

I asked the GF and she said she doesn't care at all how fast the computer is and that she trusts me to do whatever I want to it.
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Why not just ask her? I'd imagine if that's all she does you get away with something like an i3 3220...
I plan to bring the parts to her house and say "hi babe, I'm going to upgrade your hard drive and swap out your CPU with one that uses less power. Let me know if the computer feels slower or faster to you."

The SSD might make it *feel* faster even with an i3......
I'd never take a gift back like that as I find it'd be in poor taste. But for her uses an ivy bridge i3 should result in the same experience.
I'd never take a gift back like that as I find it'd be in poor taste. But for her uses an ivy bridge i3 should result in the same experience.

Well, that's sort of what I am asking. Is it poor taste if it results in the same experience?

I am heavy into virtualization, gaming, and other high cpu tasks...

I did also just buy her an ipad 4 last night.... lol :p
I think i3-2100 or i3-3220 would result in an identical experience, it's not very often that you need more than two cores if you're just doing simple stuff like web browsing.

But definitely tell her so that she can see if the computer feels any slower.

And no, I don't think it's in poor taste as long as you tell her and it doesn't make her computer slower. She's really not using all of that power, period.
I nerdrage is strong in this thread. Do you all really think she needs a topline i7?

(That said, I appreciate that you are trying to protect me).
I nerdrage is strong in this thread. Do you all really think she needs a topline i7?

(That said, I appreciate that you are trying to protect me).

Hell, my parents get along fine with an AMD6400+...that being said, shuffling parts around in your favor after you've already gifted them is a recipe that can easily blow up in your face, when she finds out your motives weren't at all for her sake. I say "when" as sooner or later it is going to slip out either from you or a friend or otherwise.

Shoulda thought this through before "giving' someone a $330USD CPU that you need and the recipient doesn't. ;)
If all she does is word processing, email, interneting, etc., she is not going to notice a difference between any modern* processor.

(* -- Note modern processor in this usage is being defined as anything from a 2.5ghz Core2 Duo up to a new i7 3770k.)

Things like email, 99.9% of internet browsing, and MS Word, will not even fully use up a Core2 Duo's processing power.

She WILL, however, notice a big speed difference if you upgrade her HDD to a SDD, though.

Let her know that you are swapping out her processor with a "technically" lower-tier processor, but that her system should run noticably faster and smoother when you are done with it. (you could even prove it by showing her how long a reboot takes with her HDD and then how fast it is when you swap out the SSD).
I would suggest that you sit her down and explain THOROUGHLY and COMPLETELY why you want to do this. I would also explain the differences in hardware and how it will effect her. She might learn something from it, and you would be building your relationship by being COMPLETELY honest with her.

Then, whatever she decides, accept it and leave it alone from there on.

This whole subject has nothing to do with what we all think, but rather what she thinks, and what you can live with honestly. Relationships should be built on honesty.
What I am hearing is, you want advise if you should make a decision for your girlfriend rather then ask her what she is ok with or wants. Right?

Talk to her.
She's your girlfriend and technically NOT your wife.
With all that said, I would say a resounding no.
If she likes you enough, she would understand you if you state your claim.
Be truthful and just ask her. Lies get you nowhere in life these days because it's just bad karma.
I explained the entire thing to her and she said she doesn't care how fast her computer is and that the SSD sounds like it improves her uses more anyways.

She was super happy with her laptop with a core 2 duo before this, and says she can't really tell the difference in speed.
If you are going to give her a SSD and she has a spinner now she will be thinking you upgraded her! She won't notice the slower CPU, esp with the SSD upgrade :D
If you are going to give her a SSD and she has a spinner now she will be thinking you upgraded her! She won't notice the slower CPU, esp with the SSD upgrade :D


The SSD will make a huge difference, though for what she does, might not notice like a power user would.
If you are giving her the SSD, then she won't even notice and think you upgraded it. Just hope you don't mess anything up in the process of switching them out.... that, and hope it doesn't mess up while the computer still has a warranty on it (if it wasn't custom built).
Just walk in, and be like, "hey baby, ima ravage you"

then ravage her, and while she is passed out from being ravaged swap out the parts. And possible take her TV, if it is awesome.

Then, blame the chinese.
This has trouble written all over it. You're better off just biting the bullet and accept defeat.
[H]Forum, for all of your computer and computer related relationship advice.

But I agree with being honest.
Pull out a big one and stick in a much smaller one? Yeah, she'll notice. Women always notice that kind of thing when you mess with their chassis in such a manner.

Seriously though, she won't discern dropping to any compatible i3 with those specific uses. And since she's cool with it, enjoy that i7!
Your concept is nice, but the approach is very off base. I would just be honest about the whole thing, you'll get a better outcome that way. If you lie about this, she'll wonder what else you could lie about. That's how people thing...
Word of advice:
Don't change anything on her computer.
You gave it to her and if she only uses it for solitaire it does not matter. Don't swap out the CPU because she will NEVER forget how cheap and insensitive you were to her if you do.

Oh yeah...you will probably feel bad at somepoint down the road. Don't do it.
I explained the entire thing to her and she said she doesn't care how fast her computer is and that the SSD sounds like it improves her uses more anyways.

She was super happy with her laptop with a core 2 duo before this, and says she can't really tell the difference in speed.

Sounds like you did the right thing. Now if you swap out the CPU you won't have any issues because she finds out.
She definitely would not notice the difference of an 1155 3770 vs an 1155 i3 for her uses.

Even a stock 1156 Clarkdale i3 vs a 4.7Ghz 3770k, she wouldn't notice the difference for those uses.

A core2duo to any i3 is great for an office type rig. Anything earlier than that though there is a definite overall system performance hit.

I think the i3's are perfect for the standard user. They are very speedy with great IPC, enough threads to minimize congestion and allow a person to do a handful of things at the same time. They are cheap, cool, & quiet, and the onboard video streams high def with ease.

It's very good that you asked her though. lol...
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I would not do it at all, didn't take anything from her or ask about it, if you are rich enough to give i7 and ipad, get yourself 3770 also, what's the problem
I would not do it at all, didn't take anything from her or ask about it, if you are rich enough to give i7 and ipad, get yourself 3770 also, what's the problem

Yes this also strikes me as odd. If you have enough spare income to gift her a brand new computer (nvm the cpu) and an ipad 4, why would you need to "take" it out and put it back into your rig?

And why are you using such an old CPU for your own rig?
lol this is morally wrong, and you have just shown that you have a serious trust issue between you and her. But that said if you are going to do it anyway chances are she wont have a clue with any i3.

But I must warn you woman are paranoid creatures, she may be just fine and dandy with it, then one day she starts having doubts (ironically timed with a period) and a little googling and she might get very mad, and she will of course ask you WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME. And you will know what, what else means.
Two things:

1) Be honest with her about the build. "Hey baby, your processor rules and mine is shit, can I have it? I promise I'll make you a new build that'll be perfect for you in return."

2) I wouldn't date any'a y'all. Hell no.
Just walk in, and be like, "hey baby, ima ravage you"

then ravage her, and while she is passed out from being ravaged swap out the parts. And possible take her TV, if it is awesome.

Then, blame the chinese.

You sir, made my day:D
Turns out that its not a K processor. So I will probably just wait for Haswell after all lol.
On a principle level, what you propose is as corrupt of the gift giving process as it is unwise.
LOL, OP is trying to justify his actions when he knows its a bad idea. This is stupid. The point of the matter is not whether she will notice a performance drop or not, its that you're taking a gift back to hand back a crappier one (even though she won't notice the difference). THAT is what the girl will see, and you know that and STILL are trying to justify it.... Like what another poster mentioned, what do you think your girlfriend will think of you if you pull this on her? You know girls read deep into an action. She'll think you're cheap, insensitive, selfish, etc etc even though she says its "okay".