Would you be interested in a "[H]ard" energy drink?

Would you be interested in a "[H]ard" energy drink?

  • Yes, I would like to try it.

    Votes: 449 71.6%
  • No, I have no interest at all.

    Votes: 178 28.4%

  • Total voters
If it was a mix of caffeine with B-complex and a nice non-sugar carb pack for anti-crash and I'm in. Maybe even some protein... Pure caffeine does nothing to us MtDew addicts anymore...

Preferrably it would taste better than something Steve made in his gym socks.

$2 can for big cans, $1 if you go redbull sized...
I primarily drink Mountain Dew and only delve into an energy drink once or twice a week when I need a good pick-me-up.

Hopefully what you are considering to offer doesn't taste like swamp water the local rednecks have pissed-in. Heck, I would be mroe than willing to pay for a couple of samples before you start offering the product to the general public.
I never drink the stuff, but I still MIGHT buy one just to support the cause.
But I voted "no" since in the spirit of the poll my answer is that I wouldn't drink the stuff.
I'd most certainly give it a shot, but I'm rather fond of Monster and would most likely grab a few can's to have the can's and support the [H].
If its called [H]ard then you can't package it in some wimpy ass plastic or aluminum.
I would love to try it. But it must:

1:taste good
2:give actual energy boost
3:none conductive if I am to build my PC and slam some back.
4:work great in a water loop :D
Sounds difficult. I'd be in if: it kicked like a friggin mule (most energy drinks are disturbingly wimpy and I can't find the fabled hardcore ones anywhere local), not syrupy, no/low calories, well priced after shipping, and a cheap way to try it out without committing to a case (maybe bundle a shirt/mousepad/etc with a single serving?).

Also, gotta be a resealable bottle.
probably not, there are already a ton on the market.

If it tasted like Redbull (and gave a similar buzz), but was cheaper I might.

I like Rip It... its cheap with a decent buzz, but I seem to crash hard from it.

Its hard to say, b/c the market is so full of competition already.

I think a big point would be distribution. I like buying RedBull from my local Sams Club in bulk b/c its cheaper. But sometimes, I'll stop at a gas station on the way somewhere if I'm dragging & pick up something. And almost every gas station / convient store has a different line up of energy drinks. With so many to try, I usually stick with what I know. Especially since some like Full Throttle, taste like ass.
I would deffinatly buy it. I only drink Red Bull if I have to. I really can't stand the taste. I like the MONSTER sugar free but they don't sell smaller cans.
Not an energy drink fan, way too many calories and the acid/sugars burn through teeth. You'd be better off producing a micro brew with the H label on it.

However the following gimics might interest me in [H] Energy:

Use some kind of natural/non toxic coolant in the drink to promote the body's self overclocking(bonus points if you could also use it in your wc loop in emergencies)

Package the drink with some sort of additive you have to dump in, something like pop rocks or alk-seltzer that makes the drink fizz, pop, change color and otherwise look more menacing (bonus points if it turns you into a werewolf).

Make the drink with heavy water (deuterium oxide).

Have [H] rewards at the bottom of each can that you can use to get free hardware from Newegg.
I'm a big energy drink ... drinker, so sure i'd be up for a new drink.

The only way I would support a [H] energy drink though is if its DIFFERENT then the MANY energy drinks out there. Aka it has more caffeine, ingredients that actually give you energy, and don't just sound cool to make you buy it. Adding a phenethylamine analog would certainly be a good idea (and I dunno why ppl havn't already done so), if you don't know what a phenethylamine is, uh PM me or something.

Anything short of a CHANGE in energy drinks I will not support just because it has an [H] on it :)
If someone is paying you for your endorsement, go for it.

If your looking to make one or pay someone to call it [H] energy drink, I think [H] needs to be careful. There are already way too many energy drinks on the market. I work in a gas station, and we have an entire cooler devoted to energy drinks. Every two weeks we get a new brand to try and sell. Very few if any of them sell, and usually only to kids looking to try and buy the "latest and greatest." If the product doesn't sell, we discount them a full dollar ( $0.99, usually about 50 cents below cost) and get rid of them to make room for new product.

You have to have something unique about the product or a gimmick to sell it. Of all the NEW energy drinks sold in my store in the past 12 months, the only one that sold well was "Cocaine Energy Drink" www.drinkcocaine.com (now called NoName). Cocaine energy drink had a gimmicky name and slogan ("The legal alternative"), 3.5 times the caffeine of Red Bull, and very little corn syrup that could cause a sugar crash.
Cocaine energy drink was big in Texas and California...but my store was one of the few to carry it in Kansas City, MO. We had to order it directly from the website since no local distributors would carry it. That damn energy drink sold nearly twice as many cans in our store as Monster and Red Bull, the 2 top brands.
I don't drink energy drinks but I'd probably just buy one, empty it and just keep the can. But there are a ton of Red Bull clones so I think its pretty hard to get into the market.
Not into energy drinks. I dunno what the big deal is...

Now, if you talk about making a [H] Beer, or whiskey.......That I'll buy.

And BTW, caffeine + alcohol beers are FTL.
If you need testers i'm game. Make sure its got a good kick and no limp fruity flavors. Take a Bawls - double the caffine amount, add a little crushed Viagra and you'll have the kick and flavor and screw the side effects.

I always thought that Redbull tasted like liquid antibiotics they gave me when I was a kid... I'll pass on that. Bawls, Jolt, Amp, they all have a kick and don't taste like shit. Can we get the outrageous "suicide by caffeine" cases?
each bottle should have a moderator/admin's nic on it and then you can collect them all :D
I'd try it.. and I know my kids would..

One of my employees is addicted to energy drinks, and I promise I'll fire his ass if he doesn't drink [H] exclusively:D
I'd like it if:
1. It was not too sweet - I HATE Red Bull
2. the flavor did not have an overwhelming aftertaste - It should "feel crisp"
3. It was available in a diet version

I look forwards to trying it out!

It doesn't have to be diet for me, but it can't be too sweet. Sweet as regular mountain dew, but no sweeter. Most energy drinks are way too sweet.

Of course, if it's diet and doesn't taste like crap, that'd be cool.

I'd definitely try some and if it was good, I'd have it now and then, but it'd have to be totally awesome to replace dew.
Just make it taste better than all the others and not like cough meds. I would buy a [H]ard drink. Be awesome if there were a few flavors to pick from too. Refreshing and fizzy, super black coffee and maybe a mellow mocha!
Yes I would like to try it. After that, I would not buy it again since I'm not an energy drinker.
I got a marketing suggestion..

I wouldn't go near the stuff. I don't drink anything with calories in it (except for milk) and I don't drink anything with caffeine in it.

I've never understood why people need energy drinks. I've never needed them to stay up all night or concentrate on something. It has always seemed kinda weak that someone would need caffeine and sugar to be able to get through something like that.

To me if you need to drink energy drinks to make through a weekend lan party, then you are definitely not [H]ard. :p
darn i meant no i dont drink but i would like to try it...

oh well

very interesting idea though, really
No, I'm not into energy drinks. If I cant get the energy fix I need out of Mt. Dew (my fav soda) then I probably wont get it out of high caffeinated energy drink. :D